Josh Clemente: Okay. Let’s do this thing. Happy Friday, everybody. Super excited to have Casie back on the call. It’s been a few weeks and-
Casey Means: Hi.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. Speak for the whole team. It’s amazing to have her back. So, with that, we’ll kick off. Another great week. One of the big things I want to highlight here is the new effort for the day score 2.0, which [inaudible 00:00:30] built this really fun and easy to use labeling system to score different glucose days against each other. And the elegance of the tool allowed us to get through a huge number of these very quickly. This scoring process is comparing two days against each other to select the one that is more optimal or better than the other. For example, if one was today and the other is tomorrow, would you say that this was an improvement? And then you just pick between the two. But it was a really good process, and that will go into develop being the new day score 2.0, which is going to be great for our members.
Josh Clemente: Shout out to Ben for growth strategy and community memos, both of which were released this week. Highly, highly recommend everyone go and dig through these. They’re ultra comprehensive. It’s like a short course, for sure, in growth, and lots of really cool external videos and examples we’ve woven in there. So, thanks to Ben for that. Now it’s time for activation, so I’m excited for that.
Josh Clemente: Conversations are moving positively with IHMC, which is the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition in University of South Florida where Dom is, about a potentially universal IRB study on population glucose metrics. So, I’ll dig into that a little bit later, but it’s exciting to hear their overwhelming positivity for the concept.
Josh Clemente: We had some big progress on anomaly detection this week. I think David’s going to jump into this a bit more, or Andrew, but it improved engagement with our anomaly detections pretty significantly, which is awesome to see. The new subscription process, I’ve gotten some internal levels, emails from the new subscription process that Jeremy’s working on. So, very close to launching that, and that’s going to be a huge upgrade. And we will finally put Jotform to rest.
Josh Clemente: And then we’ve got ID and selfie flow improvements. So, one of the biggest problems that operations deals with is people… either missing the instructions or not understanding them and giving us two IDs or no IDs and two selfies. Anyway, all of that is getting some improvements this week, as well.
Josh Clemente: The Salesforce wellness pilot. So, Salesforce is interested… They had Stan Dunlap use Levels and he was blown away by it early on. And they want to try and basically jump right into having a cohort of their employees use Levels as a wellness program. So, we’ve been through the submission process, Tom and I did a call with them yesterday, which I think went quite well, but hard to tell. We’re a very non-standard wellness program in the sense that this is about actually educating the person about how their body works. And most wellness programs are like lose five pounds, and that’s how they gauge efficacy, not whether or not the person understands why they lost five pounds. So, TBD whether that works in this cohort or whether it’ll take a few more iterations. We’ll get into one later, maybe this year or next.
Josh Clemente: We had a super strong content week as usual, but had some record clickthrough rates, some record open rates, or near records. I want to highlight the Este Haim article which I was reading and I was like, “This is something I would read in like Vanity Fair or Esquire.” It’s just like such an interesting read in and of itself. Even though it’s metabolic in nature, it’s just so cool to read about this person’s life and how she’s lifted this complication. It’s just awesome.
Josh Clemente: And then, lastly, among the research calls I had this week, spoke with Kristen Holmes, who is an absolute machine over at Whoop, and she really wants to join Levels in a more meaningful way as a research advisor potentially. So, that’s exciting. I mean, they’ve gotten 22 IRBs approved and 19 high level research partnerships just in 2020, so if we can have any sort of success similar to that, it would be awesome to have her helping us.
Josh Clemente: Couple other things in here. We got Diamandis who started X Prize and the Singularity Foundation… Or Singularity University. Mini episode from Broken Brain with Dhru Purohit launch, featuring Casie, which was a great listen. Definitely recommend that. Wired Magazine is in touch. We had a Fortune magazine conversation. Dave [Asprey 00:04:30] shouted us out on GQ. Lenny [Rashitzky 00:04:32] posted us… We were featured in his How To Increase Virality newsletter, which was an awesome read as well. David Sinclair and David [Promater 00:04:41] both talked about us on a podcast together. These are two legends in the longevity space. 23 and Me is very interested in collaboration with us.
Josh Clemente: And then we just had some really nice customer testimonials throughout the week. The user feedback fire hose is awesome to follow along with and hear how people are comparing us to Apple watches, how people are saying… Basically the theory of behavior change is being reflected back to us in this quote. I knew intellectually that these things were happening to me, but having the scores and graphs is what provided the motivation to change my behavior. So, yeah, that’s the high level. I don’t think I missed anything big.
Sam Corcos: Can you refresh, Josh?
Josh Clemente: Yeah.
Sam Corcos: Got to go back a slide. There we go.
Josh Clemente: Oh, Justin’s on.
Justin Mares: Whoa.
Josh Clemente: There he is.
Justin Mares: Great highlights.
Josh Clemente: And welcome special guest Justin Mares, who is… He started Perfect Keto, Kettle and Fire, both amazing products. I literally am, I think by calorie cont, I must be at least 30% perfect keto bar by now. Yeah. Also helped us launch the Wearable Challenge, which has been one of the most informative pilots we’ve done of any kind thus far, and told us that, essentially, the weight loss community is available to us as an audience, I would say, years earlier than we would’ve expected. So, Justin, thanks for making some time and, and jumping on the call with us. Would love to hear a few words.
Justin Mares: Absolutely. No, I’m excited. I appreciate you guys having me on. Generally, I think that… I’m an investor in Levels and think that what you guys are doing is just, it’s amazing. One of the things that gets me really excited about this is I spend all of my time in the nutrition and what you’re eating impacts how you feel space, and for a lot of people, the feedback loops on that are just so crazy long. It’s like, “Hey, change your diet and then you’ll lose five pounds over the next 30 days, maybe 10 pounds in the next three months. Maybe you’ll feel like a different human, but it’ll take a year.” And so, one of the things that I think is so cool about just this metabolic awareness movement that you all are pioneering, is that you get this super fast feedback loop, and it’s been really rewarding.
Justin Mares: I think some of you on the team are in the WhatsApp group that we have for the Wearable Challenge, and people put the patch on and they’re like, “Oh my God, I had no idea that this one ingredient and this thing that I eat every morning is completely screwing up my blood glucose.” And so, it’s just so cool to see how excited people get adding this layer of metabolic awareness just to their lives. It’s been pretty incredible.
Justin Mares: So, yeah, I just wanted to come on and say that I think you guys are doing amazing work. I’m super excited to be involved. Doing the Wearable Challenge has been one of the most surprisingly fun things that I’ve done over the last year and started just from me sending out a tweet where I challenged people to do this. So, that’s been really fun. And yeah, and the content that you guys are putting out there, too, it’s amazing. I’ve been sending more and more of these articles to friends, family, people that want to learn more about metabolic health because I really do think that you guys are leading the charge in that area. So, yeah, excited to be involved.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Yeah. Thank you again. Give us one thing that you’re up to right now that… What are you working on right now or thinking the most about these days?
Justin Mares: Yeah. So, for me, Perfect Keto and Kettle and Fire take up a lot of my time. We’re working on some new products in that area. Specifically one of lens that I’m excited about is a really clean caffeine-free energy drink that we’re working on on the Perfect Keto side. And then, separately to that, I’ve actually seen this in some of the wearable challenge group people, too, but drinking, I think, is one of those things that a lot of people do, they understand it’s not great for their health, and yet, they do it anyway because it’s socially, it feels like some people feel like they have to. And so, I’m actually helping a friend incubate a non-alcoholic wine brand that I think is going to be kind of cool. So, those are some things that are top of mind right now.
Josh Clemente: Sweet. Looking forward to giving that a trial run.
Justin Mares: For sure. It’s pretty good.
Josh Clemente: Awesome.
Justin Mares: Surprisingly good.
Josh Clemente: All right, man. Well, much appreciated. We all love having the guests and I’m sure many people are excited to put a face to a name. We’ve had the Justin Mares name in the Levels ecosystem for the entirety of our existing, basically.
Justin Mares: That’s awesome. Yeah. Keep it up. I mean, amazing work, and I’m thrilled to be involved.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thanks you, sir. All right. Over to David.
David Flinner: Yeah. So, some cool progress to report. Gabriel’s been working on anomaly detection, as you know, for a while, and a couple weeks ago, he pushed out some improvements that he developed based on looking at the data. And just wanted to share this graph with you real quick. You can see the green line is the quantity of anomalies that we detected that members chose to turn into actual logs. So, you can see, after we launched the changes two weeks ago, there’s been a noticeable uptick in the number of successfully detected anomalies, and the number of false positives has largely stayed stable. That’s the blue line down at the bottom. So, super cool. And then Gabriel also just today pushed out another round of improvement, so two weeks from now, we can check in again and hopefully we’ll see this continuing to go up and getting more and more actionable.
David Flinner: And this is really helpful because it’s very hard for people to remember to add logs, it’s something that’s just inherently hard. And so, the more we can reduce friction for people and adding these logs and pulling out insights, things that matter to their attention, the more we can help them connect, gain that metabolic awareness that Josh and and Justin were just talking about. These are automatically detected magic moments that are really important for our members. Nice job, Gabriel. Next slide.
David Flinner: Cool. Well, internally launched this week some improvements to the identity verification flow, and big thanks to Miz and Braden and Mercy for raising this to our attention. As Josh mentioned, people have to, for our telehealth flow, upload both an ID and a selfie picture, and previously, we had one experience where we just opened your webcam and… The only thing that thing that changed was at the top you see, “Please upload a photo of your ID and please upload a photo of yourself.” So, there really was no visual change. It looked the same as you did it, and people got confused for a variety of reasons.
David Flinner: And so, what we did now was we took a holistic approach working within the framework that we already have to not reinvent everything right away, to move quickly. But we changed the text on the buttons, we changed the description text, and most importantly, we changed the story that’s told by the visuals here. Before you just saw a picture of a card, you weren’t really sure what it is, now you see it, there’s a hand holding a driver’s license and so you know what to expect in the next flow. And then, likewise, with a selfie, you see a person who’s actually holding a phone, taking a picture of a selfie of themselves, so it’s more obvious what’s going on. And then next slide.
David Flinner: When you actually turn on the camera, you may forget what you’re supposed to do because all of a sudden you see yourself in the screen if you’re on the desktop flow, and then you might take a selfie when you actually have to take an ID. So, what we did here was we overlaid on a rectangle that makes it clear that you’re supposed to upload a picture of your ID with clear text, hold your ID card here, and then below it, to reinforce it some additional text, “Make sure this is an ID card, not a selfie.” Yeah, we’ll see. Miz, keep us posted on how it goes, but hopefully these help a bit.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. We should do some metrics on this and see what changes. I think it’ll be significant.
David Flinner: I didn’t realize that Justin was going to be a guest today, but you can see the Perfect 10 Perfect Keto bar here has been featured as a gif highlighting the… After we launched the new zone page, the zone details page, we dropped the feature to tap a photo to see a bigger version bit so you get more context on what you ate. But Murillo added that back this week. That’s a big win for value. Next slide.
David Flinner: So, as you know, we’ve been working towards getting more educational content in the zone details page. So, after you see your score, if it’s bad, you know this is what it means, and here’s what to do instead. One of the prerequisites for that in our internal iteration was connecting you with a lot of information, and we wanted that information to be contained in logical bite size pieces that you could see a progression towards, as well. And so, one way to do that was to reuse the carousel that we have in the learn module and embed that into a particular article. So, now, in the zone show page, you’ll see later, you’ll see your score, you’ll see a prompt that says, “Find a meal replacement,” and you tap that and you’ll get some overview of what it means to find a meal replacement. And then we’ll have a carousel of other articles there where you can go deeper on like, “Hey, here’s a breakfast replacement, here’s some ingredient ideas,” things you can explore in context. This is a placeholder. You’re seeing the getting started details in that gif, but that’s where we’re at. Next slide.
David Flinner: Yeah. And this is the overall project. So, you see on the left the original idea where you get a three out of 10 score, you don’t know what it means, so we tell you, “Here’s a high glucose event article. Learn what to do instead.” And on the right, you’ll see the in progress, the content that’s coming to life. Now we have a space where we can show these education material in the zone details page. And Haney’s working with us to… We’re collaborating to put together what is the most relevant pithy, punchy message that we can display there and get something out the door. Next slide.
David Flinner: Cool. Yeah. So, Jeremy pushed out internally getting all the level staff onto dollar a month subscriptions for their Levels membership. Super cool to see that progress, and I’m really excited to see this come to life. What you’re seeing here is a in progress view of the Stripe customer portal, and that makes it really easy. We can offload all of the management for address changes, shipping address pauses, swapping out payment methods. All of that can be self-served from the customer end going forward once this project is finished. So, give it a shot if you haven’t taken a look in the Levels web portal.
David Flinner: And this is just a generic screenshot, but Murillo has been doing great work on a rewrite of the offline mode and that’s currently an internal testing. Should be code complete, but these can be buggy with all the caching issues and network state changes. So, give it a shot, see if you can pressure test it before we release it to members. Next slide.
David Flinner: And Josh mentioned the progress on the day score. So, we’ve got a bunch of the labeling in, so this is ongoing, but excited to see the next steps. I think, generally, we’ll be doing some analysis at some point in the coming days on taking a look at now that we’ve ranked… experts rank the data, seeing what the new score looks like, and ultimately we’ll be taking this and tweaking it. We’re going to look for areas of disagreement amongst the experts and we’ll just drill in on those and say, “Okay, why was there a disagreement? How do we tweak that going forward?” Next slide.
David Flinner: There you go. Okay, great. So, this is just a summary of the inflight projects. A couple smaller ones, too, that we had a couple bug fixes and another small, but critical, bug fix for Murillo on if you were to tap the same button multiple times in a row, it would create duplicate logs. So, some small wins there. Next slide.
David Flinner: And then just quickly on my side, I’ve been trying to think through some designs for how we can get to the next version of the dashboard, how we can define and provide a better overview on the 20 day program journey, the education journey, what those all mean. So, this is still very much in progress, but I’ve been trying to spend time on that. I’ve showed this mock before, but it’s what I’m spending time thinking about and trying to bring that to life. Next slide. Great. That’s it for me.
Josh Clemente: Cool. And just to circle this back, the Salesforce call we had yesterday, essentially, they were asking, “How does this process that you’ve mocked up here happen for the person?” They want to know how insights happen relative to data, relative to education. So, seeing this all in real time with their needs is connecting the dots for me, for sure.
Josh Clemente: Cool. Hiring update. Nothing’s really changed on this page, with the exception of I added a note. It’s not there. But if you’re adding candidates to the flow in any way, either yourself or with the help of Braden, please make sure you add them to the candidate tracker, as well, and keep tabs on their status. I say that because we are trying to get sharper on our hiring updates like these. So, this should be accurate to our current status. And the candidate tracker is where this info comes from, so definitely keep those up to speed. We’ve had a lot of progress on both software and lead designers this week, and so lots of awesome candidates. Looking forward to more and growing the team. Thanks, everyone, who’s taking part in the hiring process, too. It can be a meaningful chunk of time, but it is an unblocker in the long run. All right, Mike.
Mike Didonato: Thanks, Josh. One of the things that we’re trying to prioritize is learning more from our subscription members, so this week we’ve had eight calls with our subscription members and we got some really great feedback and they’re telling us that they definitely love the constant information and this ability to learn about themselves. And now there’s this desire to dig deeper, to dig deeper on the science side. Is one spike different than multiple? How do I better isolate and test my food responses? And then the last part was interesting, and I know David and I have chatted about this, like different tracks. If I’m an athlete or if I’m on the pre-diabetes track… And I know that we’re working on it, and it was really exciting to see David’s update to the zone show page. I think that’s going to be helpful in a big way.
Mike Didonato: And then just one quick thing I just wanted to read. I don’t like to read from the slides, but the excitement one, that last one, when I first started with Levels, my A1C was at seven, now at six. I have my annual physical next week. I’m expecting it to be in the fives. I’ve lost 10 pounds and my workouts are getting better. I’m now in my fourth month with Levels and my fasting glucose is in the 70s or 80s. Metabolic training is real. Wow. It’s pretty cool. That’s all I have.
Josh Clemente: All right. Yeah. Good week on… Generally, it’s been awesome to see the improvements in the… or the use case of the member support calls evolving. We used to do the them with everyone. Now, our throughput is way too high and we’re able to focus in on learning from detractors. What do they not like? Learning from subscribers. And so, this laser focused, I think, feedback approach is really great. Thanks, Mike. Miz?
Michael Mizrahi: Cool. Yeah. Thanks, Mike. That was great and helpful to hear subscription feedback since that’s the hot topic. On the op side, we had some snowstorms on the East coast. I hope everyone out there is feeling warm and safe. Delayed some USPS shipments. USPS generally has been tricky over the last, let’s say, month and a half. The holiday season they got absolutely destroyed, and then these snowstorms also on the East coast just slowed things down again. We were able to switch pretty fast to FedEx so we relabeled a bunch of boxes and got them out. So, a little bit of a down week on outbound shipments, we’ll have that on the next slide, but we’re covering pretty quickly. Should be in good shape.
Michael Mizrahi: When we switched over to the Truepill physician provider network, and we moved over to their new EMR, we broke some of the fulfillment abilities for internal testing. We rebuilt all that plumbing. Thanks, Andrew and Truepill. So, beginning next week, we should be able to fulfill orders for employees. It’s been waiting to test that. I know the engineering team has been doing a ton of work on integrations, on a lot of the in-app pieces, so we’ll be able to get that hardware out to you pretty soon. So, if you’ve been waiting on that, stay tuned for a link early next week to place that order.
Michael Mizrahi: A ton of orders scheduled through the first week of March, so about 700 consults scheduled. A large result of the Hyman promos, as well as some of the others that going on. We’re ready for more. We can keep taking on more. So, we’re in a good spot on inventory, on capacity, on consults across the board. We’re currently scheduling about 30 to 40 a day, but we have room to bump that up. Just want to make sure we can keep up on the support and op side, but we’re feeling pretty healthy and comfortable there.
Michael Mizrahi: Some challenges we’re working through, trying to figure out the replacement process with Truepill. We have a really generous, easy process today, but we want to make sure it’s the most cost effective one, but also customer friendly. And so, anything that we’re going to introduce we want to make sure we’re not degrading the customer experience, and right now it’s just so good, all you do is just shoot us a note and we overnight you one immediately. So, if we were to ask you to call and wait on hold for 20 minutes, it’s a very different experience and you have to identify yourself, identify the sensor error numbers. So, Braden’s doing some work there, but nothing yet.
Michael Mizrahi: Other than that, making some progress on being able to accept HSAs. Don’t want to promise anything yet, but a lot of clarity as a result of some investor [inaudible 00:22:29] sent out. And just network in general, people have come out of the woodwork with a lot of helpful information, and we’re zeroing in on a really good answer and understanding.
Michael Mizrahi: And finally, some updates coming soon to the privacy policy that we previewed a week or two ago, want to be able to publish something externally for our members, so that should be coming with than this month in the next week or two. And then, those updates that David went over are very, very meaningful for us as a business, as a team, and particularly in operations just in terms of our capacity. So, those subscription updates are going to be a very meaningful change in terms of our capacity and time that we’re spending filling, billing, email tracking subscriptions. And the ID verification improvements will improve consult scheduled, the amount of time we’re spending verifying all those images, and then the failed consults as a result of poor images or incorrect info. So, all that, not to mention the customer experience is significantly better when there’s less friction and less errors.
Michael Mizrahi: Subscribers up to 553, so growing modestly. I think we had our big jump in October and now it’s somewhat steady and adding 30 to 40 to 50 members a week who are choosing to subscribe. We do have some cancellations in there, and a lot of that feedback Mike is digging into, mostly from folks who have been subscribing for six, seven months. Believe it or not, we have some of those. And then we also have folks that cancel and then come back two months later to resume. Took the holidays off. But we’ll see what happens there, but interesting trends and we’re keeping an eye on that.
Michael Mizrahi: And then one more slide, Josh. Just a quick metric snapshot. So, our wait list is at 85,000, which is growing and quite large. I pulled out all the slides and graphs on NPS and CSAT just because they’re all steady, and so I I’ll spare you. But CSAT steady at 95. First reply time, we’re still at 80% within an hour during business hours. Our NPS is bouncing around but in the same range now on a monthly basis, and doing what we can to drive up response rates there. You can see this week is a little bit lower due to the snowstorm, but also we still have three full days of fulfillment left, so pretty sure we’ll [inaudible 00:24:44] last week on about 500 outbound orders. And here’s the preview of the next few orders… or the next few weeks of consults scheduled as a result of those promos that just came through. So, pretty healthy pipeline ahead of us to get through.
Michael Mizrahi: And then a quick pull quote on replacement performance covers. “I let Mercy know that I hadn’t received them. She got back to me right away and I received them the mail less 24 hours a later.” Wow. Exciting. Those are always fun to see. And it’s nice that we can have those kinds of experiences, and especially because we’re working with a partner, with Truepill, and so there’s a lot of things that have to go right for that to happen and then deliver that kind of happiness, to steal from [Zappos 00:25:23] there.
Michael Mizrahi: One more slide here. I’m going to pass it over to Braden. We put together some support principles. He’s just going to walk us through the high level pieces. We’ve loved having everyone on support. Quick plug, sign up if you want another refresher or haven’t [inaudible 00:25:37] in a while. The program’s changed a little bit. We want to make sure… Braden, Mercy, Laurie, myself, we’re up to speed on these principles and how we do support, but we want to make sure that we systematize it add some frameworks that anyone can step in and do a great job. So, Braden take it away.
Braden: Yeah. So, the full memos and op stocks [inaudible 00:25:57] but thought I’d provide a quick high level overview here. And so, these were developed with keeping in mind are goals of support, and since it’s such a personal interaction with our members, we really wanted to reflect our brand, value, mission, and goals. So, we wanted to help our members have a great experience. And then from an internal perspective, we also want it to be a source of feedback to continue to improve our experience and the product.
Braden: And these were also developed with our customer feedback to our support in mind. So, I included quick quotes from a few different members on each principal. So, to start with we’re helpful, and seems like a very obvious principle, but just being helpful, available, and getting quick responses and effective solutions to our members goes such a long way towards exceeding their expectations when they reach out to a support email. And we found doing this alone has really been a positive experience for our members.
Braden: But then we look beyond that to be proactive in our support interactions and look to add value beyond the scope of the question when they reach out, and this includes anticipating issues they might have, or a big part of this is including links to our great content on the Levels blog to help them learn about different topics to help with their experience. As well as looking for deeper solutions when we identify problems with members, and this might be a bug report or it might be creating self-serve options in our knowledge base. And then another part of this is being empathetic. We don’t want our support to be robots with standardized responses to each member. We want to create a personalized experience with tailored responses to each member based on the question, their perceived tone. Are they frustrated? Are they excited to get started with Levels? And we [inaudible 00:28:17] members where they are. If they have a background in health and wellness and understand metabolic fitness, we can talk at a higher level. Or do we need to start at a foundational level?
Braden: And finally is we’re committed, and this is a broader principle, but it really goes towards us working hard to earn member loyalty and understanding that creating positive experiences with our members extends beyond their experience and to their networks. And a big part of this is being willing to take the blame and having a focus on using difficult interactions as a way to earn back member trust in the long run. Yeah. So, that’s an overview of our principles, and again, the full doc’s in our operations wiki if you’re interested in reading more.
Josh Clemente: Thank you, Braden. Thanks, ops team. And definitely recommend checking out that memo to the rest of the team. We’ve got a full meeting here so let’s try and rip through the next 10-ish slides. Ben, over to you on financial.
Ben Grynol: All right. And we will go quickly. So, January recap, we had $337,000 of recognized revenue. We’ve got 10.6 million in cash in the bank. So, over last week when we had 11, we had a Truepill bill that we have now squared up on. So, if we go to the next slide, weekly revenue, so we’ve got $66,000 of cash generated this week, starting February, which is good. And then we’ve got a lot of carryover from February, which if we go to the next slide… Here we go.
Ben Grynol: So, this is really interesting. We’ll start on the right hand side and recognize all of that is because we purposely delayed fulfilling some of those orders because of… Let me know if my internet’s unstable here. I think we’re okay. We delayed fulfilling those orders because of supply chain considerations. Performance covers were out and little, minor things. So, a lot of that’s going to start carrying over into February, and Miz has stated that the pipeline’s pretty thorough for getting people through. So, that’s pretty significant.
Ben Grynol: What’s interesting, though, is we had a 30% month over month growth in subscription revenue. We’re now at almost a million and a half dollar run rate with that. The reason it’s interesting is we have not put the foot on the gas pedal as far as even informing people that this is an option. It’s really a hidden feature that you have to find within the app, and if you get in the secret club, or if you answer the email, I think it’s week three that you say, “Sure, I’ll subscribe,” it’s a big growth channel that once we start unlocking that and engaging people in it, it will be a significant source of revenue. Next slide.
Ben Grynol: So. Data and analytics. Started thinking through some of the partner codes, and as we do this more, we start to realize, again, other growth channels that are interesting. So, user referrals grew 330% from December. It’s a big percentage because we were at 26 in December. That is another great growth channel. Once we start unlocking that we can get a flywheel going with it, so that number is going to increase time and time again, month over month as we get new members. But to make up 8% of the total revenue that we generated in a month is, again, a very significant channel that we should consider. Highlighting a couple other partner codes, so this week we had Mark Hyman, 42 uses. That’s 34% of our revenue. That’s pretty significant. And then recapping on Ben Greenfield from last week with the newsletter that went out on Friday, we had almost 100 uses. That’s 20% of the revenue that week. So, very interesting to see how some of these affiliates are really impacting our growth week over week. Next slide.
Ben Grynol: And then growth updates. A lot of memos went out this week. Content will focus on that. So, next week we’ve got a podcast contractor producer that’s going to work with us for three episodes with the goal being to improve the quality and improve the production value on what we’re working on for the MVP of the podcast. And then there was a rough cut of a BARWIS video that’s being put together. It’s still in review, but really exciting to see that come to fruition. And then, the last note is had a lot of conversations with different people as far as growth candidates go, and the goal is to keep speaking with people as we move forward and start to think through new roles in the future. So, really interesting to see the talent pipeline and all the great candidates. That’s it.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Great update. Can’t wait for that BARWIS video. I haven’t seen it yet. All right, Mercy, Instagram.
Mercy Clemente: So, this week I’m doing something a little different. Stacy had the idea to share more of the background stuff rather than just sharing a bunch of user-generated content. So, just going to give a rough overview of January’s analytics recap. So, in January we shared 288 Instagram stories, majority of which were stories that we were tagged in, and that doesn’t mean we’re sharing every single story we’ve been tagged in or mentioned in. This is just sharing the stuff that is super insightful, has a cool tip or trick in it, stuff like that. A small percentage of that were blog post recaps, and I included a little gif of the blog post recaps we have. Once we hit 10,000 followers back in, I think, November, we have this swipe up capability, so now when we do these little blog post recaps, we can then link directly to that blog post so then people are seeing these little snippets and saying, “Oh, this is really interesting.” Then they can just instantly swipe up at the next story and go read the whole blog post, which has been really helpful.
Mercy Clemente: We grew roughly 22% in January alone, so that’s about 3,500 new followers that month. Our highest engagement photo is this one in the middle, which is the comparison between blackberries and grapes. And this photo right next to it, the white photo, that is just the insights on that specific post. So, that photo got… Over 10,000 people viewed that photo. There were 39 people saved it, which is really huge, and then 52 people sent it. That’s the little arrow. So, that’s super interesting because there was something about this post that really, I guess, struck a nerve with people so they wanted to share it with other people, save it, stuff like that. So, that was pretty interesting to see. Next photo.
Mercy Clemente: January, this is Twitter, we have 10,000 followers now on Twitter. Our top performing tweet of January was this one where we shared the best people to follow for metabolic health, and this one got 730 engagements. And engagements on a photo are the number of times the tweet was liked, linked, clicked, retweeted, anything like that. We were mentioned 1,200 times in January alone, so that’s people literally just tagging Levels in something or tweeting at us, something like that. Grew roughly 10% so that’s about 1,000 new followers in January alone. Over the entire month, we had 310,000 impressions, so that is the number of times our tweets were seen or… It’s kind of like engagement, except instead of just liking something, that’s 310,000 over all of the month of January our tweets were seen by that many people. So, that’s really interesting. Our top follower for January what is Andre Iguodala, I’m pretty sure is how you pronounce his last name. He is a New York Times best selling author, 1.3 million followers, so we figured that would be… It’s pretty interesting that he’s following us. Yeah. That’s it for social.
Josh Clemente: I like the addition of the stats. Thank you. Okay. Podcast update. We’re behind on time right now so I’m going to have to start pushing people to move faster. Sorry, everyone. Tom, give us the fast rundown.
Tom Griffin: Yeah. So, key upcoming, Ben Greenfield is being released tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. And then so excited to have Casie coming back for a million reasons, including the fact that she’s going to be doing a bunch of big podcasts in the coming weeks and months. Next slide.
Tom Griffin: Partnerships. Most of this has been covered. I’ll add in that Equinox has identified like 10 trainers. They’re going to be onboarded next week. We’re going to be starting a pilot with them. Got connected with the MLB Players Association, hearing back from UFC soon on a study with Aura. We’re being integrated into Biographs’s black membership, which is pretty cool. There are a longevity focus clinic. Peter [Tia 00:37:22] is on their advisory board. Next slide.
Tom Griffin: Affiliate update. A huge month in January, almost doubled the previous record, which was double the record prior to that. Again, we’re really not putting resources towards growth here, but this is a product of just securing the best relationships in the business. And again, a lot of these posts are totally organic. Typically even when you’re with an affiliate partner, you’re paying them to post, and this has been mostly organic, which is amazing. Next slide.
Tom Griffin: Actually, can you refresh, Josh? Sorry. All-time partner codes, the green are non-paid partners and the blue are either affiliate or sponsorships. So, again, the biggest updates here, Kelly, Mark Heyman coming into the fold. Dave Asper had a significant bump, as well. I’ll leave it at that.
Josh Clemente: Thanks, Tom. Shout out to everyone whose name is on the slide. Thank you for helping us grow our business and our community. Haney.
Mike Haney: Yeah. So, just a couple articles up so far this week. There’ll be another one going up later today. You saw the Este Haim interview. That one is interesting because it’s not really about Levels. She’s not a Levels user, although she is an investor, but it’s a first step toward talking about metabolic health more broadly and a great perspective from a person with type one diabetes and her feelings on CGMs for non-diabetics. And the low carb breakfast is something that we’ve talked about a lot in the first of many of these… or the second of many. We did a holiday, as well, but of these food swap ones. Next slide.
Mike Haney: This you mentioned already. We did an AB test in the newsletter for the first time this week. My hypothesis was that featuring a member story, somebody that… the Blake Reichman story would actually do better than the broad metabolic health nutrition advice. I was very wrong on that. The control you see here is the natural sweeteners lead story newsletter version that some of you may have gotten, and it got basically record numbers from going back as far as I can see. And I just threw on the bottom our average newsletter compared to, at least what MailChimp says, that average for our health and fitness. So, we have a really good base for this newsletter, which is something that we’re going to grow a lot more in the coming months. Next.
Mike Haney: And then the last thing I just want to highlight is we just added Pinterest functionality to the site this week. Thanks, Stacy, for initiating this, so we now have a Pinterest button over on the left. And then we’re adding new images down at the bottom of certain articles where people can click it and automatically pin it. So, that’s kind of fun. That’s all from me.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thank you. I’m going to give a fast update here on research. We’ve got a couple things in the works which you may have heard about the universal IRB study concept is potentially to conduct the largest study of sub-diabetic population, glucose patterns ever, and so this is something that we’re working with a couple of our advisory members on flushing out. So, the status is that both IHMC, Institute of Human and Machine cognition and USF are interested in working with us. Next steps would be to develop a budget and timeline and put together a draft submission. Allison Hull, the IRB not get approved for that pilot. Essentially this is to work with Levels and her wellness program to see if there’s a difference between those two cohorts. Signups are complete for a pilot program that’s not IRB controlled. They’re just going to do a dry run and then we’ll do an IRB controlled study maybe in May.
Josh Clemente: The Grove City College Bar Study, the IRB was approved. This is essentially testing how different macronutrient bars affect glycemic patterns when under exertion, so this will be like a treadmill test with CGM. That’s underway. We’ve got sign ups starting next week and time to execute on that. More to come on research, but good progress this week on those calls.
Josh Clemente: Okay. So, I think we are on track, but I’m going to encourage everyone to try to stick to 10 seconds on the individual contributions. And John, go ahead and kick us off. Yeah.
Jhon Cruz: Yeah. Excited about version two of the dashboard. Great idea so far. The row of designs we have are looking great, so I can’t wait to start implementing it. And of course, I’m excited to have Casie back. We have been missing you a lot.
Casey Means: Thanks, John.
Josh Clemente: Plus one. Gabriel.
Gabriel: Professional, the new day score stuff looks super exciting. Personal, I’m excited not to have to do any more digging out of my wife’s van this weekend because I have two days where she’s not working.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Stacy.
Stacy: Excited to have the Pinterest functionality on our blog, and we’ve been developing assets to populate that for the last month, so happy it’s going live. And we’re just thrilled to be wearing shorts in Florida this weekend.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Mike.
Mike Didonato: Yeah. There’s definitely no way that I can’t say I’m super excited to have Casie back. Her and David are the first people I met at Levels so I’m super pumped. And then I guess the other one is getting to spend some time in real life with the Levels team member.
Josh Clemente: True. Sam.
Sam Corcos: I think I’m most excited about the people we have in the pipeline for lead designer and for engineering. I think it’s going to open up… David’s been doing a lot of work, single handedly doing all of our product and design work. That’s going to be a huge, huge increase in bandwidth.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. Tom.
Tom Griffin: So many things. I guess I’ll go with the zone activity feed, though. Plus one on what Josh said about our Salesforce call. Most conversations I have with people using the product are really curious to see how we solve this problem of “what to do next.” So, really excited to see all those mock-ups, and plus one on Casie coming back.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Laurie’s not on the call. Hao.
Hao Li: Yeah. Welcome back, Casie. Missed you. And professionally, I’m really excited about day score and trying my best to learn as much as I can.
Josh Clemente: Nice. Yeah. I’m just excited to have Casie back. I also had a really great week of calls with researchers. It’s amazing to, to hear we actually got… I had two hardware companies who are developing next generation CGMs basically pitch us on using their product in the future, which is a very nice pivot. And then I’m stoked to hang out with my college roommates this weekend for a wedding. Mercy.
Mercy Clemente: I’m excited about the subscription stuff and the order validation medical consult. That is going to be a huge, huge relief. Casie, welcome back. I’m also hanging out with my nephew again today, so if you hear any noises, it’s him.
Josh Clemente: All right. Casie, you get more than 10 seconds.
Casey Means: Okay.
Josh Clemente: You’ve got a backlog.
Casey Means: Well, I’m so excited to see everyone’s faces on this call, especially a baby on the call. Very exciting. And to hear all these amazing updates. It’s been a total roller coaster four weeks for me, but it’s been a really powerful time in my and my family’s life. And I’m just so grateful to the team for so much kind support. Thank you guys so much. I cannot wait to get back into full swing next week and just get right back into it. So, thank you guys so much for the kindness and support. I appreciate it so much.
Josh Clemente: Thanks for joining us this morning. Ben.
Ben Grynol: Product. Super excited about all the product work everyone’s doing. It’s incredible to see, and plus one for Casie. Really, really excited to have Casie back.
Josh Clemente: Yeah. Miz.
Michael Mizrahi: Plus one, Sam, on the talent pipeline on both designers and engineers. We’re attracting some awesome talent, but also the impact that that’s going to have, I can’t wait to start seeing. So, looking forward to that.
Josh Clemente: Awesome. Haney.
Mike Haney: I am excited to have the other half of the content department back. We’ll double our capacity. Also super excited about the product content work that Andrew and David and I are diving into more seriously. And on a personal note, I got a 96 score yesterday for the first time. It was the first time I was ever in the 90s, so pretty excited about that.
Josh Clemente: Very nice. Congratulations. I don’t think I’ve achieved that yet. So, with that said, this is the end of the meeting. Thanks, everybody, for pushing through this one. This was an awesome one. It was full of exciting updates, and I look forward to many more. And looking forward to having Casie back on the next one, too. So, have a great Friday, have a great weekend. Talk to you all soon.