Josh Clemente: Cool. Let’s jump in. February 18th, 2022. This week we will start at the top, so SLA and food logging dashboards. Chris has continued to build out, really our Snowflake and Retool Databases continue to be really beneficial and continue to improve those capabilities with new dashboards to help us dig into specific areas of the business and usage metrics that we can then build into all areas of our product development and our business planning. This week specifically SLAs and food logging dashboards, we’re going to start integrating more awareness of how the product is being used, into how the product develops and into our membership planning and pricing, et cetera, et cetera. So yeah, lot’s happening there. Chris is going to have a deeper update. Starting an experiment to shadow members, and so this is another sort of parallel effort to really understand the problems that we’re solving and the way that product features are being used. So, this is kind of growing out of the now page, but this is certainly going to expand as we learn about the effectiveness of these shadowing experiments. Wait list this week. Couple big numbers to call out, which Chris will dig in too deeper. But 3,000 plus emails for six weeks running. We’ve had record subscriptions, our replacement rate is on an all time low. Both very good things. We did have some setbacks this week relative to last on session length, NPS numbers, support volume. So, definitely some lessons that we can learn from the way these fluctuate week over week. A big one for me because I loved his book so much, we’re going live with Rich Roll. You can see a picture of the first ad placement landing page in the middle there. Rich is really awesome and his journey super inspiring. Very proud to have him as part of what we’re doing. And then another big one, Tim Ferriss has approved LEVELS as a sponsor and potential partner. So TBD exactly what that arrangement is going to work out to, but this is a big deal. Tim has one of the most diehard followings in our space. And not to mention, he gets tens of thousands, literally tens of thousands of requests to sponsor his various channel properties, and I would assume it’s less than 1% that make it through just given how few ads he runs. So, this is exciting, more to come there. David Sinclair’s What and when to Eat for Longevity video was by far the most viewed more than two X, the number two spot, so pretty awesome that LEVELS features prominently in that episode. And then Chris and Mark Bell both joining, so a couple of VIPs to touch on there. Taylor was on Just Jenny’s Sirius XM live show this week. We’ve had, I think this was three episodes that we’ve got here, but Lauren made her debut with Bridged. We had a digital Nomads episode recorded, Dorothy from Airbnb recorded with us, so lots of great whole new level episodes coming soon. We had new memos drafted on sort of an evolution of the DRI role and product management. I think this is going out to the team very soon, but lots has been learned over the past few weeks and months on the DRI position and or label and what product management means that level, so this is going to be really helpful. And then Maz pushed out a membership project actions and phasing draft. So, that’ll also be coming to continue to transform the membership strategy that he wrote into forward action. Dom is joining as a sub-in investigator on our second huge IRB, so this is a really exciting one. Taylor is our principal investigator, but Dom has agreed to participate as a second investigator, which really lends a lot of validity to what we’re doing. Obviously, not that Taylor doesn’t have that validation, but Dom has been doing this sort of large IRB research for a very long time and he is at an academic institution, so just a lot of credibility there. And then tracking towards initial liftoff in May, so just want to get that done on this first slide here. There’s a lot of moving parts involved in what liftoff actually means and what we mean by that, which Jam will give us a deeper insight into. Couple of other cool things. We had some nice Twitter shout-outs this week, including that LEVELS gives you superpowers, which I think is better than Wings. Maz was on Harry [inaudible 00:04:04] show this week, which Maz continues to make his way around the podcast circuit. We had 4.7 million views on this sort of like Mr. Beast offshoot video. Mr. Beast is the number one YouTuber in the world and we had just a 40 second clip of a larger LEVELS review that went wildly viral and got 4.7 million views over the last few days, so pretty awesome. Then we got some folks from the Cowboys training squad using our product, the packaging V2, sort of go forward plan up here in the top corner. And then some beautiful design work in integrating the new brand positioning from Alan here. I think that’s most of it. All right, with that, I want to welcome Tracy Stevens. So Tracy had initially used LEVELS, I think a little over a year, right around a year ago and seems to have really touched off a nerve with Tracy in terms of how she looks at the future of health. And she is just a diehard supporter I think, of what we’re doing in the larger movement in this space. And has really shared with us a ton of amazing support and is super excited to join us here. And Tracy, I would love to just hear two to three minutes on your experience, your excitement for the space, what you’re thinking about these days as it relates to your health journey and digital health in general? Tracy Stevens: As someone who spent their career in product management, I just want to go on record of saying I took objection with that last podcast. And I have a couple things to say about that on another time if that’s ever an opportunity. Josh Clemente: I’d love to hear your feedback, for sure. Tracy Stevens: All right. Thank you guys for inviting me. I want to tailor this to whatever would be most useful, but I came across LEVELS as on several of the podcasts I listened to. I can’t tell you which one was actually the final trigger or in marketing language the last attribution in terms of which one I used to jump the line and sign up with. But I did that and I got the sensors. I actually took a while to put them on, I don’t remember why, but I wrote in asking for a refund because I remember just looking at them for so long and I think I pushed it off because I thought it was going to be more intrusive than it was. And I thought, “Oh, I’m going to this event or that event and I don’t want to put them on now, or I’m traveling and I don’t want to have to do it then.” And I kind of created this situation in my mind that it was going to be more complicated or maybe I’d feel it more than I really would, so I actually asked for a refund. And luckily I didn’t get one. Because then I ended up using it for the first time last summer and got some really great insights. I was already on a path to my own health and wellness and kind of this midlife, I would say. I’m 51 and I would say just really started to have some learnings that helped me have this optimism around, it’s not all downhill from here. That we get this mindset of, as you age, things are just going to start falling apart and there’s really nothing you can do about it. And I think just because of the influences I was doing a lot of reading. I had a catalyst from a naturopath, a friend of mine who became a naturopath later in life who set me on this journey of what I was eating. And even though I thought I was eating healthy, I grew up in the the ’80s and though I think one of the big books that was pretty influential for me was Gary Taubes, Good Calories, Bad Calories. I read that book and I just thought, “Oh my God, we were totally duped, we were completely duped.” And almost everything I thought was healthy was not healthy. And so I think for me it just became this empowerment around my own health and wellness. And I did a ton of reading, just a ton of podcasts, have been great for me, because I listened to them all the time walking the dogs, all the stuff. I’m constantly listening to podcasts and just a number of the people have really helped me identify areas that I want to work on. I’ve used my Oura Ring for three years to focus on my deep sleep and try to optimize for that, really refine what I’m eating. And so where LEVELS played in that journey was, I think I’m doing really well, help me tweak and refine what I’m doing. I’m not diabetic, I’m not pre-diabetic, but I thought I don’t know a lot about where my blood sugar is at any given time. I used that and I really learned a few things about both things that I would eat, like you talk about, I could eat the same thing, but depending on when I ate it or what I ate it with or what I did immediately afterwards could really influence my blood sugar or blood glucose level. Those were my key learnings and I did it for a couple weeks and then I had my own health issue that I had to deal with. And that’s inspired me in another way too. Because I’ve done a lot of self-diagnostics, not self-diagnostic, but ordering things myself and almost trying to triangulate it and figure out what the key issues were for me, what were the real important things that I had to focus on. And that’s something I don’t think is really happening. And certainly people think their doctors are doing it, and I could tell you, the doctors were not doing anywhere close to what I was doing in terms of the blood work, the GI map, the genetic stuff. And so I think I’m really interested right now in the triangulation of those things to figure out for any individual person almost like where’s your weak link and where’s the theme that you really need to focus on to have your optimal health? Josh Clemente: Love that. There’s a lot there in your personal testimonial that we’re trying to draw on many of these threads simultaneously. I think one of the most interesting things is just your initial experience of having LEVELS in the house for weeks or months. This is something that, it’s not that rare actually. People look at this as it represents I think a black box of disruption. Maybe I’m going to uncover something that’s going to completely turn my lifestyle upside down and I just don’t really have the mental bandwidth to focus on that right now. There’s a lot happening in my life. And so part of what we’re focusing on is the box is literally black as Jeremy said. But yes, just focusing on helping people understand that this is a tool that can weave into your lifestyle and meet you where you are. And it doesn’t actually have to be disruptive. It can in many ways be empowering and that you can find out that small tweaks like taking a walk as opposed to sitting on the couch can allow you to continue doing most of what you’re doing with that lever to improve going forward. So love that. And then just generally speaking, you’re ahead of the curve with how much data you’re tracking and how forward-thinking you are about collecting blood labs and integrating with sleep data and understanding your holistic health position. But that’s something that we need to scale across people who don’t really think about these things today. Weaving together all these different vectors of information into something that is not overpowering. You don’t spend too much time thinking about it, but it’s like the angel on your shoulder helping you make the right decisions to lead towards your goals. Anyway, Tracy, thank you so much for joining us. Would love to have you stick around on the rest of the call. There’s going to be, we’re just going to dive into the week’s nitty-gritty, so please feel free to stick around and- Tracy Stevens: Oh, thank you. That’s great. Josh Clemente: Yeah, and thank you for taking your time to chat with us. Tracy Stevens: You’re welcome. And one little thing in closing I’ll tell you, I would love a little almost elevator pitch for the CGM. Because I’ll tell you, a lot of people see it on me and they ask about it whether I’m working out or I’m at yoga or just around whatever. And I feel like I haven’t figured out that short little answer to say to somebody who there’s a lot of interest and especially at my age we’re in this phase where we feel like we want to solidify the foundation for the next 50 years kind of thing. But for somebody who’s not diabetic or pre-diabetic, I’ve had a hard time with what’s the short story that I tell them of why they should care about this? I go on and on and it’s too much for people. I’ll leave you with that helping me figure out what’s the short story that really gets people to think like, “Oh, this isn’t just for a woman who’s a little bit over the top, this is something that I could benefit from as well.” I think that would be helpful to expand to that next group of people who may not be thinking about this but are certainly once I do tell them a lot about the things I’m doing, they want on board because they also want that empowerment of feeling they’re actually improving as they get older as opposed to declining. Josh Clemente: Yeah, we call it the prayer internally, but the one-liner is, LEVELS helps you see how food affects your health. And so that applies to everyone. We all have to eat food and we all want to know how our bodies are reacting to the choices we’re making, so it kind of encapsulates that. Eventually, as we add additional layers of information around sleep and exercise, food and lifestyle, how food and lifestyle affect your health. That tends to catch an edge for most people. And then if they’re interested in more, then I think just your personal experience is the best way to explain how you’ve woven it into your lifestyle. But that’s a great point. We’re constantly trying to improve our messaging and help people understand this isn’t something for esoteric biohackers. This is something for people who want to know how food is affecting their health. Tracy Stevens: Yeah, exactly. Josh Clemente: Yeah. Well Tracy, it was great to chat with you. Thank you for setting aside some time on Friday and the whole team really, really appreciates hearing directly from members like yourself. Tracy Stevens: Thank you guys, I appreciate it. Josh Clemente: Thank you. All right, let’s see. I think there’s a quick aside, Taylor. Taylor Sittler: Yeah. Do you want me to do the- Josh Clemente: Yeah. Taylor Sittler: Absolutely. Yeah, so quick aside here and Tracy, thanks for sharing. It ends up being a little bit related to what you’re talking about at the end. Since I started at LEVELS back in October, we have lots of requests for different things that we could look at beyond glucose. What’s the triglyceride to HDL ratio and would it be a good marker of metabolic health? Should we put uric acid on the blood panel? Is there something that we can tell folks or show folks that accumulates while they’re being sedentary? And I’ve been making a list of all these questions and all these things that we’re interested in and looking at. And have been thinking about what a company resource could look like to help all of us get more clarity on these questions and really understand the correlation between behavior and metrics. And I’d like to introduce Azure Grant, who has an incredible depth of knowledge and passion for this. She’s going to help us put together an internal wiki, which will hopefully make all of us more knowledgeable and productive. She got her PhD from UC Berkeley in female and reproductive health and diabetes. She’s been working on how we can infer hormonal and metabolic state in peripheral time series data. And she self-professes to love organizing projects with self-trackers. I’d love to give Azure a chance to introduce herself to the team. She’s going to be a consultant with us for the next couple of months. Azure Grant: Hi, everybody. Hey, can you hear me okay? Taylor Sittler: Yeah. Azure Grant: Nice to meet you all. I’m a big fan of you guys and I’ve been hearing about LEVELS for quite a while now. Yeah, as Taylor said, I’ve been working with the quantified self-community and Type 1 diabetes community for a while and am really excited about what we can do with CGM data and feel you guys are really leading the way for what you can do with time series analysis and metabolic and overall hormonal health as well as in data literacy education. So, super excited to work on this project and to get to know you all better. Taylor Sittler: Awesome. Thanks Azure. And by the way, she’s put together a 24-page document in about three days, so we’re really excited about how fast she’s moving. So I’ll pass it back to you Josh. Thanks, Azure, excited to work with you. Azure Grant: Perfect, likewise. Josh Clemente: Yeah, thank you Azure, and looking forward to this project. It’s a super important one for where we’re heading. Thank you, Taylor. All right, quick culture and kudos aside. Just wanted to shout out, Sam posted about this in Threads, but just the culture work and how it’s affecting multiple degrees of separation from the main mission, which is building our company and the company is the product and determines how we operate and how effective we are. But by putting that out into the world we are really affecting other people who are motivated to try to build in a way that is representative of our cultural values. This is a message we received from someone who left Stripe and essentially decided that they’re going to found their new company in the image of LEVELS in terms of remote first asynchronous and non-traditional in terms of transparency. Really exciting to see this sort of thing. I appreciate all of the effort that goes into building, documenting and sharing our culture. This doesn’t happen automatically. People like Ben, Tony, Miz putting in a lot of effort to get this and distributed across the various channels are really helping, I think build goodwill in the larger industry. And then Stephan, Maxine, Dave shouted them out and I want to highlight that again here, the depth. And by the way, I don’t interface with poll requests all that often, but I do know that good documentation and a simple Loom can go a lot further than the written word in terms of helping people just in plain language understand why something was done. And so embedding Looms at the top of poll request seems to really be helping Dave and I can imagine it would really help me if I was in his position. So, please continue to look for ways to improve messaging, documentation effectiveness for the next person that’s going to come across your work. And then lastly, I want to just boost this one, please install Vanta Agent. There’s a thread in Threads about this, but we need to use Vanta to make sure that everyone has the authentication measures and encryption measures that we need on the workstations that are being used as we start to move into areas where GPDR and other privacy requirements are in place. More info in Threads, but just want to make sure this is on everyone’s radar. All right, Jan, I think you’re taking this one. Josh Mohrer: All right, you might have seen in Threads this week and then Sam wrote a memo about it, the idea of a single metric that could really help us understand where we are. We have so many amazing metrics. It can be sometimes a little bit overloading if you’re not in the thick of it. With that, I present our North Star metric, which is what we’ll look at for now. It’s not forever. Our priorities will probably shift over time. But for now daily food loggers with the seven-day moving average. This literally shows how many people were helping see how food affects their health with the correct grammar. And it’s exciting. You can see we were flat for a lot of last year, had some pickup in the fall and winter and then January has just been bonkers. And we’re starting to see a little bit of an exhale from that, but it’s certainly a trend in the right direction, and that’s all for me. Josh Clemente: Awesome, thank you. Sam wrote up a memo on this. If anyone hasn’t dug into that memo, I think it’s been widely shared. It’s a good place to get some more background on why we are choosing certain metrics to track. There’s a lot that goes into this, more than I realized until reading through the background there. Thanks Jan. Okay Scott. Scott Klein: Everybody. All right, Quick reminder, strategy pillars. First, we are showing people how food affects their health. This should be the priority that everybody is working toward. If you feel you are tangential to something that might be okay, but let’s make sure we have a conversation about it first. Next slide. Quick with me. Actually you can go one more ahead. The last couple weeks I’ve been sort of alluding to the great shifting that’s going to be happening of people, oh sorry, forgot Maxine. Refresh please. The great shifting that’s going to be happening around heads going from P2 to P1 and it is currently in flight, so membership and liftoff got a lot of work done in terms of definition and getting people assigned to things like the API, subscription management, IRB consent. And so you’re going to be seeing faces moving over, again this is a great thing. We are going to be working pretty exclusively on liftoff. And now for the foreseeable future we’ve got a couple things around data warehouse. Gabriel’s working on a kind of a what’s new widget that’s going to go in the app. But in general we are working on all the right things and so this is just our accountability side to make sure that we are signing people where they should be going. If you are not on either liftoff, make sure that we just have a good understanding of what you’re working on. Again, it’s totally fine, but we need to have a conversation before that. I’m very excited, a lot of things taking shape just in terms of definition around how we’re going to manage IRB subs alongside the existing prescription subs. Getting the API work done, some cool UI enhancements or usability things that are going to come from that, so a lot of good work going on right now. That’s it for me. Josh Clemente: Great. Thank you Scott. All right, Maz with the Async. Maz: Hi, everyone. We ship the membership strategies memo last week, which describes how membership is the implementation of our business strategy and also the promise to our members. And to be successful, every aspect of our business, whether it’s product engineering, marketing, sales, ops, business has to be aligned to deliver on that promise. And that promise is two things. One is to create value for our members more than the price they pay. And the second is building trust. The memo is broken into two parts. One is exploring this value creation equation and its components in depth. And then the second part is, how should we structure our membership to maximize on this value creation and trust? So, I hope you enjoy it. Out of that memo came the implementation of this membership project, which currently is … Actually we’re working with the cross-functional leads to scope phase and resource to execute. As part of that work we kicked off phase zero, which is the membership pricing experiment. And the reason pricing experiments are important are twofold. One is obviously we want to make our membership as affordable as possible to everyone. And then the second is we want to see how by reducing our price the volume change. Higher volumes are quite powerful and there are a lot of benefits to them. Some of the obvious ones are obviously cost. As you achieve economies of scale, you can work with your suppliers and marketplace partners to reduce cost. You can also spend less on advertising and cost of acquisition and spread your fixed costs over a larger volume, which means per unit cost will be lower. There’s a lot of benefits on the cost side having higher volumes. There are some maybe not so obvious ones. And that’s really around influence. The larger we get we will have more influence on entities like regulatory bodies like insurers and payers which may be part of this equation in the future. And also bad actors like food companies and other folks. And then finally, one of the benefits of having higher volumes is you can create a really rich community and a benefit from all this network effects. By operating a lean business and being efficient we are less susceptible to disruption by others. We will be able to ward off the temptation from others to come and disrupt us and our business models, so that’s another benefit of volumes. How did we go about experimenting? We picked a group, which is our double opt-in. These are probably our least price sensitive group of people and most loyal. These are people that have been on the wait list for a long time and are going through fill out surveys and gain access to LEVELS. This group is probably one of the least price sensitive, but one on the experiment on these folks because they’re early adopters. If we see elasticity here, we’ll definitely see elasticity in the early majority or the general public. We run the experiment where we want a 100 conversions per each of these membership buckets. Which is effectively at 199 which is our current pricing, which is the control. At 150, 199 and 75. And the reason we did the 199 is you really see if there is an effect between putting in nine at the end of your price or just making a whole number. And we’ll see how that plays out. It’s important to mention that we are still early, we’ve only powered this about a third of what we need to, so there’s still some noise here, but we want to share the results in term results with everyone. So on the blue charts here you’ll see the conversion rate. So for the 199 conversions about 13.7%. And an interesting case happening on the 150, and we’re not sure if this is noise or it’s a psychological price where it’s responded quarterly, but we’ll know as this gets more conversions. But what you expect also on 199 we are seeing a higher conversion, and between 199 is too early to tell, because of our numbers, so there’s no conclusion here yet. But it’s interesting, they’re roughly about the same and obviously lower prices yielding a higher conversion on the 75. If you translate those to what percentage of higher conversion we’re seeing, we’re seeing a 21% higher conversion on the 100 and 30% on the 75. And if you translate that to elasticity, it’s about a half a point of elasticity. So by reducing price by X percent you’re seeing half of that an increase in volume. It’s still early, but it tells us that there is some elasticity in demand versus price. And we should expect to see a higher one in general population. There are other tests that we will run that’s more representative of the general population to see how our volume will change as we change price. Thanks, that’s it. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Super important experiment. Thanks Maz for the update. Yeah, I look forward to the end of that. There we go, Jan. Josh Mohrer: All right, so we had a soft dish week, our fourth week live. We’re working on the product, adding some new things to it. But I’m putting this down basically until we lift off. I’m a little bit short on bandwidth. But a special shout-out to Britney for chasing down a real hell of a weird issue that we had this week on a few different ones. So thank you Britney for helping solve those problems. Josh Clemente: Now page David. David Flinner: Yeah, so we had a really solid week on image development for now really across the board. Justin tackled everything related to Zone, so his zone metabolizing and progress, the Zone score ready all these around grouping. Josh, could you play the third one? He also implemented our first generative art. So you can see the background is sort of animating there, and that’s done programmatically, which is a really cool foundation if we can nail this for other delightful moments throughout the experience in the future. Steph was able to get through the video and audio cards, which will be really awesome for us to have alternate types of content that they resonate with some members who prefer the video versus the text versus the audio. And we also got through adding full screen images for all of our existing 28-day user feed cards, so that’s the second video that you see. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but you can see it coming to life week over week. And we’ve been iterating based on team’s internal feedback on the user experience patterns. Again, still a lot of work there, but I think we’re edging closer to a internal MVP beta here. And I think it’s not going to be too long before we can get this in the hands of a couple numbers for initial feedback on it. So, do keep the feedback coming. If you try it out and have thoughts, please post in the now form on Threads. We’d love to hear that. And let us know your thoughts. Yeah, thanks Justin and Steph. Josh Clemente: Lot to be excited about here. Thanks David. Thanks Steph. David Flinner: Oh, I forgot one last thing. The realtime chart. Can’t forget that. Justin also banged out the realtime chart on the far right there. So it’s our existing glucose chart, but now on the real time page. So, lots of big updates. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Huge. I will be downloading briefly. All right, this is the Eng Process SLAs and KPIs. We’re going to experiment with Andrew not reading the numbers on this one. So if everyone wants to just log this into your photographic memory and refer back to it later. All right, Open Roles. Not much has changed here. We’ve got ongoing processes for all the roles listed. If you know somebody who would be a good fit for LEVELS either now in the future, please refer them to And new team members. We’ve got Steven joining for software engineering in late March, and then we’ve got Paul, Riley, Brett all starting in late February and just a week or so and Cissy starting next week. Actually that’s just a few days from now, not very far away. Continuing to have some great growth and this is going to be amazing force multipliers across many of the channels that we don’t have people focused on today. And Alan? Alan McLean: I’m going to try to have some snappy GIFs every time I do an update in the future. So yeah, I’ve been off almost all our messaging channels lately just to focus on what the next three months of the Now page is going to look like. How we can better enhance metabolic awareness, how does this product work, what are the principles behind it, how do you use it? And then looking more deeply at engagement. I think Sam calls this a think week. I kind of think a bit more like this. It’s for designers kind of a dream come true. Next slide please. A lot of that is just building out a giant prototype so that you can get a feel for what each aspect of the app is going to look like in the future. And this is going to be something that we go back to so you get sort of a sense for how different sections are going to evolve, what can engineering work towards. Give you a bit of a better sense than all these random Looms that we put together and you see in real time. Next slide. Some themes have emerged during this work. There’s actually a variety of themes. I’m not sure which ones to speak about. But in the Friday forum I’m just going to choose three. And one of them is first time use experiences. We haven’t done a lot of this yet in the app, or we have, but it’s been in content, it’s been somewhat difficult to read. And so we’re going to spend more time in the future, so to help build awareness around how this product works. Sort of taking advantage of the activation energy that people will bring to the first time they use the experience and bring a bit more education and guidance into it. And so we’re going to do a big jump into, what is week one look like, what is this about? We’re going to start prompting people to, hey, first thing you got to do is log a meal. A little bit more directed in that sense. The illustrations around will provide a great way to explain some of these null states. There’ll be integrated onboarding. I think it’s going to be a big change to your overall feel for what the app is going to look and feel like. Next slide. Holistic health and positive reinforcement. This is one that comes up a lot. And I think one theme that’s really come up a lot for me while looking into this space is that oftentimes the way that we visualize data is essentially a representation of your current status. What is your body doing right now? And that’s an interesting lens to take. But it’s not particularly helpful if you’re not doing so awesome. It tends to just focus on what’s going poorly. And it’s kind of the status quo in most of the health and wellness space. What we’re going to start experimenting with doing is taking a bit more of a positive lens on healthy habits and expanding our understanding and representation of data to be a bit more holistic in nature. There’s a lot of things that go into improving your health. It’s not just diet and we’ve talked about that many times before. It’s really finding ways to acknowledge the wins across everything that you do in your health and wellness. And so that includes sleep, that includes diet, exercise, stress management. And so we want to acknowledge that and we’re going to have visualizations that support that and really reinforce the good things that you’re doing. The other nice mechanism that I like about this is that it allows us to kind of define wins individually for almost any type of user. So just getting a good night’s rest, that could be something that we celebrate. We’re really trying to almost redefine your identity around health and wellness. We can’t do it just around food, because for some people they’re just not able to make as many positive choices in that space as we might like. Next slide. And then the third one, engagement or sticky food logging. Everything comes back to food logging for LEVELS. It’s just such an important part of the experience and JM is talking about it being our north star metric. And so right now what happens when you log a meal? Well, do you look forward to it? A lot of people don’t. They kind of neutral. And then you wait for two hours and then during that time you’re not really engaged with the app and then eventually you get a score. And your reaction to getting that score, you’ve waited a long time, the score you get, maybe it’ll make you think, maybe you’re a little confused, or sometimes it’s a thumbs up. I think for the most part we know when we’re going to get a good score when we log some food, because it’s relatively healthy. Next slide please. What we would like to do around food logging, we need this to be sticky. It really needs to be something that people look forward to doing. And so when you’re going into log a meal, it’s more of a, what am I going to get? And it can’t just be the score, it has to be more more than the score. That period of time with which you’re waiting, that’s a huge opportunity for us to deliver some engagement, to deliver some delight, make it positive, reinforce good behaviors and celebrate our users. We essentially want to be an ally for our users. So right now, if you go to the next slide, you can see we’ve talked about this metabolizing screen. And this is just visual representations and it’s just sort of more in the generative art space. As it’s metabolizing perhaps we have these designs in the background. And these are kind of fun and pretty, but they’re not going to do a lot around engagement. You’ll see a couple of them, you get used to it, you won’t think about it much longer. Next slide. What we want to do though is we want to be an ally for our users. We want to celebrate them. It has to be more than just visual. We want to be able to have people feel like they’re going to log everything and anything. You got to be the company that nails food logging. And so if you’re going to go have something that you know is going to get a bad score, most people will not log it. We see this in calorie tracking too. As soon as you go over the limit, people stop tracking. Next slide. We’re going to start experimenting with more delight, bringing in more fun, and I think some of these are just illustrative in nature, although I kind of like the emoji stuff, I’m not going to lie. And thinking about what will this food do to your body or your glucose. What is it? What will it do to your glucose, and how did it make you feel, or how do we think it might make you feel? Here’s an example. If you’re having ice cream, you’re probably not going to get a good score around it. We might as well have fun with it. Next slide. Grapes. We know if you’re going to have a bunch of grapes your sugar’s probably going to spike. Surprise, rocket, there’s could be some fun here. Next slide. And then being a little bit more delightful around things we know are going to score well. Can we give you a bit of a celebration? The angel emoji, make it just a little bit more lighthearted. The app is pretty moody and dark right now. And so we want to find a way for it to feel, LEVELS is on my side, no matter what it is. Next slide. And so really that’s coming back to engagement and really that kind of stuff is fun, but we’re going to need more than just these little hacks that come up every once in a while when you log specific keywords. Other areas that I’m exploring around this are finding ways to get that moment in time while the meal is processing to drive a lot of potential reactions, getting feedback from people. What if Casey dropped in and gave you some feedback on a meal before it was done? Can we find ways to have you looking forward and not really expecting? Sometimes you get nothing, sometimes you get something amazing. Part of this is really we’re going to go deep on variable reinforcement schedules and looking at ways to really drive engagement here. I think that’s it. I’m going to probably sign off soon and go back to work, but thank you very much. Josh Clemente: Pretty awesome update. Yeah, so much there. Can’t wait to see some of this stuff come to life. Thanks Alan. All right, we’ve got LJ with the weekly update. LJ: Hey everyone, I’m LJ and I hope you’re having a lovely Friday since we started this week with a sweet Valentine’s Day. Sharing with you here the weekly progress report from February seven to 13. There were eight active EAs, 16 LEVELS team members who delegated, and a total number of 144 tasks. To give you more details, these are the total number of tasks delegated per LEVELS team members. We were just down by few numbers, because from the prior report I gave you we were able to accomplish 158 tasks, which is pretty normal. Because that specific week fell on an end of the month and first week of the month, wherein we have a lot of tasks and reports to submit. So again, if you want to delegate a task, please email [email protected] or simply send a task via Athena’s voice memo app. So sharing with you another new delegation for the week from Jesse. He was able to delegate his first task to one of our new EAs, Mayi, and he also inquired how he will be able to share access to some of his accounts. So just to give the other LEVELS team members insights on how we do this, a secure way on how you will be able to share your login credentials to us, is through a password vault, wherein we will be able to help to assist you in setting this up if you want to do this. So that’s it. Please just reach out to us if you need any help. Thank you. Josh Clemente: Awesome, thank you Athena team. And congrats, Jesse on delegation number one. It’s a big milestone, Ben. No, sorry Chris. Chris Jones: Thanks Josh. Next slide. Because I was jealous of Andrew’s SLA dashboard, decided to build my own. So this is a very early version. Some of these metrics we already tracked today, but really starting to call them out around things like, how quickly we’re delivering support or how quickly we’re filling and delivering from order to shipment. So these are some things we track today. We’re just kind of pulling them out into an SLA dashboard, but you can imagine over time adding a lot more things to this, like uptime more from engineering. So more to come on this. This is just kind of the V 0.5 version, just trying to get it in front. So more to come on this one. Next slide. Here’s an example of one of those SLAs where a lot of the team are probably where when we started running into daily cap limits. Where on the op side we saw members complaining of, “Hey, I just signed up and I’m not going to get my CGM until the end of February.” And that started causing us going, well, where’s this breaking down? Are we running out of a capacity at SteadyMD? Is Truepill not getting orders out? And this actually is tracking every one of those steps as people go through it so we can really kind of pinpoint around where in the journey are we actually running into pain. This is an example of us kind of going deep on one of those SLAs around, where did it break, how do we recover? And how bad are the spikes? This is just one example of a deep dive from the previous slide. Next one. Food log dashboards. I love how it seems like the theme of the week across a lot of this is all about food logging. And things are kind of coming together in all fronts. It just wouldn’t be an update unless I had something new in Snowflake. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Snowflake gets my jam. I love it, I love it. I’m going to be doing a deep dive Loom on this probably later this afternoon to really go into some of this. But this is more of the teaser, looking at metrics around total food logs, average food logs per member, the percent of people that aren’t logging any food at all. Kind of like when we say we don’t see glucose data or we don’t see any food log. And overall volume just to keep it, how big an audience is this? Is it sizable or are we talking about a 100 people? And the dimensions are all the different ways I’ve kind of sliced and dice this dashboard to kind of go to town around. Do we see differences in age and interest and referral codes and when they started their cohorts? There’s a lot in here, so that’s why I’m going to be doing a much longer Loom to cover it. But to give a little bit of a sneezer of one example, Josh, the next slide? One of the slices is by looking at our age buckets and by gender. So, the chart on the left is looking at four members who log food, how many food logs are they logging? Feels like a tongue twister. It’s not surprising to me based on a lot of the other data we’ve seen around NPSs and engagement, females are logging more data than males. And as people get older they also log more things, they get more engaged, they get more kind of invested in the product. In just common of what we see of other data around the slice. The part that was really interesting to me is a chart on the right, which says, “Not so much as gender split but an age split of as our audience gets older, they are also much more likely to never log food at all.” That really took me away. So now as we think about hey, we have roughly 30% of our audience that doesn’t log food. Is it because of our promotion code? Is it because of our audience base? This is similar to the type of analysis I did around NPS to slice and dice it around everything to say, “Why is our score going up? Did the app change? Did the experience change or did our users change? Are we bringing in more males, more females, more younger people, older people?” So this was is one example of some of the things I’ve found in the dashboard, but more to come on a longer Loom going into lots of these slices. Next slide. I covered this in our weekly deck and I think maybe last week. This was just looking at the day review as we have a little bit more data. The two call-outs was still really high engagement … Sorry, my pup is trying to get in on the show here. Is 97% of people that see the mobile, are I’d say getting to the first screen. And then 70% are I’d say getting to the second screen. And this is a significant fall from when we first launched the feature. So this is something we’ll continue to track looking for. Anytime we put something new out there, everyone’s like, “Oh, what’s this new thing?” And over time, is it sticky? Do people keep coming back to it? To the community view going, “That’s where I get the value.” Or do they just come to the score and then hit the X? So looking for trends over time for this. Next slide. But it’s great to see people sharing when they actually enjoy it. And this was someone who posted in our LEVELS Facebook group around that they’ve achieved their personal goal. And another member joking around, “Did you only eat bacon to achieve such a high score?” It’s great to see people taking this in the app just like they do zone compares, and sharing it and starting the conversation. Next slide. I’m not going to go through a lot of this just more for, we had a little bit of a dip in happiness score this week. It fell from I think 97 or 95 to 87. And there was some things we ran into around people that, there was a wifi bug we kind of ran into. I think around the Eero Mesh networking where they couldn’t log food if they were on wifi, but they could on LTE. There was people saying, and this took us a while to try to troubleshoot. So people that can’t get through verification, can’t use the experience as they expect. We’re definitely going to see dings on the member experience side when we can’t really fully help them or fully solve it. But I won’t read through these because there’s also some great feedback in there. And that’s it from member experience. Josh Clemente: Always love these updates, Chris. They’re getting better and better. Thank you. And thanks to the whole ops team behind the scenes. Ben? Ben Grynol: All right, growth is focused on value through membership. Maz had given some insight into all of the things that are going into it. As far as reporting, we’re going to try something new. It’s very much an experiment. So feedback is very much appreciated on how we approach this. And the idea is that we’re not going to report revenue on a weekly basis. We’re going to report it on a monthly basis. The metrics that we’re going to report are driven from the growth dashboards and some of the metrics that Chris has been tracking and creating for us. And they are member-centric. So in good fashion, why not go into food logs and everything with weekly active users. Next slide please. What we’re looking at here is weekly active users on a rolling basis. We’re at 4,417 and that line to allude to what Chris was saying is the percentage of members who are actually logging food in a week. So, the number right now for this week is roughly 2,500 people. If you think about it, if our goal is to show people how food affects their health and less than 60% of people are logging food, it’s hard to show them how food affects their health. So, this is a great product metric and it’s something that we should start thinking about more. Alan had alluded to it in the way that we can give people insight into some of these things and make the product more engaging. We’ll keep reporting this if it’s helpful. Again, feedback very much welcomed on this being one of the dashboards and one of the metrics that we’re tracking. Next slide please. This next one. These will evolve and this is iterative as well. We want to start showing new members that join as well as new CGM subscriptions. We’ve got some work to do on the CGM subscription data to make sure that it is accurate and indicative of what’s happening. And so that’s why we’re not reporting it this week to make sure that we’re not misreporting metrics. But what you’re looking at is the green columns are new email signups and the line represents new members that have joined. It is natural that on a week-by-week basis, we’ll have oscillation in the line as far as both emails and new members that joined. So this week, 503 members and 4,760 emails. Next slide please. Last one. This is very much a vanity metric slide, so this is not something we should anchor on, but the goal of showing this is the pulse. Where are we heading in a macro direction as far as growth and scale goes? The reason we don’t want to look at it is it’s the typical graph that’s always going to be up into the right, and it’s really easy to say, “Look how great things are.” But that’s not the point. The point is to give people insight to say, “Hey, how many people do we actually have on our email list?” Right now it’s 207,000 people that have signed up with emails. This is exclusive of people who are unsubscribed. So that’s the net number there. That’s not people strictly in the U.S., that’s our entire email list. As far as active members, that is active membership. We’re not going to see any churn right now because the annual memberships are again up and to the right because they’re a year long. And so we’ve got a way to go before we’ll start to see differences in the changes to that. But vanity metrics, again open to all feedback with us and would appreciate if anyone has any thoughts on how we can report different metrics? That’s growth for the week and onto Tony with the theme of the week. Anthony : Thanks Ben. Theme of the week this week is a Visual Experiment. A few weeks ago I released the visual strategy for photography and illustrations. Definitely feel free to check it out. Overall, we want to create an ongoing generation of assets moving forward, but at the same time reducing overhead from our own internal team. And we want to highlight members, advisors, and affiliates as well as team members as well. To kick things off we’re going to try a quick experiment. And in order to increase the content we are going to start with an experiment of just a sample size of one. So N equals one, just one member from our team. And we’re going to pick one snap wire photographer that is local to their area. And we’re just going to really just see how it turns out and see all the content that we get back from that. And then from there we can scale it with more snap wire photographers across the country that are based locally to our members, advisors and affiliates. And so that’s it for the visual experiment. Josh Clemente: Awesome. Thanks, Tony. Thanks, Ben. Looking forward to the experiments. Tom? Tom Griffin: All right, some weekly highlights. First, starting with the podcast advertising world. Our first Rich Roll podcast went live this week, so we’re excited about that. So far in the last day, zero conversions. This really doesn’t mean too much yet. But what I do think that it means is that from an ops and edge perspective, we don’t need to be worried about Sinclair level influx of orders. It’s really interesting. I mean, we’ve said this a million times, but we really don’t know how this stuff is going to perform until it goes live. It’s really not as simple as taking expected download numbers and a conversion rate. Sinclair, for example, saw about 100 times the number of clicks on the link in the first day. And at about 30 orders in the first day. Okay, moving on, Tim Ferris, this was the big news this week. So Tim and his team have officially given us the go ahead that we are approved to sponsor his different media entities, namely the podcast and his newsletter. At this point we’re just balancing the dance, figuring out when we think that we want to start advertising, when we’re going to be in growth mode, it’s likely June or July that will begin with Tim. And we also just making a note here that we moved the Huberman Lab advertising slots back that we’re going to start in March. And they are going to be starting also likely in June, maybe the end of May. And then Hyman, keep a lookout for a giveaway happening today at 12:00 p.m. PST. I think this is going to be huge exposure. We did this with Kelly and got a few thousand new followers and Hyman has three x the number of followers, so excited to see how this one plays out. And we’re going to be doing a number of other experiments with their team upcoming. We’re working really closely with them this year, so excited about a number of things and going to update the team on additional experiments, including a YouTube advertising experiment that they’re going to launch pretty soon. Next slide. Okay, a couple of updates on some of the promos that have been driving all of the volume over the last month or two. I’m sort of always looking at this data, but figured it’d be helpful to provide some visibility and just walk through what I’m seeing when I look at it. So Hyman Performance Update, this is all time Hyman performance by week. And so these three spikes are the three big promotions that have happened with Mark Hyman’s team. The first is a blog and a newsletter promotion. That was that original video that Mark had made for those who were around back then. And then the second is the first podcast interview drop, and then the third is the second podcast interview drop. Our first interview drop, the one in the middle generated about 500 new members in two weeks, and this second drop generated 175 new members in two weeks. So, this isn’t terribly surprising. This actually follows a very similar pattern to the other shows where we’ve done multiple interviews and this is also what Drew Perrott told us to expect. But it’s interesting nevertheless, and when something like this happens we definitely like to dive in to better understand it. Drew and his team are sending me an update on the downloads and impressions of both of these shows to just better understand whether this is just saturating his audience over time or if there are any other reasons that one show might perform better than another. Next slide. And then Sinclair just continues to kill it. It’s pretty amazing that it stayed this steady. This is daily, so not weekly, but daily, and we’ve remained steady. We hit 1000 new members from Sinclair this week. That puts them in pretty rare territory with only Mark Hyman and Dave Asprey are the only two others that have driven a 1,000, again over the course of over a year. And Sinclair did this with a few ads over the course of about a month. And then just a couple of screenshots that I included in here. Top right David is talking about season two, which would make us very happy if this launched later in the year. Season two of the Lifespan podcast. And then down here on the bottom left, one of the reasons that this performed beyond our expectations is that the download numbers for the show had just been crazy and way higher than they thought. They were expecting about 250,000 downloads per episode. And I highlighted, which you can’t really see, but I highlighted one episode in particular, which is the one on what to eat, which included an organic mention of LEVELS that has about 900,000 YouTube views alone, which doesn’t include the podcast downloads. So, the show has been killing it and I’m pumped for season two. That’s it. Josh Clemente: Amazing update. Thanks, Tom. Alrighty, here we are at the end. Is Dom with us today? He is not. Scott, you’re up. Scott Klein: Well, sorry, hang on. Number two and the number one’s missing. Okay. Wow. Work stuff, I’m excited for hiring as always. Been having some really good interviews and I know we’ve got some offers going out, which is fantastic. On the personal front, yikes, I don’t know, catch up on some sleep this weekend. That’s it. Thanks. Josh Clemente: Very good. Jhon. Jhon? Scott Klein: Yes. Jhon: The Now tab is looking awesome. I’m seeing great updates every single day in the app. And on the other side the what’s new feature that Gabriel is leading looks really nice. It’s a small but important piece that we have been missing in our application, so excited to see it coming into reality. Josh Clemente: Love it. Jesse? Jesse: Yeah, I’m pretty stoked about Riley and Tim Ferriss coming aboard. Personally, I don’t have a personal update this week. That’s it. Josh Clemente: We’re light on personal updates this week. Let’s see, we’ve got JM. Josh Mohrer: All right. Oh, this kind of snuck up on me. On the work side. I mean, I covered it all, but I did actually want to shout-out Andrew for filling out the most mind-numbing 50 page survey for me. On the personal side, I’m in a new stage of my life where my social stuff has to do with my kids. And I am playing wingman for my seven and a half year old to make friends with the mom and dad of her friend over the weekend. And I don’t like it, so that’s it. Have a good weekend. Josh Clemente: Wow. It’s not up to you, JM. Josh Mohrer: It’s not up to me. Josh Clemente: All right. Good luck. All right. I think Tracy, if you’d like to share anything, professional, personal, we’d love to hear it. Tracy Stevens. If you, it’s totally up to you. We share just a few seconds on something we’re excited about this week. Professional or personal, either one. Tracy Stevens: Oh wow. Put me on the spot. Gosh, I don’t know. I’ve told some people before. I have both my kids off in college now and I’m planning, one’s in Boulder and one’s in Oregon. And I’m planning trips out to see both of them and just re-imagining what this next phase of my life’s going to be now that I am an empty nester. Josh Clemente: Wow. Great places to visit, tell you that, Boulder and Oregon. Those are beautiful. Tracy Stevens: Yeah, those aren’t bad. Josh Clemente: Not bad. Enjoy. Tracy Stevens: Thank you. Josh Clemente: Miz? Miz: Yeah, I am very, very excited for the new hires joining next week but also the week after Riley. Long time coming and I think it’ll be very good addition to the team with a lot of relief for Zach and I, so looking forward to that. On the personal side, had my mother visiting in town last week. We spent some time up on the coast in this place called Timber Cove, which is up in Jenner, California. Beautiful day, beautiful sun. And the weather this past week has been awesome too. So just really happy to be living here. Josh Clemente: Amazing. Rob? Rob: Couple of things. Number one, had a long conversation that was taped with Scott yesterday, about engagement and compliance should be in the bank and you can all watch it and I think it’ll be worthwhile for you to do so. Second, I was on Drew [inaudible 00:59:03] podcast this week and apparently he talked to Mark Hyman wants to have me on. And obviously, no doubt we will talk about LEVELS. Number three. I will not be on the call next week because I will be partying in Miami with Casey, and I can’t wait to finally meet her face-to-face. Josh Clemente: That sounds fun. And I disagree. I think there’s going to be a live stream to the Friday forum of that party action. Rob: Indeed. Oh, one last thing. There is a new organized research unit at UC Davis called Innovation Institute for the Future of Food. And Wesley Wilson who came from the World Economic Forum is heading this up. They asked me to be on the scientific advisory board. And we had a long discussion about how to reach individuals and LEVELS came up in that conversation. Don’t be surprised if Josh and Sam and Casey, we put together a little Zoom conference call to talk about overlapping interests. Their set up, it’s all about metabolic health. Josh Clemente: Love to hear these developments. That’s awesome. Tony? Anthony : Yeah, on the LEVELS side, definitely like seeing the progress on the Now page and the look of it, that’s very exciting. And then obviously team growth coming up with all the members joining us next week. Personal side, not much going on. Going to spend a lot of time with family this weekend, honestly. Josh Clemente: Enjoy, Azure if you’d like to share? Azure Grant: Sure. I guess professionally excited to have gotten a paper submitted this week on time series analysis and endocrine systems. Something that I can imagine talking to you guys more about. And I guess personally speaking of Boulder, going to go there for the first time this weekend, so excited to run and see some friends. Nice to meet y’all again. Josh Clemente: Nice meeting you too, enjoy. Justin? Justin: I’m super excited about the Now page coming together and hopefully we can start testing that out with some new members that we select to try it out in the next week or so. So that would be really interesting and fun. And personally, I’m probably going to be buying a Pilates tower/Cadillac trainer that is used from our local studio. So excited for that. And if I actually get it, we’ll see. But yeah. Josh Clemente: Very cool. Taylor? Taylor Sittler: Hey, yeah, professionally most excited that Azure’s joining us and that we’re going to get this metrics project kicked off. Also, really excited to see the Now progress and how that’s going to impact engagement. I think that’s going to be awesome. Personally, the weather in Seattle has actually been a bit nicer now, and so I’m excited to spend some more time outside this weekend. And I think, yeah, all of us are going to get out a bit. It’s great after a lot of rain this winter. Josh Clemente: I think we’re hitting almost 70 degrees here in Philly today, which is, I’m ready for it. Casey? Casey: Okay, I’m going to lead with personal share because I’m so excited. I’m an auntie now and this is my brother’s new baby. This is Rourke and he’s so perfect and cute. And I got to Phoenix on Wednesday night. And I don’t even know, I don’t have the words to describe how exciting it is to get to meet this baby. And see my brother and sister-in-law’s parents. It’s really earth shatteringly wonderful. And so that’s my update. Other personal update, I’m on the end of a 72-hour fast, which is really fun. It’s the longest one ever. We’re done. And I feel good. And then professionally, the Now page stuff so amazing and I cannot wait to meet Rob in person next week at this conference we’re both speaking at. And David [inaudible 01:03:15] is also on the panel, so it’ll be fun to connect in person with some of our advisors and create some content. And yeah, that’s it for me. Josh Clemente: So exciting. That’s amazing, Casey, congrats and congrats to the family. Ben? Ben Grynol: Two things. So LEVELS wise, hat tip to Braden, he set up a couple community calls and I did one yesterday and haven’t done one in a little while and they’re so fun to do and you forget just listening to members feedback and talking through what resonates with them in the product was great, so that was awesome. And then hat tip to Chris for asynchronously over the past week and a half or two weeks we’ve been jamming on and off on these dashboards. And it’s just so cool to be like, “Hey, can something like this get built?” And then he just comes back with this ridiculous looking rocket ship and it’s amazing. So appreciate all the work on that. Personal front. Just finished The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday and it was great. Really love his work and just starting to get into it. So that’s it. Josh Clemente: Nice. Sunny? Sunny: Awesome. I guess I’ll lead personal as well. So just wrapped up a large corporate client that’s why I was or on earlier for corporate nutrition. And just last call is always great to hear how people are finding massive change through changing the food that’s on their plate and giving them some new actionable steps for the next piece. And really it kind of relates to professionally very excited about growth, seeing the numbers come in. And reading the IRBs and then the plans for the future just makes me think, I mean, help Scout answering folks and having them say how much this has changed their lives and giving them just blown their minds open to the possibility. And just think in the back of my head going, “But wait, we’re just getting started.” So that’s where I’m at this week. Josh Clemente: Love that. Alan? Alan McLean: Yeah, so professionally I was really delighted to see Justin having fun with the Now page and adding some animation, that was unprompted and he’s just jumping in. So I’m just really delighted to see that starting to come together. And personally, it’s beautiful here. It’s crazily warm, so looking forward to the weekend outside. Josh Clemente: Very nice. Maxine? Maxine: Yeah, professionally so many things to be excited about. I’m especially excited to have Azure joining as well. Her research is so interesting. And I can’t wait to see how she’s going to apply her expertise to making LEVELS even better. And personally I’m seeing a childhood friend this weekend, so really excited to catch up with her after many years. Josh Clemente: Very nice, have fun. Matt? Mercy: Yeah, LEVELS wise, the Now page changes look awesome. I’m really excited to see that and hear from the members what they think of that. Personally, one of my favorite bands Mom Jeans came through town last night and it was a lot of fun. Going to spend tonight and tomorrow recovering. If anybody wants to check them out, I’m going to post a link in the chat and I can guarantee it’s not a Rick Roll. Josh Clemente: That’s the update of the week for me. Mercy? Mercy: Professionally, the design stuff is just, it continues to blow me away. It’s incredible. And then personally, I am in Austin. I’m in my apartment finally. And got here on Tuesday. It’s been a long week, but next weekend I’ll be in Montana with my whole family and we’re going to be skiing and I will get to meet Chris in person. So I am looking forward to taking some time off. That’s it for me. Josh Clemente: It’s going to be fun. Dave? Dave: Personally, getting on top of the lawn, the butterflies are starting to hatch and the girls have discovered LEGO stop-motion, so I suspect it’s going to be a weekend of, “Hey pa, look at this.” So yeah, that’ll be my weekend. Josh Clemente: Sounds like a blast. For me, two things I’m really excited about. Among everything, the closeness of potential realtime data and what it can do to unlock, I was just watching Alan’s update and my mind is blown open. And just thinking about in that two hour timeframe when you’re metabolizing, if you have realtime data, we can start to make predictive recommendations that can help people modify potentially the trajectory in real time. And these sorts of tools and features are going to become available sooner than we think, which it’s just super exciting. And then Tim Ferris, I mean, this is still day one, week one in my mind for this project. And to have somebody like Tim Ferris about to boost LEVELS is just really, really shocking and weird, so that is awesome. And then personal side, getting super excited for upcoming move and heading to Montana next week, actually in like 24 hours. I’m flying out there. So it’s going to be a fun week. Maz? Maz: Sounds amazing, I’ll have to come and visit. On the work front. I’m really excited about the underlying work that’s happening behind the scenes by many folks, including, for example, the great memo that Scott wrote on DRI and product management, really helps think through how to run the company and it’s foundational. So it’s really, really cool to see that work. And I know Miz and other folks are doing a lot of great work as well, so big woo for them. On the personal side, we’re going to go up to our place in Sonoma and cut up some trees that have been downed either because of the winter or because of the fires and plant some new ones. So it’s going to be exciting. Josh Clemente: That sounds like fun. Have a good time. Chris? Chris Jones: On the LEVELS standpoint, I probably, first my update was going to be exactly word for word what David just said, but since you did it, I have to not come up with something else new. I’ll say it was just really fun to watch today’s Friday Forum of everyone of the laser focused around food and logging. It just feels like everything’s coming together around, if this is the main thing and our key metric and it just everyone’s thinking from design and the app and onboarding and getting people into saying, “Hey, logging food is really where the magic happens. And how do we really tap into that?” So that was just really cool to see on all fronts. And personally, super excited next week to go to Bozeman to see Mercy and Josh, I’m just going to call the shot right now. I am winning LEVELS bingo this year, so just you guys can all fight for second place, so just throw that out there. Josh Clemente: Our most rural continental U.S. team member is going to win bingo. You heard it here first folks. Let’s see it happen, Chris. All right, Britney, you’re closing it out for the day. Britney: Thank you. Yeah, I’ll, being the last person just echoing what everyone else said, I would say probably one of the biggest highlights from watching today, Tim Ferriss, super excited continuously. I mean, everyone that I listen to on a regular basis, from Hyman to Huberman to Tim Ferriss, it’s amazing the support and connection that we have with them. So that’s super exciting to hear that news. And the Now page design items, so many things. And then personally, nothing super exciting, just excited that’s Friday and ready to get outside this weekend. It’s starting to warm up here in town, so always excited for that. Thanks. Josh Clemente: Amazing. All right, well, we made it in time. It was an awesome week. Really great updates from everyone, and I love Chris’ note there at the end. Just seeing the singular focus come together through all the updates is really cool. All right, with that, I think we have a cafe in a couple minutes with a different link so you can jump over to that if you’re able. And have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the great weather and thanks for all the amazing work.
February 18, 2022
Friday Forum is an All Hands meeting for the Levels team, where they discuss their progress and traction each week.