Josh Clemente: Cool.
Michael Mizrahi: Just poking fun.
Josh Clemente: Cool. All right, let’s go. Great week. So zone activity feed … Weird. Why are all the emojis changed? That’s strange. They look different. Anyway. So I will continue. Zone activity feed is finished. This is a huge pull. I think John really pulled this one off primarily this week. But this is going to be loaded with cards that identify ways to understand your score and what to do next. And I think for anyone who’s been following along on our user feedback, fire hose, coming in through Slack, a huge number of the satisfied customers. And even those that aren’t as satisfied, tend to identify the same problem. Which is that, “I really learned a lot. I need to know what to do next.” And so this is … This feature set is going to be a big one. And excited for that.
Josh Clemente: We received our first IRB approval. So shout out, Dom and [Prins 00:00:57] and the rest of the guys over at Grove City College. It’s a basic study. But it’ll be on different types of energy bars. So people are going to be using the Levels program for about two weeks. And then they’re going to do a sustained effort on a treadmill for about, I think, 60 to 90 minutes. And they’ll be split into two different cohorts. One will eat a very high fat bar, another will eat a higher carbohydrate bar. And we’re just going to see what the differences are in output. So that’ll be interesting. It’s our first IRB approval. So this is a small study, but really exciting. Dr. Hyman launched his blog and video series. I don’t have a screenshot here. But basically we’ve gotten over 200 conversions in the last two days. A 150 of which I think came in the last 24 hours.
Josh Clemente: So by far a high watermark for our conversions. And really cool to see the investment of both time and quality resources, and what they’re doing to back us. Clubhouse has been hot for us this week. I’m not sure if everyone on the team is in there yet. It’s pretty interesting. I don’t know, some people are calling it the future of radio. But you essentially just listen in on conversations amongst people who know each other. I think we had well over a 1,000 people will tune into the two Clubhouse rooms we had back to back on Tuesday. 700 plus. I think at one point it was 730 people were listening to the fundraising conversation, which ended up just being a, Levels is doing everything perfectly. And Sam is the world’s greatest founder conversation. Which, hey, we need more of those. So pretty cool. If you need a Clubhouse invite, I think I have one or two.
Josh Clemente: We had a great intro call with the NFL Players Association. This is really important. The Players Associations are the gateways to working with athletes at scale. So they essentially are a union. They ensure that the leagues, the teams aren’t putting undue pressure on the athletes. And doing things that wouldn’t be necessarily in the best interests of the players in the long term. So this is the gateway to collaborate. And they’re really interested in research with us. They have a very large ongoing study on retired NFL players. I think they have over 5,000 retired NFL players that they’re tracking biometrics on in the long term to try to understand the long term health effects of playing professional football. So there may be an opportunity there. [Whoop 00:03:11] and some others are, are working with the NFL, PA. So this is very cool. They’re very stoked. They’re using the product this week.
Josh Clemente: And then just at the bottom here. Gamestop’s not the only thing going to the moon. We’ve got over 82,000 people on the wait list already. 10K on Twitter, 18.5 on Instagram. And then we had our second largest day of sales ever attributable primarily to Mr. Hyman, or Dr. Hyman. But all this happening this week. Numbers are moving in the right direction. Obviously we are not actively manipulating these, or trying to grow them. But again, it’s really cool to watch these trends continue to accelerate. Ben threw a nice chart in here up at the top, which kind of breaks down these different spikes we’re seeing from a variety of different sources. So really awesome to see a couple different things I’ll highlight from the imagery here.
Josh Clemente: We’ve got Andrew Ross Sorkin, creator of Billions. A pretty well-known name. He’s using the program. We’ve got a variety of different athletes that joined independently of any league action. Dave Asprey shouted us out in a long video this week, which we will be getting. Ben Greenfield’s posting another newsletter for us. We’ve got Dr. Caroline Leaf. We did an extended IG Live with her. She’s awesome. She’s a neuroscientist researcher. We did a podcast with her last week and then also in IG Live. And she has over 500,000 followers. And then let’s see. We had Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power Of Habit. And a couple others. David, by the way, did run the World Design and Innovation Day where he just yesterday gave a really nice talk with a group of designers. I haven’t watched whole thing, but I was able to catch the beginning. So we’re getting out there and kind of talking about our different areas of expertise. And people are recognizing expertise for levels across all of the verticals.
Josh Clemente: And then we had a great call yesterday with Vessel. So Vessel does right now, uranalysis cards for cortisol and other biometric trackers. And they use basically software interpretation of the results, rather than having to use a little reader device. You just kind of point your camera at it. This is something we’ve been looking into. And they’re very excited about a potential collaboration on future analytes. That’s all I will dig into here. Some great quotes from customers from this week. But yeah, solid. And then Austen Allred joined as an investor, which I think is long overdue. Cool. Tom, I’m going to hand this over to you.
Tom Griffin: Is Mike on the call? I don’t-
Josh Clemente: I’m looking right now. I don’t think Mike has-
Tom Griffin: Yeah. I don’t-
Josh Clemente: … joined us yet.
Tom Griffin: … think he’s joined. So he may have gotten tied up with something.
Josh Clemente: Cool. We will loop back to that if Mike is able to join us. But basically, our special guest of the week, this week was Mike Barwis. So we’ll get back to that if he’s able to join. I’m going to hand over to David or Andrew Evers kicking off.
Andrew Connor: The Zone Activity Feed, which Josh talked about is really great. We see people sharing screenshots of Zones frequently. And this allows them to tap into a lot more information. And it’ll kind of be like a canvas that we can put a lot more insights into.
Josh Clemente: Cool. Thank you, Andrew. Brief career or hiring update rather. We’re still iterating on the way we track candidates. This week, thanks,
[Miz 00:06:19] for doing a great deal of work on the candidate tracker in Notion. I recommend everyone who needs to get up to speed on where we are on a roll, go to that page there in Notion.
Mike Barwis: What do say, my brother?
Josh Clemente: All right. Mike Barwis. He has joined-
Tom Griffin: What’s up, Mike?
Josh Clemente: … the party.
Mike Barwis: How are we doing, guys? Sorry, I’m just finishing up pro guys here.
Tom Griffin: No problem-
Josh Clemente: No worries.
Tom Griffin: … at all. Glad to have you. Mike Barwis: Coming through right now. I’m kind of walking out of the room here. What’s up, brother. How are you?
Tom Griffin: All good. So everyone, this is Mike. Most of you know Mike’s name pretty well at this point. He’s been a partner of ours for the last few months, using Levels with pro athletes down at his training center in
Tom Griffin: Florida. And yeah, when it comes to professional sports training and human performance broadly, Mike is really one of the world’s experts. He’s CEO and founder of BARWIS family of companies, which has, I believe over 30 subsidiaries underneath it. They do everything from sports science, physical therapy, neurological re-engineering, nutrition, lab testing, pretty much everything. And as you can already tell, beyond the wealth of knowledge that Mike brings to the table, it’s really his passion for what he does that’s unparalleled, and makes him world-class. So Mike, we’re super happy to have you here. If you want to just say a few words about your background and how you got kind of connected to Levels, that’d be awesome.
Mike Barwis: It’s my honor, guys. Sorry for being a little behind. I got a little sidetracked today with all the pros. We had a ton this morning, and a couple guys to clean up. So it’s been a long journey. It’s been for me 30 years in this field. We train everything that walks and talks, and some that don’t. And sooner or later they will when we’re done with them. That’s the goal. We work with about 45 different professional Olympic sports, about 5,200 and some odd Olympic and pro athletes each year. We work with nine professional teams in five leagues. We run the Sports Science Division for a number of them like New York Mets, the Detroit Red Wings. We do stuff with The Dolphins. We do stuff in Europe with Premier League soccer. And pretty much every sport you could fathom.
Mike Barwis: Some sports that I didn’t even know, I’ll be honest, were sports until I started working with them. Like the trampolinists in the Olympics. I always thought that was recreational in the backyard. But found out that there’s actually sports that involve that. And curling, which is kind of shuffleboard on ice. I’ve seen just about everything you can imagine. So you usually expect to see somebody drinking a beer in their backyard with a shuffle board thing. And when it’s an Olympic competition, it’s kind of interesting. So honestly, the one thing for me that’s been unique in the last 30 years, I’ve run West Virginia University, I ran Michigan. I’ve had college experience. I’ve had professional experience. And I still work in the medical field with people with neurological disabilities. And we run neuro clinics around the world.
Mike Barwis: All-in-all there’s about 37 companies in BARWIS. We do it multiple countries. And have had the blessing of working with people of all walks of life. As at Michigan, my last year there, I ended up helping Brock Mealer, who you’ve probably seen the piece. But it ended up winning an Emmy for him. Unique man that was paralyzed. My background was in neurophysiology. And I got the opportunity to help him. And after being paralyzed, and with a 0% chance of ever walking again, he ended up leading us out of the tunnel in front of a 110,000 people on his own two feet. And for me, that was kind of a pretty emotional haul of six months of helping the young man get back to his life, and seeing a change. And it’s really what kind of spawned what I do now. We ended up leading college athletics on an habitual basis, and still working with teams. But not actually making that the solitary role that I have in life.
Mike Barwis: And we opened the centers. And now we have people who are from all over the world, from India, China, Israel, who come in and can’t walk, or some can’t even move. And they’re training next to Draymond Green and the world’s top players. Which is kind of cool. So you get the excitement of the environment of Olympic and professional athletics, and the intensity and that type of structure and motivation. And you take somebody who is struggling with a neurological disability, and you put them in that environment. And it’s highly explosive and motivational for those individuals around the athletes. But in turn, the piece that people don’t see is it’s mutually as exciting for the athlete, in that they work really hard. They go through rigorous training. But when they look very a young man or lady trying to take their first step again, it truly is inspirational.
Mike Barwis: And it lets them understand what they have and what they’ve been given, and what graces God have provided them. And they don’t really feel sorry for themselves too often. So it’s funny, about a year ago, Draymond was in the finals. And obviously they had a struggle. They had a lot of guys hurt. He was the only guy that was healthy. And actually coming off the season, he had a bunch of things we had to work on. And he had been working in here training. And he was coming off some injuries and some other things that he had that he had to deal with. And as he did, he was fatigued. He was sore. And there was a young lady here who was in a car accident. And she had been thrown through the windshield and paralyzed. And he was watching that young lady try to crawl.
Mike Barwis: And midway through the workout, he turned and he looked at me. And I saw his eyes were welling up. And I said, “You all right, buddy?” And he said, “No, I’m not good at all.” And I said, “What’s the problem?” He looked at me, he’s like, “Look at her, man. She’s fighting. Every pull of her legs, she’s struggling, she’s fighting.” And he’s like, “It’s kind of paining me here. And I don’t know what I can do to help.” And I said, “Look, there’s nothing but air and space. If you want to go over, give her a little bit of reinforcement or some motivation.” He got down on his hands and knees, and we were rehabbing his knee and his hip actually. And he crawled with her for 45 minutes, side by side, motivating her. They were cheering each other on. And she’s crying, laying in his lap afterwards.
Mike Barwis: And he got up and he said, “I know I kind of wasted my training session. I’ll pay for it. It doesn’t matter.” He’s like, “That was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.” And I looked him, I smiled and I said, “Look, training’s on me today, bud. That’s the kind of man I expect people to be when they’re in here.” And he was in the finals and they were struggling, everybody was hurt but him. And I got a phone call and he said, “Hey, you got a minute?” I said, “Yeah.” He said, “I want to see how the girl that we were working with is doing.” And I said, “She’s doing great, man. She’s taking steps. Now she’s getting better. She’s come a long way.”
Mike Barwis: And he said, he goes, “I came home and I was feeling sorry for myself. I was sitting in the room. And I’m like, ‘Man, there’s nobody on the court. I’m here by myself. I’m giving everything. We’re losing these games.'” And he said, “I started thinking about her.” And he’s’ like, “I realized at this point, I can shut it down. But if I shut it down, what kind of example do I set for her?” And he said, “For me, I’m playing these remaining games for her. Please let her know.” And he did it, and he went out and played as hard as he could. And he wanted … They didn’t win the games. But he had his best showing he probably ever had in the finals. And to me, that’s what life’s about.
Mike Barwis: I get the opportunity to do a lot of unique things. I don’t do much special, and I get to work with a lot of special people. And when human beings are put in a situation where they can find the greatness inside of them, because greatness is in the air. It’s not in the floor, it’s not in the wall. You’re not going to look under your chair and find it. It’s inside you. And the reality is, you need environments that help you get it out. You need assistance that helps you get it out. And when we can provide people with the opportunity to get the greatness that was put inside them out every day, we provide them the opportunity to be the best version of themselves before they leave this earth.
Mike Barwis: And that to me is a goal. And that’s where you guys come in. I’ll be honest. I’ve worked with every major company, product that you can fathom in the field. And I get to see new things come out every day. You guys have a game changer. You have something that Levels has given us the opportunity to look inside a human being, and see how they react to the things that they ingest. See how their specific system can be maximized, or accommodate the right fuels and foods to optimize their function. It gives them one more tool to get the greatness from inside out. And for me, it’s been absolutely remarkable what I’ve seen with our athletes and myself, in the ability to manifest the ultimate environment and ultimate ingestion of the proper fuels to allow me to be the most effective I can be every day. And the athletes to be the most effective they can be every day. And it’s been a blessing working with the team. The athletes have been incredibly receptive.
Mike Barwis: To the Detroit Red Wings, most of the guys are using them. To the top NFL players in the world, to high level track athletes and MMA fighters. And it’s been awesome to see the world’s best use something that for the first time in their life, they’re not getting just a suggestion from a nutritionist. They’re getting an internal suggestion from their own body and biochemistry to determine where they can go with the right fuels and right opportunities. And I’ve absolutely loved being a part of the team, and being a part of a great unit that is heading in the right direction when it comes to sports science. To change the lives of individuals. I’m excited about starting to incorporate it with some of my neural guys. And giving them the opportunity to maximize their physiological outcomes to help them regain their structure and function in life.
Mike Barwis: So every day, I think sometimes we get into what we do and work, and we look at what we’re doing on a daily basis. It’s going to be a grind, right? Maybe you’re stuck behind a computer and you’re working on numbers. Maybe you’re the one looking at the screen and trying to ingest in your mind what is the best opportunity to reach the consumer, and have it go to their hearts. I think sometimes we need to even look deeper and say, “What are the lives we’re impacting? And what makes me passionate about what I do?”
Mike Barwis: Because if you do your job to the best of your ability, I promise you, you’re changing my life. You’re changing the young girl who’s trying to take a step. You’re changing Draymond Green’s life. You’re changing the lives of the greatest athletes and the average person just trying to be the best case of themself every day. That’s what you do. And you may not see it, but I do. I get to be a part of what you’re doing. And I get to be a part of what they’re doing. And you’re having a direct impact. And I commend you for it. It’s awesome.
Josh Clemente: Thank you, Mike. That was … First of all, I appreciate you having the boots-on-the-ground sort of insight into how this is being used. And for helping us understand the performance implications for everyone from those trying to take their first steps, to athletes who are moving faster than anyone else. So thanks for doing what you do. Thanks for coming on here and joining us, and giving us that insight. I’m super stoked to hopefully come down and check out the BARWIS facility at some point. And I know everyone on the team appreciates you all, and appreciate seeing these legends on the field. And would love to continue to hear more about the real world use cases. So thanks a lot, man. Appreciate it.
Mike Barwis: Thank you, guys. And have a great day. You guys are inspiring me, so I appreciate it. And looking forward to a long future, and helping Levels take the top category in every marker when it comes to nutrition. So be safe guys. God bless. Thank you for having me.
Tom Griffin: Thanks.
Josh Clemente: Thanks Mike. Much appreciated.
Mike Barwis: All right. Bye-bye.
Josh Clemente: All right. Jumping into-
Tom Griffin: [crosstalk 00:18:49].
Josh Clemente: Sorry, what was that?
Tom Griffin: Just saying to Andrew, good luck. Good luck following that.
Josh Clemente: We’re on the hiring update now. So I’ll take this one. This is all going to be upgraded. But Miz put some work in on the candidate tracker in Notion. Check that out if you need to. We want to definitely create some dynamism in the reporting here, so that we can keep insight into how people are moving through. But for right now, this is a quick snapshot of the candidates in process. And for anyone watching this call who’s not on the team, those who are, we’re actively searching for a lead designer, actively searching for engineers. Learning more about general counsel. Please check out these links or go to our careers page if you want to just refer some in or have someone apply who may be a good fit for the team. Okay. Mike, weekly feedback.
Mike Didonato: Thanks, Josh. Excuse me for a second. I’m trying to slow my heart rate over here. Mike Barwis has me all charged up and ready to go. Two quick things. It was a great week engaging with our members. We have a few more calls today. The first one’s content. Again, our members continue to love our content. But at times it can be a little bit overwhelming. And they want it more curated, and tell them what to do. A good thing is in talking to David, he’s working on basically exactly what’s highlighted here in this second quote there. And then similarly with the challenges. Again, members love the direction here and love the ideas. But they want a little bit more prescription and, “Tell me what to do. And put it right in front of my face on the main feed.” And I know we’re working on that as well. And then again, tons of excitement. And that’s all I have.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Yeah. We’ll jump straight ahead. This is always helpful. And the weekly feedback roundups, for people who haven’t read those before. Mike posts those every Friday. Check them out. They’re in Slack. But I think the document’s in Notion. All righty, Miz.
Michael Mizrahi: Cool. Moving along on the ops side. We’ll have I think another update from Ben or Sam later on, on the signups breakdown. But Mark Hyman coming in strong this week, which is awesome to see. We’re ready to go and ready to take on those orders. Right now we’re scheduling orders about three to four weeks out. We’re within the four to six week promise that we make in our emails, but hopefully we can move those up a bit more. You can see the trailing six weeks here, as well as a little forecast of what our upcoming weeks look like. Both by new consults, as well as total orders. So that’s our estimates on subscription refills, as well as replacements that might be coming through. So going up, we’ve had some high weeks in the past, but should go up pretty steadily over the next few weeks. We have a few other promos that Tom and Ben will fill us in on at some point. But we’re ready to go on that outside.
Michael Mizrahi: Go over to the next slide here. Subscriptions growing a little bit. We have had some subscription cancellations, which are really interesting to start looking into and learning from. I know Mike is doing some feedback calls with subscription members specifically. And so we’ll learn what we can there. It’s not necessarily a bad sign. The qualitative comments that we’re getting are along the lines of, “I’ve been a member for X months. I’ve pulled all I can. Can’t wait to come back, but I’ve done what I can for now.” So we have more work to do on the continuing customer journey. I know that that’s something that David is thinking about.
Michael Mizrahi: On the subscription side for product, Jeremy’s working hard on the Stripe integration. So very, very excited about that. More info come to the team as we get into the testing phase in really the next week or two. We’re going to start by putting all of our employees on a paid subscription. It’ll only be a dollar, don’t worry. And we’ll use our corporate cards. You won’t see that charge. But we want to start feeling what it’s like to get the shipping emails, the receipts from Stripe, logging into the Stripe customer portal. All these kinds of pieces, as well as all the different cases that we’ll need to solve for. So we’re probably … I’ll let Jeremy speak to it more accurately. We’re probably about a month and a half out from migrating all of our customers over in time. Subscription numbers continue to grow down a little bit in overall absolute numbers in growth for the week. But continuing to grow month over month at a pretty significant pace.
Michael Mizrahi: And next slide. On the support metrics side, a little bit of a down week so far. But we still have three days left. And I’m sure we’ll kind of meet last week. We are putting live chat on hold for now. We’ve learned a lot from it. We’ll still log on when we have time. But the amount of time it takes to handle those chats is outsized, and impacts our ability to do other things well. And also the number of absolute customers using it is extremely low. And so we think if we can be really, really responsive on email, which we are, we can kind of hold that need. We’d rather be great on fewer channels than inconsistent on multiple channels. And right now we’re nailing that email great experience.
Michael Mizrahi: And so let’s double down there for now until we have a more robust team, and we can handle more. But the amount of time to handle a chat is extremely high. So huge ups to [Braden 00:24:02] and [Mercy 00:24:02] for handling that so far, and doing their best to hold it down. We’ll continue to use it experimentally and turn it on when we have availability. But we’re really going to double down on email for now.
Michael Mizrahi: Other update. We have open slots on everyone on support for next week. And so if you haven’t yet done a session, come on down and sign up. We’d love your help. Love to get you interacting with our members. And also, we can use the backup in case anything goes crazy. We could use some help, and so we want to make sure folks are trained up. Really valuable experience regardless of what part of the team you’re on. So you can sign up at the link there.
Michael Mizrahi: And finally, first reply time doing great. We’re getting to 50% of our conversations in under 15 minutes. This is insane with a team of two. We’re hitting 80% in under 60 minutes. Really, really … And these are within business hours. These are really incredible SLAs to be hitting. And so huge props to the whole team. We’ve got Laurie, Mercy, Braden, and then me and Mike pinch hitting from time to time. So quite a lot going on there. And really outstanding metrics. The challenge will be keeping this up with scale. But that’s what here to do. So we can keep going here.
Michael Mizrahi: Next slide. NPS and CSAT numbers, quick snapshot. NPS reporting monthly, just because the weekly variation is very high in terms of number of members completing the program. Still in that 50s to 60s range. And a lot of qualitative feedback in the user feedback fire hose channel. And then CSAT holding study as well in the 90s, which is great. Pulling up these comments again, because I know I stress this and it sounds a little bit repetitive. But these comments are unheard of to receive on such a regular basis. These are the standard comments. These aren’t like cherry picked to find the positive ones. We get one to two poor ratings a week. And those comments are really around the product experience, or someone who got caught up in a flow that got broken. Or stuff that we’re very well aware of. But the actual quality of our support is exceptional. And so you can see some of these bolded comments, “Excellent service. Helpful. Positive. Kind. Swift. Responsive. Super fast. A plus. Wonderful support. Quick and clear.” These are a lot of the principles that we want to make sure we’re communicating. And it’s become clear that support’s a really cool value prop as part of our offering. So yeah, it takes a really great team to do this. And so really, really thankful and grateful for our team here.
Michael Mizrahi: And one more slide. Or I think I have two more quick updates. Principles of Support memo coming soon. So Braden’s been working on that, and I’ll let him share more and email it out. Just kind of crystallizing a lot of the principles that we’ve just kind of developed over time on how we want to be helpful, responsive, proactive. Kind of all the things that make our support great. We want to just put some structure into that. Photo ID and selfie verification. I sent a quick note out to a few folks this week, is somewhat broken. A lot of our members are failing through that part of the flow. And it’s very painful to get them out of it and fixed. And so we’re doing whatever we can to improve copy, improve the design. David made some quick updates yesterday, which we really appreciate. So we’ll continue to keep an eye on that.
Michael Mizrahi: But especially with the increased order volume from these promos, we want to make sure that the process is swift and pain-free. Some of those poor CSAT comments that I mentioned earlier come as a result of this process, which often takes three, four, five touches to resolve with the member. And finally, incremental improvements coming to our privacy practices internally in terms of how we handle things there. And so might be some changes to retool to announce as they come. But just giving everyone a heads up on that. The ultimate goal is to publish a planning of privacy policy for our members and for prospective members. And so that’s what we’re move moving towards. And we have some changes to make, to be able to walk the walk, or walk the talk rather, that we’re putting out there. So those updates coming soon. That’s it on the ops side.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Yeah. Great update. Thank you, Miz. And looking forward to that Principal of Support memo. I think we can set the standard here, given what we’re seeing with these numbers week after week. So thanks, team. Sam.
Ben Grynol: I think I’m going to jump in here.
Sam Corcos: Yeah, Ben’s taking it now.
Ben Grynol: Sam has handed it off.
Josh Clemente: Oh, Ben.
Ben Grynol: So cash on hand, we’re at 11 million bucks. And if you remember last week, we were at 10-seven. So we did not generate $300,000 of cash this week. We brought on a couple strategic investors in the health and wellness space. So that is where that influx of cash has come from. As far as revenue goal, monthly was at 300 grand. And as of yesterday, we’re at $309,000 of recognized revenue. So strong month and continued good growth, even though we’re still being very diligent and careful about it.
Ben Grynol: Next slide. Weekly, so really, really strong cash generated from, we saw that influx from Mark Hyman. I think the second largest day was $50,656 that came in. So a little bit unexpected as far as how much impact it made. But we’re not really seeing growth across week over week across the recognized revenue. It’s more, everything is flat. Because it’s all just becoming these pretty large weeks. So exciting to see.
Ben Grynol: And if you go to the next slide, we’ll start with … So we talked about the 300K in new funding. Partner code tracking in Retool. So [Jin-Lou 00:29:36] has put together a nice little dashboard. And if you look on the right, you can see the big stack with the call out on Hyman. That’s a 121 partner code redemptions on January 27th is Wednesday. So you can see those are pretty significant days as related to previous days. The next largest partner code is the darker green bar, is no code. So that’s just people who get into the wait list. Or get in from the wait list and join the beta. But yeah, that’s pretty exciting to see. And it’ll be interesting to see how that tracks over time.
Ben Grynol: From a growth initiative perspective, we’re starting to explore working with agencies on doing a mini doc on metabolic health. Timeline is still TBD. But the idea would be to have something done prior to launch. Or maybe we’ll start doing a mini series up until then. So we will keep everyone posted once we get more info. Branded podcasts, we are continuing to record week over week. The idea is to get the reps in not to perfect it, but we are exploring contractors and agencies to work with, so that they can take on the production and we can be the media behind it, should we choose to launch. Last is packaging design evolution. So we’re starting to explore what it would look like to redesign our packaging for our launch in Q3. Whether it’s working with a specific agency or making minor updates to what we have with our existing packaging. The idea is to create world-class member experience, and keep making it better and better. That’s it.
Josh Clemente: Nice. I love the stack bar chart. Super helpful insight. Thanks Jin-Lou for the throwing that together. And thank you for the update, Ben. Mercy.
Mercy Clemente: Sorry. So here are just a few snapshots from Instagram. We’re up to 18,600 followers on Instagram. So I think that was, I think we were at 17 last week. So almost 2,000. Wednesday, Josh did IG Live with Dr. Leaf, which was really interesting. She actually saved that to her page. If you didn’t have a chance to tune in day of, take a look at it later. The three photos in the middle, I just thought they were super interesting to see the differences that these two different people had. The photos – the two comparisons from their first day using levels versus week two, you can see that they have more green days. Their numbers are a little steadier. And then the one with all the purple writing, she went from a 56% metabolic score to an 85% for her average, which was super crazy. It’s a big increase.
Mercy Clemente: And then the photo on the right, Steph Greunke, she has posting a lot. She loves Levels. She’s been using it for a while now. She’s a Senior director of Education at Whole30. And Melissa Urban who’s actually the Co-founder of Whole30, she actually emailed a direct link to this photo, to Sam, saying how much Steph really enjoys Levels. So that was pretty cool to see.
Mercy Clemente: Next slide. Twitter, we finally reached and surpassed 10,000 followers. So that was exciting. We were kind of stuck in the 9,500 range for a while. Another just really great week on Twitter as well. People just sharing what they love, the changes they see. Like the one in the middle by, where they ate the SusieCakes, I guess. And they just skyrocketed. That was pretty interesting. That kind of started a really cool chain of people also being really surprised by that for some reason. So yeah, pretty great week on social. That’s all I have.
Josh Clemente: Cool. Thank you. And, Tom.
Tom Griffin: Yeah. Quick podcast update. A few released this week. Most notably Dr. Caroline Leaf’s, which we touched on. Josh recorded another pretty popular show, Millionaire Interviews this week. And then the key upcoming shows that we’re tracking on are still Greenfield, Bulletproof, Pursuing Health and Kelly LeVeque’s podcast. Greenfield’s will be released next week, along with a blog post. And then Bulletproof end of month.
Tom Griffin: Next slide. Partnerships update. We covered most of this. The Hyman blog post and video was the big news this week. Again, 150 orders in 24 hours was a new record in terms of velocity. So this is a really promising partnership. Sam and I also had a call with Dhru Purohit who’s the CEO of Hyman Enterprises. And they want to get deeply involved with the company at every level. So this is going to be really exciting.
Tom Griffin: Greenfield sent out his newsletter. Actually, Josh, can I get a refresh? If that’s not going to … Yeah. All right. So I just included the … Which you can’t see at all, but that’s okay. The top left newsletter from Ben went out about an hour ago. And we’ve been seeing a lot of sales come in on this call, I think at 20 already. Which is really cool. Podcast next week. And then the log post as well that
[Haney 00:34:46] did a great job on. Really cool to see the 60 orders from Asprey in the last week, which was a real significant bump from what I was told was just a mention of Levels during Dave’s new book promotions. So he wrote a new book that just came out on fasting, and talked about Levels as a tool to sort of monitor your metabolic health while fasting. So that’s really promising.
Tom Griffin: And then pro athletes. A couple NFL guys came into the program. Sam Hubbard’s a pretty big deal. He is got a couple of records this season, which is really cool. NFLPA, VIPs. I think we mentioned those. And then, yeah, ongoing testing with the LA Dodgers. This has been Mike
[Di Nato’s 00:35:28] baby. I told him I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw him on the field next year for the Dodgers. He’s been working out with them every week. He’s got tons of the staff, President of Baseball Operations just join. So shout out to Mike for just killing that relationship.
Tom Griffin: Next slide. And then quick press and media update. Shout out to Jack Taylor here. They’ve been doing a great job. Most notably Men’s Health, the February edition. Which is going to have a future of fitness feature, is coming out in print on 2/11, potentially earlier online 2/9. And we don’t know exactly what that’s going to look like, but Levels is going to be featured. Which is going to be really cool. Fortune, New York Times, Forbes all in the works. New York Times article is still coming. We know that quotes from Casey and Levels are going to be featured in that article. But we’re not sure when it’s going to drop yet. Most of this has already been covered. So that’s it for me.
Josh Clemente: Alrighty. Thank you, Tom. Good stuff in the works. Haney.
Mike Haney: Yeah. So it’s good stuff in content. We had three pieces up since last we talked. The Natural Sweeteners Piece went up last Friday actually. But a nice mix of news. A nice member story. That member story on the left from Blake
[Reichman 00:36:54] actually came in. I can’t remember if it was Stacy or Mercy. But one of you sent that to me very early on after I started, based off a blog post that he did just kind of on his own volition, talking about his experience with the wearables challenge. And I reached out to him and asked if he’d modify it to do a piece for us. He did, and I think that’s a nice just kind of standard member story. There’s nothing crazy about it. But I think it’s a really just nice encapsulated sort of his experience with it, what he learned, what was surprising.
Mike Haney: And the middle piece there, the metabolic research roundup for this week on exercise has some interesting stuff. Of course, the day after we published that, a really cool new piece came out about the timing of exercise during the day. So I’m actually going to amend this to add that study in. I think Jeremy posted that on Slack this week. And then more fun stuff coming next week.
Mike Haney: Next slide. On the metrics quick, I try to do metrics every week. This one I just wanted to show you a couple new metrics we’re tracking. One on the left is subscription signups, which by that I mean, email signups. As we start to get more serious about developing the email newsletter, capturing email signups is going to be a really important metric for us. So
[Edgardo 00:38:03], our WordPress developer got that in for us. Now we can start to see, excuse me, which articles are driving the most signups, what kind of engagement we’re getting.
Mike Haney: And then the one on the bottom right, is audio plays. So again, this is a new metric we put in to see how this experiment of audio is working. I thought it’s pretty cool. We had a 183 listens. This is in the last week. So this is from last Thursday until now. And many of these new audio things just went up over the weekend or on Monday. So we’re going to keep expanding that out. We’re probably going to leave it at the five or so articles we have now for a little while, watch these metrics come in. And then we’ll start expanding that out to more audio articles. But if you haven’t checked it out, that’s the list of the audio. Different voices out there. So again, would love any feedback. There’s some mixed opinions on whether a British voice is appropriate or not. I could listen to it all day. But love any feedback about the voices that you hear out there as we do more of those. And just one more slide.
Speaker 2: One quick question. What is the Russian? With the-
Mike Haney: Sorry?
Speaker 2: Go back to the slide. The-
Mike Haney: Yeah, I don’t know what that is. I just saw that last night when I grabbed this screenshot, and I haven’t Googled that. Given the construction, I think it’s some kind of a translation of one of those pieces. But I have no idea what that is or what the audio is. As far as I know, we’re not doing Russian translations of anything, but maybe somebody else is.
Ben Grynol: Hey, I got one other question for you, Haney. Are you seeing any metrics as far as getting a longer listen rate with audio versus read rate with blogs as far as drop off goes?
Mike Haney: Not, we’re not tracking length of listen yet. We’re just tracking play as an event. So all we’re doing right now is just when somebody clicks play, we’re grabbing that. So I don’t know the full listen time yet. That’s kind of on the list of things to do. And then we’ll be able to compare. But that’s a really good metric to check.
Josh Clemente: Cool.
Mike Haney: And then finally, I just wanted to highlight a couple new documents I put on this week. This is sort of still building up the infrastructure. So on the left is just kind of a memo I put together about how we drive traffic, primarily SEO. But also some other strategies. And this is really just kind of a reflection of what I’ve learned the first couple of months, and sort of what our strategy is on this front for the coming months.
Mike Haney: If you’re curious at all, it also shows kind of the process and the tools that we use, if anybody’s curious, Clear Scope, HREFs, a Google Keyword Planner, et cetera. And then on the right is what we call the editorial style guide. This is really specific rules around, what do we capitalize? How do we refer to things? Is, “Bio wearable,” hyphenated? This seems like really wonky stuff. But consistency on this goes a long way toward making us look professional, and like a real editorial organization. This probably doesn’t apply to most folks unless you’re writing a piece for the blog. But it might be worth glancing at even as we’re putting the other emails or other copy that we’re sending out. Again, the more consistent we can be in just kind of how we treat this stuff, and follow some of these guidelines, I think the better it reflects. And this is a living document. So as new things come up about, “Oh, what is our style on this or that?” We’ll just updating this. But these are both out on the content wiki, if anybody’s curious. That’s it for me.
Josh Clemente: Sweet. Yeah, those are great. I’m going to have to read through those. Okay. Individual contribution section. Let’s try and keep this one tight. So about 10 seconds each. Dom, you’re not on the list, so I’m going to actually kick off with you. I wasn’t quite sure if you were going to be able to join us. So if you want to go ahead and kick us off.
Dominic D’Agostino: Yeah, I do see me on the list. But yeah, I’ll go first.
Josh Clemente: I see you. I always do this.
Dominic D’Agostino: But no, I’m really excited. I was talking with the Tampa Bay Lightning strength and conditioning coach. And he’s actually coming over to our place. And he’s very interested in nutrition optimization. And I think there’s an opportunity to work together with them with Levels. So he had a number of topics he wanted to discuss. And that’ll be one of them. So that’s kind of an interesting personal thing, but tied to this too.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Cool. Yeah. Sounds like Mike Barwis might be a good connection too, given that he’s down there in the Florida area.
Dominic D’Agostino: Absolutely.
Josh Clemente: [crosstalk 00:42:19] connect you guys.
Dominic D’Agostino: Yep.
Josh Clemente: Cool. Hao.
Hao Li: Sorry. I’m really excited to see our numbers go up really quickly from the revenue or the investor, invested monies. And also all the content out there. It’s really exciting. And personally, I think I finally got some time to book some ski trip for maybe mid of next week.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Jealous. I’m excited about the research stuff and the potential. Getting through the first IRB approval, getting our first research study underway. And then all the others that are in works, especially with Dom and some of the stuff like the universal IRB protocol that we’re considering. I think it’s got huge potential both to lead the science, and also give us some opportunity with the product that we wouldn’t otherwise have. So it’s been a cool week digging into that. And stokes about it. Mercy.
Mercy Clemente: I’m excited about the Growth study. That sounds really cool, the bar one. So I’m interested to see how that turns out.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. Gabriel.
Gabriel: Yeah. I’m excited about the new feature flag API that Hal’s has been working on. It’s going to make trialing out new feature is much easier, which is really cool. And then personally, my wife just got her confirmed date for her COVID vaccination. So I’m super excited about that.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Great. I don’t think Mike stuck with us. Mike Barwis, are you on the call? I don’t think so. And I believe Stacy is also traveling. So Miz.
Michael Mizrahi: Yeah, pretty impressed that Charles Duhigg, The Power Of Habit author is in the program. That’s pretty crazy that we have the reach and distribution that someone like that who’s leading the field can try our product. So I just still find that really, really awesome. On the personal side, this really cool San Francisco thing. As you know, we have a lot of Victorians here. And there was a lot of neighborhood redevelopment in the 40s and 50s. And so they’re doing this cool thing. And this has been done in the past in history, where they actually move these Victorians from one address to a completely different address like 10 blocks away. They put the house on a truck and drive it through the street. And so that’s scheduled for this weekend. I think it might be rained out, but this hasn’t happened in a very long time. And I’m really excited to watch it. It’s kind of like when the elephant comes through the tunnel for the circus. Or I don’t know, a space shuttle or whatever. It’s really cool. And I’ve only read about it. And so if that happens this weekend, I will be there.
Josh Clemente: Get some pictures. That sounds awesome. Haney.
Mike Haney: Yeah, I’m excited about Charles Duhigg and Andrew Ross Sorkin. I think that’s really cool again, that we’re just coming to the attention of these folks kind of independently, I think is great. And I will just plus one to the IRB approval, as somebody who spends a good chunk of my week buried in PubMed and research for us to start appearing in that kind of research, I think is going to be really great. And really just help our overall brand image and everything else.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. Agreed. Okay, John.
Jhon Cruz: I just got this little device. It’s kind of a toy for getting kids to start on coding. If you have played with Lego before, it’s very similar. Just a device following instructions. The big difference is that this is a 100% screen free. So I’m excited to see if I can be a good programming teacher for a preschooler.
Josh Clemente: Nice. That’s an interesting idea. David is out. Ben.
Ben Grynol: Yeah. Favorite thing this week was user feedback channel in Slack. So we get lots of it. It’s neat to see when people are actually reading it. But there is one message that popped up, and it was giving praise to the ops team. So Braden, Miz, Laurie, Mercy. And it was really neat to see everybody reacted to it. And there was hearts and there was praise hands, and all these things. And I was like, “That’s so cool.” Just sort of reinforces how much we give hat tips. So that made me pretty excited. Personal front, Pam made baked tofu yesterday. And we haven’t baked it before, and it was so delicious as opposed to frying it. So I was pretty pumped on that. And been thinking about doing more of that. So that’s it.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Mike D.
Mike Didonato: Yeah, definitely excited about the progress on the research side. And then definitely I can’t help but mention Andrew Ross Sorkin. In a past life I worked in finance. Literally in every office, it was Squawk On The Street and Andrew Ross Sorkin. So it’s pretty cool. And he’s got a huge reach.
Josh Clemente: Yep. For sure. Sam.
Sam Corcos: Yeah. I’m just going to go personal this week. I’m very excited that this stupid pushup competition I found myself in is over in three days. So that’ll be great.
Josh Clemente: Who originally recommended the 500? That was quite a reach.
Sam Corcos: It was Jeff and Austin, and [Mateo 00:47:18]. I don’t know. There’s a whole bunch of people that jumped in on that. Everyone else other than me dropped out after four days, but I’m just seeing it through to the end.
Josh Clemente: Good work. I hope for the best for your shoulders. Tom.
Tom Griffin: Yeah. I had a few friends randomly who I haven’t chatted with in a while, text me this week about the Clubhouse events and mark Hyman. And I just, I still can’t get over it. I also ran into someone else who I mentioned the company I was working at. And they were like, “Of course I know Levels. I’ve got a friend using it. I see people on Instagram.” And it just continues to be surreal, our reach. So that was all exciting. And then personally, I got to Austin, Texas yesterday. So I’m on an enormous ranch outside of Austin. And I’m really just going to be living my best life for the next month. So [crosstalk 00:48:10].
Josh Clemente: Can’t believe that was a real deal. Glad you didn’t get scammed. Cool. Enjoy. Laurie.
Laurie: Well, my head is down with subscriptions Monday through Friday. So it’s very nice to hear each one of you. And it’s very exciting just to hear the little things, the big things that are happening. It’s nice to see new subscriptions every day come in. And while the people that are canceling that I see, they’re always so effusive about how great the experience was, but, “Oh, I didn’t use the last three sensors.” Or, “Gosh, I fell off the wagon. Contact me in March.” But they’re so happy with the product. And the interaction is so pleasant, maybe because I’m not dealing with people as much. But I’m really enjoying the interaction with the members. Personally, my daughter just offhand said, “Oh, yeah. I’m seeing people in my mall with that. I think it’s your thing, isn’t that, mom? Isn’t that yours?” It’s like, “I think so, honey.”
Josh Clemente: Wow.
Laurie: So that was kind of exciting. And my husband and I have been working … I think I mentioned, I banished him to another room after a few months, because we could not exist in the same room with, “When is your conversation? When is your Zoom?” So he’s on the other side of the wall. But every single morning I wake up to the smell of coffee. And we have a his and her coffee pot. He has very, very strong regular coffee. I have decaf that I occasionally add instant espresso to, which kind of … Anyway. But every morning without fail that man makes me coffee. And I don’t know. While, I can’t stand him behind me, I love having him in the house. So [crosstalk 00:50:05].
Josh Clemente: I think I would love having him in the house too.
Laurie: Yeah. It’s a good thing.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Well, thank you, Laurie. That’s a great update. All right. We’re here at the last five minutes. Mercy, go ahead and take us home with the story of the day.
Mercy Clemente: Okay. So my story of the day is about how I was bitten by a snake when I was six. So unfortunately I don’t have any actual photos of when it happened. That was before cell phones had cameras. And I asked my dad if he had any pictures like, “No, I forgot the camera the day you were bitten.” So that’s unfortunate. But photo on the left, I am holding the basket. This is an Easter photo. And that’s my younger sister, [Katiri 00:50:41]. We’re a year and a half apart. So I think I was six in this photo. So this is the same age I was when I was bitten by the snake. This is a photo of our old house. And I just kind of cropped in a photo of a hydrangea bush, because.
Mercy Clemente: So it was June of a long time ago. And my sister and I went out and we decided to pick flowers for my mom. So we’re picking flowers. And while we’re picking flowers, I felt a sting on the inside of my ankle. And I thought it was just a bug bite. So I just kept picking flowers. And then I was like, “Wow, it’s not going away.” So I looked down to slap the bug away. And as I look down, I see a copperhead, which is the photo on the bottom. I see that slithering away. And then I look at my ankle and there are two bleeding ring marks on my ankle from the fangs. So I turned and I was like, “Oh, my gosh.” I turned to my sister and I was like, “Katiri, I just got bitten by a snake. Run inside and tell mommy and daddy.”
Mercy Clemente: So Katiri goes, “No, you didn’t. Stop lying.” So I show her my ankle and she just starts crying and she runs away. So she runs inside crying. And so I have to run around the corner of the house to get inside, to tell my parents, “Look, I need to go to the hospital or something.” But as I’m running, my leg is drastically swelling up. I’m starting to feel pain going all the way up my side of the body. So I finally get inside after hopping and skipping to get in there to keep pressure off of it. I get inside, I tell my mom. My mom and Josh grabbed Home Depot plastic bags and tied them super tight around my leg to prevent the venom from getting to my heart really fast. So then my dad called an ambulance.
Mercy Clemente: The ambulance finally showed up. By the time they came, my leg was black and swollen. It was the size of my mom’s leg. And I was … When I was six, I was only 45 pounds. So I was small. So we get to the hospital. I’m at this point going in and out of consciousness. I’m kind of like … It’s just like it is in the movies, where it’s kind of black and you’re hearing noises. And then you wake your eyes up. You open your eyes and you’re seeing all the lights and stuff, and people are rushing around, then you’re back out.
Mercy Clemente: But I remember laying on a bed in the emergency room. And none of the doctors or nurses seemed worried at all. They kept telling me like, “Oh, I love your freckles. What’s your name? Blah, blah, blah.” None of them really seemed stressed or anything. So after about two hours of laying in the emergency room with a swollen and black leg, my mom lost it on the nurses. Because they weren’t trying to push a doctor in to see me. So she lost it on the nurses.
Mercy Clemente: Finally, a doctor came in after two and a half hours. And is also kind of doing the same thing as the nurses, just not really stressed or anything. Then he lets it slip that the anti-venom, which is what you need when you’re bitten by anything poisonous, especially a snake. They don’t even hold it in the hospital that I’m at. They’re like, “We’re going to have to get that helicopter from a hospital. It’s an hour and a half away. But don’t worry, don’t worry. It’ll be fine.” But then we find out that my dad was allergic to anti-venom.
Mercy Clemente: So they’re like, “Oh, but once it’s here, we’re going to have to do a smell trial to make sure that she doesn’t have a horrible allergic reaction on top of that.” So finally about five hours after I was bitten, they finally get the antivenom there. I’m hooked up to an IV for a while. Then they transferred me to a room. I end up being in the hospital for six days. So almost a week. And then when I’m finally released, I’m on crutches for two months. My leg starts going down. The blackness went away I think after about a day it went back to its normal color. But it was still really, really swollen.
Mercy Clemente: Yeah. So then I was on crutches for two months out of the summer. It was the very beginning of summer. It was the first weekend of June. So that was really rough. But, yeah. So then we came home. And I didn’t go near that hydrangea bush ever again. I remember when my family visited me in the hospital, my dad brought me a bouquet from that same bush, and just as a joke. And And I’m just laying there like, “What?” So yeah, that’s kind of the rough story, and short version of how I was bitten by the snake. And then a friend of ours from the church that we used to go to started calling me Snakebite. But that nickname died.
Josh Clemente: I think it’s coming back.
Mercy Clemente: Oh, no. So that’s my-
Josh Clemente: Our family remains dissatisfied that snakes continue need to exist. So we are not snake fans because of this event.
Mercy Clemente: It was horrible.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. It’s a-
Mercy Clemente: So, yeah. That’s my-
Josh Clemente: … bit of trauma.
Mercy Clemente: That’s my story of the day. I wish I had more updated photos, or some type of photo to kind of show it. But I did have a scar on the inside of my ankle for a while after that. For probably 10 years. And it finally faded. But it was two little white circles on the inside of my ankle. But yeah, that’s my story of the day.
Josh Clemente: All right. Well, thank you for that one. So a little trauma to leave you all with on your Friday afternoon. And with that, we are right on time. Thanks everybody for a great week. Thanks to all the special guests for joining. And have a nice Friday and a nice weekend. We’ll talk soon. Bye-bye.