Josh Clemente: All right. There we go. Getting a quorum here. Okay. Let’s jump in. Friday Forum, November 5th, 2021. Kicking off the recent achievements. So, landing pages for our operator and community fund raise are just about ready. We’re kind of targeting a Monday kickoff, but certainly this coming week and big shout-out to you, Zach, in particular, for taking on that effort. They are looking great.
Josh Clemente: Targeted ops improvements. So, one in particular, things have been really improving, especially with the additional data invisibility that Chris Jones has been taking the lead on. But one in particular was an eng automation that completely eliminated medical consult issues as of this week. So, this is just a really big one. I mean, it used to be such an onerous process and we slowly but surely, with additional member ops improvements, we’re able to get to rapid responses. And now to see those issues eliminated is just really rewarding. Great work.
Josh Clemente: Nutritionist pilot rolled out to all of our users as of today. I think we’ve had about 35 member nutritionist connections thus far, and we’re now collecting feedback. So, we’ll learn more about how we can improve over the coming weeks.
Josh Clemente: First interviews for our community manager role are underway. I think the associate editor role also went live. We are going to be sourcing candidates for that over the coming weeks. So, if you know anyone that fits the bill, please point them our way.
Josh Clemente: Substantial progress on the guided journey day review. So, this is going to be an experience where you’ll have some slides in the morning to look over, to understand how yesterday went. And I think this is going to be ready for eng early next week. We have a new metabolic score with those progress ring visuals, which we’ll be launching this week. It’s a zero to 100 score, which makes it quite easy to intuit, especially combined with the visuals.
Josh Clemente: And then there’s a process underway. David’s taking lead on interviewing responsible individuals to help us sort of uncover how to incrementally improve the process. So, if you haven’t spoken with him yet, or if you’d like to provide some feedback on how the process has been either from the RI role or from interfacing with it, please share that.
Josh Clemente: And then we had a nice piece of success this week, our non-IRB stakeholders on the IRB protocol approved the protocol, which is 50% of the effort. So, we expect an IRB response this coming week, but that’s quite exciting. Still moving forward. And then then a couple interviews on Whole New Level. Robert Ovadia, Ben Bikman, Matt Laye, all recorded. We had a big spike in our recorded plays to date. I think the in-box zero episode is by far our most popular so far, which is quite interesting. We were on the front page of Hacker News. We had a great article in The New Yorker, Energy and How to Get It, which was amazing. We’ve been connected with some great teams like Noble and Garmin. We did a little WHOOP takeover with Casey crushing the WHOOP Podcast. It was the second all time in downloads on the first day, which is unbelievable. And then I was able to do an AMA on the WHOOP app in their community section, which I think went quite well. We’ve got nice one week review from Kevin [Jabal 00:03:07], more UGCs sort of streaming in on YouTube and a couple great pieces, including how Levels can help you. Tom put this together. It’s a really great transparent article on how Levels can help you.
Josh Clemente: So, whether you’re another founder or someone in the community, this is the techniques that we’ve built to build our movement. And then some other great stuff like the patches for the seed investor index gone beta came in, and those are going to be distributed ASAP. Let’s see. Yeah. A couple other great pieces. And we had the Levels culture documentation project 4.0 is going to be going live. With that, I want to welcome Ben Bikman. So, Ben is an associate professor at BYU. He’s an amazing, amazing researcher. He’s currently conducting research into a few of the physiologic mechanisms that I am most interested in personally, such as the paradoxical rise in glucose in a low carb environment. He’s co-founder of Insulin IQ and HLTH Code. HLTH Code, by the way, is a delicious meal replacement mix, author of Why We Get Sick, probably the most intelligent person on insulin resistance in the world, and an amazing person who I love working with. I appreciate you coming on and taking some time, Ben. We’d love to hear a couple words.
Ben Bikman: Yeah. Hey. Thanks so much, Josh. You guys can hear me okay? Okay, great. Now I think I’m just, I’m taking a few minutes here. You guys, thanks for letting me kind of dive in here. In all sincerity. I actually mentioned this to Casey and Lauren when I just chatted with her yesterday. So, I had both of those conversations earlier this week. I am always so delighted, in a way kind of inspired to see the pace at which things move here at Levels, because in academia, it really is a slow-moving ship. Nothing happens quickly and you guys just, it is such a well-run operation. I’m always so impressed and it kind of motivates me as I manage the lab and direct the diabetes work. So, Josh mentioned the study we’re doing in collaboration with Levels. We have the first 10 subjects done. We’re really hoping to do so. We wanted to pause once we got to 10 subjects and then just see what we’ve got so far. And now we’re doing the full array of about 20 hormones and 10 proinflammatory cytokines to see what’s happening in response to the three macronutrient challenges that people are taking. Whether when they take protein, glucose, and fat, all of this, of course, is an effort to study, as Josh noted, the why people who adopt a low carb diet tend to see an elevation or a persistently elevated glucose. Maybe they thought it would go down and didn’t. So, we’re hoping to really have that, some pretty solid preliminary data and even submit an abstract to an international science meeting that we always attend. And that would be a PhD student, Landon, who would be presenting this.
Ben Bikman: And, I think we’re going to get it done. That due date is the end of the month. And that’ll be presented at a meeting in Philadelphia next spring. Now, I don’t know what the data are yet, but the way it goes in academia, anytime we are sharing the data, we note the funding source. And so it’ll be shout-outs to Levels all the time. I thought you guys might get a kick out of one other project that we’re doing. Actually, we’ve just started two new projects. One’s looking at the effects of thyroid hormone on muscle cell mitochondria function. And that one’s kind of neat, but it doesn’t actually excite me as much as the other one that we’re doing, which is looking at the effects of a hormone called aldosterone on the fat cells. So, it’s an interesting phenomenon that, in fact, you guys, I’m not sure, Josh, I don’t want to get anybody in trouble, but you guys probably know fat cells are uniquely susceptible to infection with viruses, including current viral concerns, I’ll to say and be cautious, because of what’s called a co-receptor where fat cells have this enzyme on its surface called angiotensin-converting enzyme that allows the virus to get in and infect the cell. This is why every available data set that is looked at this shows that higher adiposity conveys a much greater risk of severity with certain viral infections. And it even mitigates the efficacy of vaccines that try to prevent this sort of phenomenon or this bad infection, but that ACE2 enzyme, to bring it full circle, is part of this process of creating this hormone called aldosterone and aldosterone is a hormone you might know already. It’s one of the primary hormones that affects the water retention at the kidneys in the body. And one of the reasons, when people adopt a low carb diet, we always say, “Well, you’re going to go through the keto flu about a week in.” Have you guys heard that phenomenon before? The keto flu or the low carb flu. It’s almost entirely a result of altered hemodynamics or altered blood pressure and blood volume because when insulin comes down, aldosterone will come down and aldosterone’s that main hormone that will tell the kidneys to hold onto water. So, insulin comes down, aldosterone goes down and now we’re dumping water. Now, back to the question at hand that we’re … In fact, I was just in the lab with the student. We’re growing up some little fat cells in the dish. We’re going to treat them with these aldosterone precursors. And the preliminary data is that the molecules in this aldosterone pathway as aldosterone’s getting converted in the blood actually stimulates mitochondrial uncoupling at the fat cells. Now, I know I only got about a minute left, but the relevance of this is pretty profound because the same thing happens with ketones incidentally. But when you take a mitochondria and you make it uncoupled, then you’ve basically pulled apart the two parts of what it’s trying to do. Normally electron transport and the production of ATP, which I’m sure everyone here is familiar with. That’s the main energetic molecule. They’re tightly put together, tightly coupled. In other words, the mitochondria normally only wants to use as much energy or burn as much nutrient as it needs to produce energy, but when you’ve uncoupled it, which is what these precursor molecules are doing and what ketones do, then now you have mitochondria that are simply burning through nutrients like glucose and fats, not because it needs energy, but because it’s just wasting it as heat. It’s this terrible inefficiency, but it ends up being a wonderful thing when you’ve got a lot of extra fat.
Ben Bikman: So, maybe here’s the takeaway. Anytime you hear a radio ad for something bragging about it will make your metabolic health more efficient, don’t buy it. You don’t want to be metabolically efficient. When it comes to being lean in this hyper caloric environment, we want our mitochondria, at least on our fat cells, to be very inefficient. Now they’re just chewing through energy for no good reason not because we have a higher demand because we’re exercising or metabolic rate. It’s just constantly chewing through the energy. Anyway, that’s my five minutes.
Josh Clemente: Love it. Metabolic mechanisms with Ben Bikman. This is the [crosstalk 00:10:18].
Ben Bikman: Yeah. That’s right.
Josh Clemente: Yeah, we all love it and record this.
Ben Bikman: The five-minute master class.
Josh Clemente: Well, this is great. Ben, super stoked for, first of all, the early results to come back from the study we’re working on. But then also just the work that you were contributing to in your lab and everyone else that you’re working with to push forward the understanding of the science and then the way that you proposed it or present it in books like Why We Get Sick. I mean, it’s just phenomenal.
Josh Clemente: And I first heard about Ben on, I think … I’m not going to guess which podcast. It was on a podcast. And I became very quickly obsessed with the way in which you present information. So, for everyone on this call, everyone watching, listening, highly recommend the book Why We Get Sick and then also just find Ben out on the podcast circuit, get familiar with his work. It’s really awesome stuff. Ben. I know you’re a busy man. I appreciate you joining us. We’d love to have you join for the rest of the meeting if you’re open to it.
Ben Bikman: Yeah, yeah, yeah. J
osh Clemente: And thanks.
Ben Bikman: I will. And thanks so much, guys. This is great.
Josh Clemente: Thank you. All right. Jumping ahead. Want to welcome Matt Flanagan. Matt, the newest member of the member support team, I’m going to let you take it from here and intro yourself. Give us the fun fact. And, as you can see, Matt’s had a storied career already and we’re excited to have him joining as the newest member of Levels.
Matt Flanagan: It’s tough to follow up Ben Bikman. Hey, guys. Yeah, my name’s Matt. Really excited to be working with you guys. As Josh mentioned, I just finished up a three-year career in the NFL and currently in the process of moving back home to New Jersey with my girlfriend, Emily and our two dogs there, Samson and Murphy, where we were supposed to have the apartment ready by the start of November, but there’s been some delays with the unit. So, still a work in progress. So, I started my career at Rutgers, where I graduated with a degree in biology and walked onto the football team there, red shirt of my first year, got a scholarship and used that last year of eligibility to start a master’s at the Pitt Business School, finished up my degree while I was playing in the NFL. And I’ve honestly been looking for a company like Levels ever since I hung up the cleats. When I’m not working, I love hiking and just being outdoors in general, That picture down there is from when this past year when we did Zion, we try to backpack a national park every year. So, yeah, really excited about what you guys have all done so far and excited to get to know the team better. Thanks for everybody who came through to the café session yesterday. That was a lot of fun. And yeah, looking forward to connecting with more of you guys over the next couple weeks.
Josh Clemente: Amazing. To everyone on the team, definitely reach out to Matt, make yourselves available and get to know each other. We tried out the Levels café. I unfortunately wasn’t able to make it. I’m sorry about that. But I think that’ll be and a nice way to get kind of a group one-to-many scenario going, but definitely reach out and make it kind of clear what you can help with. And as Matt gets ramped up and on boards, it’s awesome to have you, Matt. Thank you.
Matt Flanagan: Definitely. Thanks.
Josh Clemente: All right. Quick culture and kudos slide. Levels helps you see-
Andrew Conner: Yeah. Once again-
Josh Clemente: A little spoiler. Okay. Oh, there she is.
Andrew Conner: Oh, actually, this is not mine. Keep going. Keep going.
Josh Clemente: Okay. I thought you were going to take the culture and kudos slide and give us something I wasn’t even anticipating. All right. We have a spoiler coming folks. So, I don’t know what that will be, but Levels helps you see how food affects your health. Briefly here, we have two really great examples of culture principles in action. I want to highlight Jackie. She threw together this FAQ conversational responses to complicated questions, and this is going to be a great resource. I think it’s clear that it’s a personal resource she put together for herself to help her sort of understand or formulate methods to respond to tricky questions. We are in a complicated space physiologically as well as in terms of regulation and the different moving parts. So putting this together, she could easily have kept this to herself, but instead she recorded a Loom, put together a nice Notion, and shared it with us. This is a great example of leveraging what work you’re doing to help the whole team. This is a sync culture in action. And then Casey, another great example. She forwarded a long email to Tom and Ben about a partnership opportunity. This happens all the time. People will get a really long writeup and it’s easy to just loop someone in without context and/or just forward it, kind of throw it over the wall. But what Casey did is she just recorded a one-and-a-half minute Loom explaining her thoughts. And rather than her having to write down a couple paragraphs, she could just quickly articulate it and share with Tom and Ben how she kind of felt about what to do for next steps.
Josh Clemente: This is a really awesome way to combat some of the trickiness of email. Email is a complex tool. It can be great. It can also be a huge drag on people and you can just pass the hot potato around forever. So, I think this is a great step in the right direction for how we should be using the tools that we use best like Loom to improve things like email and other tools. So, thank you, Casey. Thank you, Jackie. Thanks to everyone else who are holding our principles up all the time. Is this Andrew?
Andrew Conner: Yes. Sorry about that. Yeah. So, this is not response to anything in particular, but we have a ton of memos and it can be easy to lose track of them and wanted to highlight this one because a constant thing that we have to be mindful of is quality. We have a very aspirational high-end brand. People are paying us a lot of money, but also velocity. The company dies if we can’t iterate and figure out what is the best product imaginable that we can build? And so David wrote a really good memo here about the trade-offs between velocity and quality and the outcome here, the request is, whenever working on a project, figure out what is the core thing we’re trying to solve and what is the minimum way to get there as fast as possible? So it doesn’t mean that we’re shipping bad things, but it means that we’re able to, I guess, solve inside of the solution space or inside the problem space as fast as possible. So, yeah, everyone get a chance to read this. It’s and covers a few different examples and stuff. A lot of this ends up on engineering because engineers have a purview of technical cost and are very product minded. But I think it’s a good reminder for everyone that the outcomes we want is to be as fast as possible and be able to validate different things. I would say a really good example of this is the nutritionist pilot. We could have built a very large marketplace. It could have been like Airbnb or something like that, but we wanted to make sure that there’s actually value here. And so, it was kind of a minimal implementation with a lot of really manual work, but it allows us to launch it and kind of see how it’s going, see what works, see what doesn’t work and move from there. So, yeah.
Josh Clemente: Love it. Yeah. This is an exceptional memo. If you haven’t seen it, highly recommended it and just want to plus one everything Andrew just said. 80/20, get maximum rate of velocity so we can learn quickly and move in the direction of better product. Thanks, Andrew. Is this also …
Andrew Conner: Sorry, I need to update, you can skip this. I talked about this last week and so I guess checking in over time, I’ll probably do monthly of how are we meeting SLAs for poll request reviews and things like that. The good news is this past week is we met every poll request that got a review within a day, so that’s good. It’s something that we’ll just be tracking over time.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Josh.
Andrew Conner: Thank you.
Josh Clemente: [Inaudible 00:18:23].
David Flinner: Sweet. Thanks. Scott is taking a think week right now. He’s been in his new role for a few weeks and he’s taken the next week to think through a bunch of process on products and whatnot. So, appreciate that he’s taking some time off to go deep and collect what he’s heard from all of you, what’s working, what’s not working, and we’ll hear back from him next week.
David Flinner: And in the meantime, no major updates on the priorities. We’re still heads down on getting the membership project across the line, focused on the new guided journey experiences and food logging as our top priorities. Next slide. Kick it off with J.M.
Josh Mohrer: Good morning, team. A couple of quick updates on the IRB. Dexcom has reviewed the document and has no changes, which is good news. We’re moving forward to submit it to the IRB now and hope to have some more info on that in the coming weeks. On blood work, staff portal is live. You can go to, which has been redirected to the order page and give it a shot if you live in one of those five states. We’ll be expanding hopefully to the rest of the US as early as next week. And we plan to push this out to subscribers on Tuesday, November 9th. [Murillo 00:19:48] is continuing his great work and finishing up the results page for this. We will have a week or so after those orders go out before that’ll be needed. So, we are right on time for that. Very exciting stuff. Thank you and have a great weekend.
Josh Clemente: Thank you, J.M. Good luck in the marathon.
David Flinner: Appreciate that, J.M. Thank you very much.
Josh Mohrer: Good morning, team. Couple of quick up-
David Flinner: One times enough, though.
Josh Clemente: There we go. Hi. You can pause that.
David Flinner: So, as the IRB stuff is heating up with J.M., he needs some more time to focus on that. So, if you were here, I think he’d mentioned this, but I’m taking over the membership model project from him. Although I think it’s already in an amazing state and huge kudos to Gabriel and Jeremy for everything that’s going on right now and for J.M., for the monumental task to get it to where it is. As things are right now, we’re kind of heads down into phase two. And one of the biggest parts of that is getting our in-app registration or in-app signup complete. And that’s really important because once we have that, we can go to Apple and get the more official approval vetting our new payment system with membership by them. So, the update on that is Gabriel and Jeremy completed their end scoping. It looks like it’s going to take about three calendar weeks to do this project and development. Development is actually starting today on this. So, Gabriel is taking a look at doing a very quick embedding of our existing [buglow 00:21:16] into the app, just to see if everything works or if anything breaks, starting there. And we’ll give you another update next week.
David Flinner: And then, one of the other big parts of the membership project is making sure that our members actually understand membership model, understand what they’re getting and having that woven throughout the entire experience, the whole user journey. One of the big parts of that is starting upfront when you’re going through the purchase flow. And one of the ideas that we had was to preview the membership model by having a trusted Levels voice explain how we make money, how we’re not upselling and how out the membership fee allows us to align incentives towards using our best understanding of metabolic health to provide the recommendations for our products and services. Josh, huge thanks to Josh for filming our first version of this yesterday. Ben and Tony were huge helps in getting this set up, to get it properly started. And yeah, this is V one. We plan to iterate on this. So, if you have any feedback, take a look at the video. It’s in threads. Think it turned out great for our first version. And Josh did a great job, but we definitely want to figure out is this hitting the right tone? Are there other ways we might want to present this? Is the messaging right? How does it feel? So, take a look. Josh, if you want to play it, that’s fine. Otherwise, yeah, go onto the next one.
Josh Clemente: We can jump ahead. All right. We’ll play it. We’ll play it.
Josh Clemente: Hi, I’m Josh, founder of Levels. If you’ve made it this far, you probably understand how Levels works. Our app paired with your real-time health data, help you understand how food affects your health. I’d like to take a minute to explain how our membership works. Our annual membership fee enables Levels to offer products like continuous glucose monitors at the lowest possible price. This way you can trust that our product and service recommendations are driven by our best understanding of metabolic health and that we don’t make extra money based on how many of our products you choose to use. Whatever works best for you and your health journey works best for us, too. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have at [email protected].
David Flinner: Cool. So, there’s a lot we can do to improve it. The production quality, we can up the lighting, get some better clothes on Josh, things like that. Certainly change the messaging a bit to better position it to our members, but really, it’s a great start. So, let’s move fast and keep iterating. Jhon.
Jhon Cruz: Yes. So, tagging the one, Hal made great progress on the [We Too 00:23:44] application to manage tags. The log specific icons feature using tags, as you can see in the screenshot there, is mostly finished. We are just defining some implementation details and it should be ready to be pushed internally in the next few days. For next week, we expect to have a new Notion document about how this feature works. Essentially, what is auto tagging? Some examples of that mechanism, what to expect, because it’s not going to work a hundred percent of the time and how to use the retail application. No major blockers besides some pending code reviews and that’s it.
Tom Griffin: Sweet, just a quick update here. We’re a month in. As of last night, we’ve released this new feature to all members. We’ve had 35 members who have sent messages to nutritionists. I actually think that number is much higher. My in-box right now is just filled with messages and responses and interactions between members and nutritionists. So, I think overall, a lot of activity happening, which is cool.
Tom Griffin: And then Chris stepped in to help out with figuring out, getting feedback from our members. So, we’re going to be sending that out next week, which is awesome. And then beyond that, yeah, over the next couple of weeks, just figuring out what sort of phase three looks like and how this might expand in the coming months.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you, Jhon and Tom. Justin.
Justin: All right. So, this is the final stretch of phase one for table stakes, finishing up on Monday at the end of our cycle. Staff worked on making core-based components for each of these three types of auto models that we now have. And I just converted the ones we have to these, so used them all. I’ve made progress on the toast messages. I’ve replaced the old library we used with the new one and made example toast messages and different ways of using them on a demo screen. And I’m about to change them all on the app. Still need to get guidance on a couple of design features for it, but yeah, that’s about it. And the rest is in progress. And next slide. I just want to highlight one thing that I worked on last weekend, just for fun, improving kind of the styling of our articles and lessons in the app. There was some rough edges around how the styling was parsing and all that. And I made it so that the font was a little bit larger, a bit more line spacing, proper bullets and all that. And also just being able to have the ability to switch between light and dark theme. So, that just help with people that can’t read very well on dark screens and stuff like that. So, yeah. Shipping to members this week and I’m excited for them to try it out.
Josh Clemente: Super appreciate that, Justin. Yeah. I can’t believe you knocked that out just over the weekend as a fun project. It was such a huge update. Thank you.
David Flinner: Totally. And when Justin is finished with that, I believe he and Steph will be starting to work on the day review. So, this week, I talked a lot with Alan. We worked on figuring out the first movers for this, which will likely be the first screen, the metabolic score and the last screen, which is the education, the proactive tip. And we’ll be leveraging the current education and program cards from the insight framework for this. Alan, you can go to the next slide, Josh, has been putting his brush to brush the canvas and coming up with some really immersive, beautiful designs. He showed some of these last week, but this week was a lot about really getting the canvas filled out so that when eng is ready, we can start to pull these in in a really clean way.
David Flinner: We’re hoping that having this ritual where you can go through every day in the morning in a very prominent way where you’re not going to lose it below the fold will help people understand what to do next and also be an inspiring way to want to share it. So, that’s that. I am a little behind on getting the full set of logic together, Justin, but I’ll be working on that today when he’s ready to start in terms of how are these triggered, whom do they show to in the full set, but that is it for the guided journey day review.
David Flinner: Yeah. One last note. Alan is not feeling well. So, there won’t be any design update this week, unfortunately, but we hope he rests up and gets better soon.
Josh Clemente: Feel better, Alan. Thanks, David. Quick hiring update. We’ve got four roles live right now. Two of these just went live, the associate editor and community manager, but we have a couple interviews I think going on with the community manager already. Also looking for a visual editor and continually looking for software engineers. So, everyone listening, watching, part of the team, please point people towards And yeah, I appreciate any referrals.
Josh Clemente: Okay, and also I will actually note, we put out an offer and Britney McLeod is joining us in January to join the member support team. So, we are continuing to fill out the ranks with excellent people to give our members the incredible seaside experience that we are now known for. Thanks Chris for leading that hiring project. Over to you.
Chris: Sure. Thanks, Josh. On the member insights, we completed the first round of the users who gave us money, but we never saw glucose data, reaching out to them, asking them in a series of questions. The good news was that, of people that hadn’t opened up their kit yet, most of them still planned to use it. Now, the 88% can be a little bit off just because of you’re going to get a little more engagement because of survey bias. So, take that 88 with a grain of salt, but the overall trend was good. The bad news is that for that audience that we talked about last time is their sensors have kind of already expired. So, it’s actually, what we’re going to do for phase two is really create this more of a drip campaign with the research as a secondary piece. So, we’re going to be looking to kind of systematically start reaching out to people at about the three month mark to remind them that sensors do expire and that they should be using them. So, I think people assume they’ll use this when I get to it, and then they open it and it’s not a good experience to say, “I spend all this money. Now it’s expired.” So, it’s going to be more of a drip campaign for phase two, with the research as a secondary kind of to continue to learn as we go forward. Tom already mentioned the marketplace research that’s in draft mode right now being reviewed to make sure we answer all the questions that Tom and team hope to get. And I’ve combined the monthly ops review in part of the weekly deck. So, now you’ll be seeing the monthly data as well as the weekly data in one deck to kind of look, zoom all the way back out eight months, as well as the deep dive into eight weeks versus two separate decks. Chris: On the support side, Josh mentioned, Britney starting on the third. That’s another support specialist to join Matt and the team. Super excited about kind of the talent we’re getting in, the variety, the backgrounds. I couldn’t be happier about the people that applied for it. And we’ve got actually got a big pipeline in terms of people, as we have more demand in the future that we can tap into that quickly versus starting from the posting a wreck again. As Josh also mentioned are the happiness scores of two months at 95% and the last three weeks at 97 to 98, which is just incredible to kind of maintain that. It’s one thing to have a good week, but it could be that’s kind of the low water mark anymore. It’s just incredible. So, Matt, you have big shoes to fill as you step into the team and start answering more questions. We expect nothing but the best from you. And as Josh also mentioned, the elimination of the member consult form, the chart on the right is kind of showing that daily trend of case volume for this one particular issue. And as that goes to zero, I mean, not only is this removing a very labor intensive thing, that these were three reach-outs from our team of proactively reaching out, reaching out again, and then issuing refunds and also a very poor member experience. So, getting that automated really kind of helps us scale a lot of these things. So, again, Jim, thank you for that type of … It goes a long ways for the team to free us on higher value things. And then, lastly, on the op side, we have a currently open issue with True Pill in terms of how we service North Carolina. I’ve got a call after this meeting with True Pill, just to make sure see if we actually can unblock that or not. But, at the moment, we had, say, Andrew and team put a temporary block that we actually are not taking new order from North Carolina until we make sure we get through it. So, that’s the update from member experience.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you. Yeah. Definitely want to underline that member consult form issue being solved. It’s just incredible. That, yeah, opens up tons of additional bandwidth for our team to focus on other issues. And thank you Julio and [inaudible 00:32:55].
Josh Clemente: All right, Ben. Quickly want to just give Ben a congratulations. He and Pam welcomed a new little one this morning and everything seems to have gone well. So, he is joining us asynchronously.
Ben Grynols: Here we go, growth for the week. So, $107,000 of weekly recognized revenue. And the same goes for the month because the first was on Monday of this week. As far as cash, no changes to cash debt or runway. We’ll do a recap as far as financials for the month. So, in October we hit $611,000 of recognized revenue. And keep in mind, this is the gross recognized revenue before everything has been reconciled by pilot, which they’re currently in the process of doing, given that today is November 4th, 2021. They provide us with the books in about a week from now. So, usually by the 10th of each month, $607,000 of cash generated. So, you can see that strong month overall, the anomalous month was still August when we had the Hyman podcast drop with Casey. And that led to a ton of conversions. As far as recognized revenue, so we had, let’s just move here, $141,000 of recognized revenue last October. Last October is when the seed round occurred. It was announced in November. And so, there was a significant increase of month over month, once we actually do the recap next month, the increase 332% year over year growth, which was very strong. As far as subscription revenue, $23,000 in October of ’20 and $250,000 in October of ’21. So, a 986% year-over-year increase, which is pretty significant. $250,000 is our highest subscription revenue to date. 30% of revenue. So, 30% was driven by these three conversion codes. So, double opt in which we continue to see as a strong performer each month, newsletter 57K and Hyman continues to drip in which is very cool to see. Quick update on culture documentation. So, culture documentation 4.0 is a project that we’re undertaking to do more videos of all these culture projects that we’re doing. So, we crowdsourced five different video concepts based on … There were 10 to choose from. We crowdsourced internally and externally. And what we saw is that, of the respondents, the people who’ve responded so far, and the survey only went out earlier this afternoon, 70% are interested in seeing a video about how to architect information and organize it in Notion.
Ben Grynols: So, the execution path we’re going to do one of the five videos Sam and I are going to record next Wednesday. And we’re going to see how that turns out. The production treatment’s going to be very similar to the screen sharing walkthrough. So, Miz and Braden had done one. Sam and Jackie did one earlier. It was either this week or last. Can’t remember because it went by so quickly, but it’ll be a simple screen walkthrough. And you can see here, the production treatment is that Tony’s done little things like adding here. Sam is showing Jackie how to use the spotlight feature. And so that’s the shortcut command space. Doing this throughout all the Notion conversation that we have will be very interesting to see how that turns out. So, low, quick, scrappy execution and our goal is to ship all five of the videos, so, fully edited and produced by December 17th. That is it as far as culture documentation. So, onto Braden with an update for the community book club.
Josh Clemente: Thanks Ben. Congrats.
Ben Grynols: Go growth for the … Josh Clemente: Braden.
Braden: Yeah. So, very excited that the next community book club event will be on Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair. And there’s two main reasons why we’re continuing to run these book club events. The faces community, these events are really unique opportunities for our members to connect with our team and thought leaders in the metabolic health and longevity space and the second is content. So, the metabolic book club was turned into a blog post. The Whole New Levels episode was posted across social. And these are some of our highest-performing pieces of content. So, the value extends beyond the event itself. And then, yeah, so this event is scheduled for December 13th. We already have around 70 signups and really excited for it. So, stay tuned for more details as the event approaches.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you, Braden. Also shout-out, Braden, for his Whole New Level episode that went live on Monday was awesome. These are so great to hear and thanks for managing this extremely cool community project. Okay, Tom.
Tom Griffin: All right. Quick look at October partner code performance. There are no major surprises here. Our top partners performed as expected given the promotions and our top five remains very consistent month over month, which you could see there on the right side and just wanted to call out maybe a few more subtle learnings that crossed my mind when I glanced at the data. So, one, I noticed that we got a small bump from the Kelly LeVeque code. That code is specifically used for a podcast advertising test, not the normal Kelly code, which you’ll see up towards the top that she uses on her Instagram and other promotions. And initially we got almost zero conversions when we started out with a couple of ads with her, which wasn’t terribly surprising given the authentic Instagram content is always going to perform a lot better, but what’s cool is we finally started seeing an uptick this month. And I think the lesson here is just that you really need to often commit to a test like this to get a sense of how it’s going to perform. There are a lot of companies out there that will recommend doing two podcast ads and then make the call on whether they hit a certain ROI. And we just know that this is not going to be the right path for us, given our price point and the education often required prior to making a purchase. And then, number two, nutritionist. So, two of our nutritionist and our app are generating more conversions than they ever have, which means in addition to clients coming to them through the Levels app, they’re also recommending Levels to clients, which is really cool to kind of see that flywheel. And then lastly, YouTube continues to drip in a long tail of viewership and conversions. [Luba 00:39:31] and Kevin are the two that I highlighted here and just calling out Luba again. She made a video 10 months ago and it’s her number one video of the last 10 months. It has 51,000 views and she’s actually not even focused on health and wellness. She’s focused more on tech and productivity. So, very cool to see. Next slide.
Tom Griffin: All right. So, a couple quick weekly highlights. So, two new YouTube videos released this week, recommend checking them out. I think everyone is mostly familiar with these two guys here, but really good content and very educational. And we’re starting to just see steady YouTube videos, which is great. A lot of our efforts are finally coming to fruition and then, as we all know, WHOOP Podcast went live and just wanted to call this out again. And more generally there was just a ton of activity across Levels and WHOOP channels this week. Casey’s on the podcast. Obviously, Josh did an AMA in the app, which is still in there. I had a couple friends screenshot it and send it to me and then bunch of tweets and social from WHOOP and Levels and Will [Ahmed 00:40:33], who’s got a large following. So, this was cool to see. It’s been a long time coming since we really kind of conceived of the data case study. And I think is kind of a model for what a brand partnership might look like with a company like WHOOP prior to an actual integration being in place. Next slide. And then lastly, this is just a short homage to our culture really, but it dawned on me, I think yesterday that just a few of our core cultural principles are sort of related to one another in more ways than I had realized. And the general idea here is just that I think one of the reasons documentation is so inherently valuable is that exposing ideas to other people, whether that’s internally or externally almost inevitably creates these feedback loops where those ideas are then improved upon. So, these are a few documents that were created this week. And first shout-out to Jackie again, who’s been doing a great job at figuring out where there are gaps in documentation and then filling those gaps. And then, in the process, we’ve been getting kind of increasing clarity on how we do things and why we do them that way. And then, I’ve also started to send some of these documents out externally to other people in the space who are working on similar things that we’re working on. And inevitably we’re going to see that much more kind of feedback and improvement on them. So, shout-out to our culture.
Josh Clemente: Love that insight. All right, Mercy.
Mercy Clemente: All right. This is October’s social update and recap. Our top post is about how taking a walk after meals can stabilize your blood sugar. That was really, really popular with our followers. Some other just kind of insights from this past month on social. We also did another post on the low calorie diet post, and that had a lot of positive feedback. People really enjoyed that one. They shared it a lot, were commenting, tagging friends and family in that. Sam tweeted about meaningful interactions we had had with the A16Z team. And that tweet alone within the first, I think, week had over 400,000 impressions on it, which is massive. Our followers and members were really excited about our David Sinclair announcement, over 30 comments within the first two hours of the post, which is huge for our typical comment section. Our article on our blood panel was a very, very popular, especially on Twitter. People really, really resonated with that and appreciated the detail that went into that post.
Mercy Clemente: We also posted on our Instagram about the Levels dietary philosophy, which was a blog post we had, and our followers really enjoyed that one as well, and asked to have more posts similar to that to share with their friends and family. That’s a social update. Right. Actually next slide. Sorry. And then here is just user generated content from the past month as well. Just a few interesting things people have learned. I think that I know Josh had pointed out that Sean Johnson one earlier when it initially happened, but we’re still getting kind of feedback about that one. I’ve personally had quite a few friends reach out to me about that specific tag on her stories, but, yeah, that is social for the month of October. That’s it for me.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you, Mercy. Haney.
Mike Haney: Yeah. So, three posts up since last we talked. We brought back the Metabolic Research Roundup, which I haven’t done for a couple months just because I generate those and they’re fairly time consuming, but then when I do them, I remember how valuable they are. It’s basically me going through a lot of the studies that I’ve saved or tagged over the past couple of months, seeing if I can find a theme in them and then trying to do quick summaries of the studies along with sort of our opinion on it. Mike Haney: So, this one returning to the topic of processed food. I think that one is nice. We took the podcast episode with Seth and turned that into a blog post, which we’ve been doing with these Q&As. I think this is really nice. They’re really long pieces, but we try to break them up and edit them down a little bit. And I think they’re just really good resources. And I’ll say I just glanced a couple minutes ago. That was actually the top link getter in the newsletter we sent out this week. We did a Levels News newsletter this week and included that as one of the stories and it got really engagement. So, that was good to see because I know it’s a little outside of our normal fare. And then finally we just published our mega guide to fiber. The was I think another one that came from Sam several months ago saying, “What’s the deal with fiber?” And after a lot of reporting, great input from a number of the advisors, we have a nice piece on that. Lots of other stuff happening. We’ve had a little break in publishing of everyone on content pieces, but there’s a lot of work going on. I’ve seen drafts this week for both Jesse and Allen, which are both really great. Miz has started to work on a really good one for onboarding that we’re opening it on first round review. I recorded a podcast yesterday around the article we published last week of how to read a nutrition paper. So, it was Matt Laye and I talking through that that I think will be really helpful. And I hope is a good model for doing the occasional podcast episode where we kind of dig into some of these articles that we’ve written and hear from the expert or the writer on expanding a little bit. We’re doing another one on the breath work article we published some months ago in a couple months. Put up a couple new project memos this week. Just other things we’re working on, the nurture email series I’ve talked about, but this will be a series of emails that go out to users after they sign up to just start their metabolic health education. So that project is in full swing and some really great brainstorming with Tony about how we might start doing some editorial videos. So, threw up a quick memo about that and starting some research and then have a couple new partner pieces in the works, one on melatonin and metabolic health and another one with our friends at Pendulum on probiotics. Next slide.
Mike Haney: Quickly, because it’s the beginning of the month. Just looking at our SEO stats. The headline for this one is all good. We’re climbing, another record month, highest ever page views. We also add, I gathered down below that screenshot from the spreadsheet, we keep a weekly spreadsheet of a whole bunch of different content metrics. And we had a record week, this was two weeks ago, which broke the previous record, which had been a month ago. You see the kind of ups and downs there. Those are pretty much tied to newsletter. And now that we’re doing basically weekly newsletters, we’re sort of goosing the traffic every week. Again, depends on the open rate and the click-through and stuff, but in general that traffic’s going up. Direct traffic, which actually sort of comes from a bunch of different sources, was the big jump in October and all of the other SEO metrics backlinks, featured snippets, our number of keywords that we’re ranking for really jumped. And kind of tied to this, we’re doing a bit of a reset with the SEO agency after we’ve been on with them for about seven, eight months now to kind of lean into the things that have really been working or that we think are working like the backlink work that they’re doing, them helping us to optimize some of our pieces and pulling back on some of the stuff that hasn’t been working as well, like having them try to generate the content because it’s just not a great alignment of the kind of content we make versus what SEO agencies tend to generate. So, I think that’s all good. And we’ll just sort of keep this trend going, but make that relationship even more efficient. That’s it for content.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Always love seeing even with these giant spikes, the average dwell time also rising, which is just crazy. Those are long times for people to spend on a blog. Thanks, Haney. All right. Haney, also?
Mike Haney: Sorry. That’s left from last week. Forgot to delete that one.
Josh Clemente: Ah! No worries. Okay. We made it. Individual contributions. Mercy, you’re kicking us off with a few seconds on something.
Mercy Clemente: Okay. Professionally, just the design stuff, and all the new rollouts that are coming both with the membership, nutritionist stuff. It’s all really exciting. And then personally, my sister and my nephew and her husband are here for the weekend, so I’m going to be hanging out with them. And yeah, that’s it for me.
Josh Clemente: I don’t think Stacy’s on. David, is Stacy with you?
David Flinner: No. She’s on another work trip for a fashion brand.
Josh Clemente: Alrighty. Enjoy that, Stacy. Ben with us, Alan out. Tony.
Tony: Hey, everyone. So, professionally, have to say, “Welcome, Matt” to the team. And it’s just very exciting seeing how the team is growing with all those new positions. So, really excited for that. Personally, one of our cousins will be coming over for the weekend and he’s 13, loves video games. We’ll be watching him over the weekend. So, that should be fun. Lots of video games.
Josh Clemente: Sounds like fun. Lauren.
Lauren Kelley-Chew: That’s awesome. I’m excited about the IRB pushing forward and starting to think about clinical strategy and tonight I’m going to the Oakland Ballet for the first time. So, excited about that. Josh Clemente: Very cool. Xinlu. Xinlu Huang: Professionally, I’m very much excited about a data warehouse that is currently being over tested. So, serving it well and yeah, I’ll announce more when I have more information.
Xinlu Huang: Personally, I am heading to New York City next week to see an opera. I’m very excited about that. Haven’t been to an opera for years.
Josh Clemente: Very nice. Braden.
Braden: Yeah. So, really excited about the support team growing with Matt and then Britney in January. And then also just shout-out to Xinlu for all the ops improvements she’s been making, not just the missing consult flow, but also an update to ambassador [inaudible 00:50:07] life changing updates for us.And then, on the personal side, just arrived in Mexico City. So, excited to explore this weekend. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Great city.
Josh Clemente: I think Jesse is traveling right now. Correct me if you’re on the call. Otherwise, Gabriel.
Gabriel: Yeah. I’m really excited to get going with the dev work for in-app registration. A lot of people have done a lot of work to get it to this point. So, thank you to everyone who’s helped with that. Personally, it’s been amazing being back in Scotland. Going to a wedding tomorrow. Looking forward to it. It’s been very exciting.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Enjoy. Chris.
Chris: One big welcome to Matt and also super excited about Britney joining the team. So, a lot of growth on the support side as well as rest of Levels. That’s really exciting to see. Also, plus one on the work from Xinlu on helping. And I’m also very excited about the data warehouse getting in there, writing some SQL, seeing how fast it comes back. So, it’s so much easier to get some insight. So, that’s a huge step forward. Also, on the Levels, excited about the fundraising efforts kicking off kind of next week. That should be an exciting phase and a big milestone for the company. Personally, I’m looking forward to heading to Belgium again this weekend, unfortunately not able to touch base with Josh as we missed paths, but I’m a guest lecture at Montana State talking about text analytics to a class of business analysts. So, always fun going back to Bozeman. It’s great town, love it. Hopefully my farm truck makes it and doesn’t break down in the middle. So, wish me luck on that one.
Josh Clemente: I’ll send my brother with his farm truck to meet you in middle if that happens.
Chris: Tony? Yeah. Awesome.
Josh Clemente: Haney.
Mike Haney: Yeah. On the professional side, I have to say The New Yorker article was the big highlight for me. That magazine is a huge part of the reason I went into journalism and remained sort of one of my happy places every week is sitting down with an issue of that. So, to see us in there and see Casey was super exciting. On the personal side, looking forward to taking a kind of random midweek day off next week as my kid’s off for a day. So, we’re going to go find some interesting hikes in the area.
Josh Clemente: Very cool. I don’t think Laurie is joining us. Ben Bikman.
Ben Bikman: Yeah. Hey, sorry. Thanks. Just busy in the lab. Like some others have mentioned, Thanksgiving break’s coming up and that means the professor’s got the day off with his kids over the week. So, we’re going to go down to Harry Potter World down in Florida. What’s that place called? Universal Studios for a few days. And then my wife has always wanted to go to New York at Thanksgiving to see the parade and ice skate. So, we’ll see what we can do. Our kids aren’t vaccinated. I won’t get into that. We don’t have intention to do that anytime too soon. So, I don’t know what we’re going to be able to do. Mostly outdoor activities, but we’ll enjoy what we can enjoy.
Josh Clemente: Have fun. All right, Tom.
Tom Griffin: Yeah, I’ll go with team growth. Just been so awesome getting Jackie ramped up and then super pumped that Matt joined us and there’s just so much added horsepower anytime someone joins the team, which is so exciting. And then personally, I’ll give a shout-out to this book that I just started reading. I don’t know if anyone’s ever heard of it. I hadn’t, it’s called Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals and it basically is like a reflection of our limited time alive and how to think about prioritizing it. And so far it’s been really good and very interdisciplinary across psychology and philosophy and science. So, I think a lot of people at this company would like it.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Zach.
Zachary Henderson : Yeah. Super excited about team growth and really excited, especially about the crowdfunding portion of the raise, actually giving our members a chance to invest if they want to. That’s just super cool. It’s neat that we have that opportunity. Personally, really excited about Nate just getting older. His official due date was last week. And so, he’s sort of starting to emote and be like a small human and that’s pretty cool.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Rob.
Rob: So, plus one for Casey and The New Yorker. Had a really good talk with Lauren about the IRB protocol and trying to make sure that we build in our priori biomarkers to help us figure out who’s who. Talked with one of our potential partner companies over the week, about ways to up our game in terms of next analytes. We can take that offline sometime soon and excited for the metabolic health meeting in Seattle in June, and hopefully Taylor Sittler and maybe some other people on this call will be able to attend that.
Rob: From a personal standpoint, my daughter’s coming home from U of Toronto for Reading Week. This is her ninth Reading Week and she hasn’t read once. And this time, I’m chaining her to her desk.
Josh Clemente: I’m saying, sounds like you need to publish a how to do reading and think week. She can start with that. Casey, enjoy your wedding weekend. David.
David Flinner: Welcome Matt. Good to have you. I’m also super excited about the blood test. That’s a super critical piece that I will not get to enjoy, because I live too remote, but here’s to you, global expansion. Thanks, again. Jhon.
Jhon Cruz: Welcome, Matt, to the team. It’s great to have you here. On the personal side, I’m going to participate in a new local tennis tournament this weekend. This time it’s different because it’s very similar to the Davis Cup format that is in teams. I’m playing doubles and single matches. Totally a new experience for me. So, let’s see how it goes.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Good luck. Kunal.
Kunal Shaw: Yep. So, on the professional side, I’m really excited about getting [Prismo 00:56:16] across the line, replacing all of our SQL strings in the back end. And it’s just really cool having … I’ve replaced a lot of methods at this point. And at every single one, they run correctly on the first try using Prismo, which is just so much fun. So, I’m really looking forward to merging that in soon. And then on the personal side, I got this new device, it’s a PEMF device. I’ve kind of been experimenting with it. That’s pulse electromagnetic therapy, which sends certain electromagnetic waves that are supposed to let your brain synchronize with them and work in certain ways. So, it either wake you up in the morning or to calm you down during a meditation session. So, I’m experimenting with it. So, if anyone has experience with that, shoot me a message. I’m really interested in it. That’s all for me.
Josh Clemente: You and Tom should chat. Tom’s already leveled up through those electromagnetic frequency patterns. Justin.
Justin: First of all, the Kathy with Matt was really cool. And I think we should that for everybody. Hopefully we are in the future. And I’m interested to get going on the guided looping next week. And I also personally got this thing called a flirt pole, which has this canvas thing that you just run around and your dog chases it nonstop full speed. And it’s a great way to get my dog finally to get exercise without having to go full-on walking.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Let’s see. For me this week, I was super stoked to have Matt joining. All right. Let me … Continue to be excited by the member support team growth and just the quality of people we’re getting, listening to Braden’s podcast this week was also awesome because it kind of just demonstrates how the exposure to the members that that kind of department or team gets really influences the ability to go out and take on more scope because you have that frontline experience. So, really cool. Welcome, Matt.
Josh Clemente: I’m also stoked about the IRB stuff. Moving forward there, stakeholders giving us thumbs up, is a good thing. And The New Yorker article and being on the front page of Hacker News, all cool stuff. And then personally, I think I’m going to head home to Virginia later this weekend, but I’m also going to hang with my sisters here in Philly. [How 00:58:47]. How: Yeah, so many exciting things around this week. Welcome Matt, join the team and super excited about the upcoming research. Then, Bikman mentioning his five minutes master class and also very excited to learn about the warehouse that Xinlu is doing from a technical point of view. Last one. Sam.
Sam Corcos: I think, for me, it’s more of a meta thing rather than a this week thing, but recognizing something that is incredibly important and almost universally underinvested in for companies of our stage is things like onboarding and documentation and culture and the work that Miz has put into making our onboarding experience really exceptional. The number of other founders who have asked for what our process is, I think Miz is even writing a piece on this right now because so many people have asked about it and Ben and his work on all of the culture documentation, and a lot of the things working on the company rather than working in the company per se. So, tactically, it’s been just seeing Jackie and Lauren really ramp up very quickly to things and immerse in the culture so quickly has been really encouraging for me. Personally, getting caught up on email.
Josh Clemente: Good luck. Matt
Matt Flanagan: Yeah. Professionally, I started a new job this week. It’s been pretty good. Yeah. Plus one to the onboarding materials. It’s been fun to work through the guide. Personally, it’s still Levels related. I got set up with the Dexcom G6 yesterday when it arrived. I’m super excited to be tracking my blood sugar again without having to tap in.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Keep us posted on your dog fooding the experience now as a Levels insider. So, keep us posted on that. Matt Flanagan: Obviously. Yeah.
Josh Clemente: Helena.
Helena Belloff: Yeah. Well, I’m super excited about Xinlu’s data warehouse. It’s a huge game changer. She’s put in a lot of effort into documenting it and I’m really excited to work with her and iterate on it along with operations as well. And then personally, I decided to take a last minute trip to Panama tonight, so I will be flying and then I’m actually going to miss New York City meetup next week, which I’m sad about, but I’ll be back.
Josh Clemente: Sounds like Panama’s going to be a blast, though. Enjoy. Speaker 25: Helena, I can’t believe you’re going to miss our New York City meetup for Panama. Panama’s so much less cool obviously. Speaker 25: Well, I’ll start with my personal thing. I’m personally excited to see all the New York folks and Philly folks next week I’m meeting up for dinner. And professionally, yeah, Sam shared a bunch of little hacks that changed my life in a quick 30 minutes last week. So, I’m really excited about Ben continuing to work on that next phase of the culture documentation. I was one of the people that said I want to learn more about Notion. So, I’m excited to see that one come out.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Andrew.
Andrew Conner: Yeah. So, personally getting to meet Steph. It’s great. We went on a hike this morning and so that was nice. Professionally, I’ll pile onto the data warehouse stuff. I think this levels us up in a level of maturity when it comes to schemas and making data readily accessible. And so, I’m incredibly excited for that. And also welcome, Matt. It’s nice that more professional athletes like me are here.
Josh Clemente: Right. Dom.
Dominic D’Agostino: Yeah. Professionally things are going well. On the research front, we will be preparing the preliminary data for the CGM study for experimental biology. Deadlines are for abstracts this month to be presented in the spring. I think that’s where Ben might be going to. Personally just enjoying the fall weather here in Florida. It’s cooled off.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Yeah. I was going to say you’re wearing a hoodie. Must be at least 60 degrees-
Dominic D’Agostino: Yeah. And a little [crosstalk 01:03:18].
Josh Clemente: … down there.
Dominic D’Agostino: Yeah.
Josh Clemente: Scott’s out. Jay is also out. Jeremy, I think had to jump. Steph. Steph: Yeah, a lot. Professionally, I listened to the WHOOP Podcast with Casey and it was phenomenal. And so shout-out to Casey for all the hard work that went into that. And then also Helena. I noticed that she spent a lot of time parsing the study and just making sure that we had actionable insights for that.
Steph: Welcome Matt. Super awesome to have you here. And I’m really excited to start on the guided journey or guided looping stuff next week. And personally, I don’t know how many of you have followed with my nomadic tendencies, but I was in San Diego with Helena. Was going to move to LA, lasted one week before realizing that that’s not my scene at all. And so, I fled LA and showed up at Andrew’s doorstep and it’s been great. Yeah. I love Durango. I used to live here and so it’s nice kind of going back and doing a lot of hiking and enjoying Colorado and I’ve solidified the decision to absolutely root myself here in the mountains. And so yeah, I’m going home for a few weeks to visit family, but then the plan now is to sign a lease here instead. So, things are great. And it’s been really nice to get to know Andrew a little bit this week.
Josh Clemente: Well, congrats on fleeing LA. I did not know about the Durango roots, but awesome. Mike D.
Mike Dinonato: Yeah, definitely have to mention The New Yorker article and then Casey on the WHOOP pod. And then, I guess I missed it, but I had three or four friends text me and say, “Hey, Josh is doing an ask me anything on WHOOP.” So, super cool to see that. And then the other one, big shout-out to our advisor team for always being so supportive. I mean, today’s another example. We have Rob, Ben, and Dom all on the call and engaged. And if anybody knows, or is acutely aware of how costly synchronous meetings can be, we definitely know. So, definitely just appreciate that. And then a shout-out to J.M. and Jesse. Super pumped for them to cross that marathon this weekend.
Josh Clemente: True. Good luck, boys. [Murillo 01:05:31].
Murillo: Yeah. Professionally looking forward to seeing both scoring go out to members and blood work be up for internal testing. Yeah. Just excited to see that in action. Murillo: Personally, great to be back home in Portugal although a little bit lonely, but will be joined by my wife next week. So, excited about that as well.
Josh Clemente: Very nice. Miz.
Michael Mizrahi : Yeah. Warm welcome to Matt. Happy to be growing the team and also to Britney, who’s starting in January. Some really strong talent and energetic people, so excited to see the team grow there. On the personal side, personal/work, Braden’s podcast made me very happy to listen to. Support has played an important role in my life and career in tech and companies in general. And so, really fun to see how it plays out for other people and Braden, awesome to have you on the team for the last year or so. And then finally, I think Hacker News, New Yorker, WHOOP. There’s so many placements, endless podcasts. I’m excited for us to keep doing that, to start selling the thing more broadly as we get closer to that and just kind of grow from here on out.
Josh Clemente: That is a good note to end it on. Thank you, Miz. Thanks, team. Awesome week as usual. Have a great weekend.