Josh Clemente (00:00):
December 18th, let’s kick off. Welcome everybody. This one was awesome to put together. All of these are awesome, but I don’t know. I was just trying to find space to represent a fraction of what happened this week and it’s challenging. Just right off the bat, engineering crushed it this week with optimizations. I’m not fully up to speed with how many were made, but a nice anecdote here is just report generation time dropping from 50 seconds to 1.5 seconds. So representative of the work put in and I just love hearing these little tidbits that I know are highly effective for the end-user. The Zone Show, which is super beautified and improved has launched internally. And the new metabolic score logic is out, which I’m benefiting from already. I’ve been having a tough streak the last few weeks. And so it’s nice to get a little bump in the scores when I’m trying hard. Also, the in-app content is coming along beautifully. So we’re moving from just representing the blog pieces in the learn module to loading that content separately from… it’s no longer a browser window loaded in the app.
So this is looking great. Thank you to everyone working on this and yeah excited for it to launch. We were featured in our first print article. You can see it down at the bottom left there, The Purist Wellness at Hand piece, which is really exciting. It’s on newsstands. And then we also featured in the Fitness Tech Report, among the high-performance lifestyle innovators. You can see us right above… or over here on the right of the screen, which is cool. Andre Iguodala, who is an NBA, I think he’s an all-star, one time all-star. But really an awesome, all around guy is interested in developing a metabolic health program for the NBA Players Association. It’s pretty important to note the players associations are how you get to the players themselves, going through the leagues is a little bit trickier. And so working with players associations is going to be something we’re going to do across, I think, all major leagues. So this is great. And then we received IRB feedback on study number one, I think we received notification that the IRB on study number two has been accepted, not accepted, but received over at Brigham Young.
And then we’ve had some awesome conversations this week about potential research. So everyone is interested in working with us. We talked to the UFC who are doing a study with Oura on recovery, and they want to incorporate levels. Trevor Bauer who’s the Cy Young MLB pitcher… winner this past year. And he’s interested in getting us into some MLB research and then 23andMe is interested, which is huge. I think there’s a ton of potential there. I think [Miz 00:02:39] is going to touch on this later, but we had a huge uptick in subscribers in the past few weeks and very correlated with the October wave, but it’s something like 10% of members who have used the program to date are our subscribers, which is crazy. It’s not our primary product, so it’s cool to see that conversion rate. And lastly, the Metabolic Research Roundup, so this is really cool to see, Mike Haney launched this this week and started with a blog series on the investigation of metabolic dysfunction in relationship with COVID, pretty awesome. And then let’s see, we got silver medalist from the Olympics in the program.
Deli rocked the levels cover live in an NBA game. This is hard to believe this happened already, but so awesome that the assets are great. Let’s see, [SD Heim 00:03:29] is in the program. We’ve got Andre Iguodala, Esther Dyson joined as an investor. We have grown 26% month over month on Instagram, Max Lugavere from The Genius Life, really sharp guy across the metabolic health spectrum, joining the program. We’ve got Larry Fitzgerald, who’s an absolute legend in the NFL. He’s joining Mark Sisson, HVMN podcast recorded, across the board huge week and hard to capture it all. Any questions here? Oh yeah. And then leading score for the Golden Knights for the NHL there.
Sam Corcos (04:06):
The quote from the Hustle was pretty cool.
Josh Clemente (04:09):
Yeah, for sure. They’ve got big readership. That article should drop, I think next week. All right, David.
David Finner (04:18):
That was Andrew.
Andrew (04:22):
I will pretend like I’m David. So I want to chat briefly about performance stuff just to shine a light on what happens and how we see things. So I think when you normally use a product, you think it has this intrinsic speed, but there’s actually distributions of stuff. Because there’s a lot of different work that can happen. And so this is an example of December 8th, one day. This is not good in any way, so this is not indicative of the way things should be. And often when people are optimizing systems, they’re looking at things like the median, which is the P50. So 50% of our responses returned faster than in this case, 142 milliseconds, the P90, the P99. And so basically you’re seeing what is the distribution of people’s experience in the app? You can imagine that if the P90 is at 1.5 seconds, that means one in 10 interactions is unreasonably slow and it’s really bad. But one interesting thing, you go to the next slide, often you’ll see something that looks like a normal distribution or a log normal distribution.
I’ll highlight two areas that for this specifically are not super interesting because of reasons. So the first area is a spike below one millisecond. That’s basically when no work needs to be done. So it’s something like the client’s notifying of something, we don’t have to go to the database or anything like that. The long tail is actually interesting and then this is important for us to get down and we actually substantially did, far more than anything else. But we have a long tail because when people request their glucose, we allow the request to live on so that they get the response immediately. And that’s a designed decision to keep things as simple as possible. So we do have this long tail of performance that’s intrinsic to the way we’re set up for glucose refreshes. So some of this really long stuff is because of that.
So if you go to the next slide, we’ll get the middle and look at… this is the expected or the outcomes people are looking at. And you go to the next screen, this was nine days later, and basically it’s anywhere from 50% faster to twice as fast for most requests. Some requests were far better than that. And so you can go to the next one, I pulled out some interesting… so generating monthly reports is a hilarious one. It just so happens to hit a ton of things that were very inefficient. So it’s much, much, much faster. We can basically generate… and these are monthly reports, so it’s recalculating everything and assimilating for a month. But it is hilariously faster. But across the board, we’re seeing things like 2X, 3X faster inside the user experience. That’s really cool. And stuff that really matters to end customers. And then I pulled out two takeaways. So this is not magic in any way. If you go to the next slide, so there’s really two things to think about. The most important thing is avoid doing work that doesn’t need to be done.
In real life, when you do something, you wouldn’t accidentally… let’s say, you’re navigating to your grocery store, you wouldn’t accidentally go around the world, the other way to get to your grocery store. In programming, it’s possible to do something similar if you’re just accidentally doing way too much work. And so this could be things like loading way too much glucose to do the processing because we have other ways of doing it or processing inefficiently. So having inefficient database queries and things like that. And then the other interesting thing is that systems should be resilient to failure. So if something inevitably does happen slowly, give an example, if you want to delete 50,000 emails in Gmail, that takes a while, it’s having to update a lot of stuff. You doing that shouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else’s experience. And so these are clearly separating things out.
And one of the issues we were having was one specific action would basically clog up the database for a number of seconds and basically everything that is coming at the same time would have to wait. And so being a good citizen of resources is the other thing to consider. So we made a ton of little tweaks, there wasn’t one that specifically fixed things. There’s one that made the database a lot happier, which was adding a index that was missing. But there was actually several updates across the board and made me feel a lot more comfortable in terms of our performance, but also just our resiliency and people’s experience.
Josh Clemente (08:55):
Awesome. Yeah. That’s huge. Thank you for that update. Any questions on this backend performance stuff? Alrighty, David.
David Finner (09:06):
Cool. So Josh mentioned that the in-app content is coming along and I want to do… Josh, can you unmute the video or yourself as well? This is what it looks like. You’ll see an article with a video. Again, we did figure out the volume situation here in these presentations. But what you’ll see… thanks so much for Ali [Spagnola 00:09:25] and for Miz for getting this machine turning on new, fresh video content. And now in this new in-app world, we’re going to have a… you can see on the right there’s some snapshots of our blog articles that look like they’re native. They are native in the app now, so you get much better reading experience. And then we also are opened up now to do more interesting things with immersive video content. So we have these in-app styled, vertical videos that are great for consuming right when the moment happens.
Like you’re low glucose, you don’t know what it means. You see a video about low glucose right there in the app, or this example here is how to remove your sensor for the first time. So, very excited about this. The next step is we’ll be launching this to replace out the learn module, and then we’ll be able to, with the new Zone Show launching, with all that space underneath it, we can start to embed contextual cards right there, when you’re looking at your results. So you know what to do instead, or how to think about it. Next slide. Did you move slides? There we go. Cool. So Hao added a second step to the NPS survey online. So now after you tell us how much you’d recommend Levels to a friend out of 10, you’ll have the chance to add a quick comment. This is designed such that we still save that initial vote you cast, even if you don’t leave a comment.
So hopefully we don’t see any drop in our response rate on this, but thanks Hao for that. Next slide, so we talked about this last week, but this is launching as soon as Apple approves it today. We have the redesigned Zone Show space where now you can see… right now, there are no active insight cards at the bottom, but we’ll have more space at the bottom where we can add that next incrementally. So this is a first moving step to get those cards in place. Better visuals, hopefully a bit simplified and much more we can do here in the future as well.
Sam Corcos (11:30):
Love the zone compare that [Jhon 00:11:31] put together. That’s a really intuitive interface.
David Finner (11:35):
Yeah, she did a great job on that one. Yeah. It’s awesome. Next slide. Yeah. Cool. So and then sleep, we were hoping to get this one out last week, but there were some possible bugs in testing, so we held it off, but it’s ready to go. So that should be coming out soon to end users and I think that’s it. Let’s see next slide. Yeah, of course, there’s always minor tweaks that are going on, polishing the product as we get feedback from customers, fixing bugs, things like that. Maybe just one thing to call out, the heart rate, we made that your choice to turn it on or off is now persistent across your individual views of any zone. So the last time, if you turned it off, this time, we’ll show it off. If you keep it on in general, we’ll keep it on. And then a variety of other bugs fixed.
Josh Clemente (12:31):
Awesome. Alrighty. Straight into weekly feedback from Mike.
Mike Didonato (12:37):
Yeah. Thanks Josh. We had a handful of calls get rescheduled, so it was a little bit lighter on calls this week, but we’re still able to engage and listen to our members through calls that we did hold and also inbound via support. Then the theme for the week revolves around exercise logging. People absolutely love our sync with AppleHealth and Google Fit. As you can imagine, they asked for a little bit more activity data. Selfishly, I wouldn’t mind if we added some additional data points, like a length of a run or maybe some calories burned. And then the final piece, there’s still some confusion about strenuous activity being missed a little bit. Primarily the people that I interacted with or individuals that don’t have a wearable that syncs with AppleHealth or Google Fit, but there were a couple of people that were confused about the auto strenuous detection. Excitement and engagement still remains at very high. Yes. So that’s all I have. I have a couple more calls scheduled today with members. So any additional feedback I’ll include in the weekly writeup.
Josh Clemente (14:02):
Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, it’s cool to see today… Or maybe it was yesterday, there was someone posting about how their metabolic score seems to be inversely correlated with their strain score in WOOP. And then we had another couple of members jump in to educate about the strenuous zone. That’s awesome to see, turns out he’s just likes to eat junk food after he works out. So it was unrelated. Cool. Miz, ops.
Michael Mizrahi (14:28):
Yeah. So as Josh mentioned at the top, we passed 350 monthly subscribers, which is pretty meaningful, both in terms of conversion rates, revenue numbers, all of it. So you can see that uptick really starting in November. If you recall, October was a pretty big month when we accelerated a bunch of orders for the two promos. And so a lot of those are just now converting over to subscriptions. Some interesting trends in terms of when people subscribe, we don’t have a great look at it yet, but it seems like from some of the billing, people actually subscribe after they complete their four weeks… after a few weeks. And so there’s an interim period where they take some time off and then come back. I’m curious to dig into that a little bit more and see what the trends are there.
We’re still manually filling and billing. And so as these numbers grow up, this gets harder and harder to do, but keeping it all together. Coming soon, product and engineering help on both ends. So thanks to all those who are getting involved there, and we should see some good product on the subscription side soon that will enable a lot of self-service for customers, as well as, automate the billing and filling process, which is quite manual. Some other quick updates. As I mentioned last week, we did a quick walkthrough of the new, Truepill, EMR, as well as the provider network that we launched with them. So as of this week, we’re up and running. Thanks Andrew for all the back and forth with Truepill and for getting that launched. And so far, the reception from our providers is positive. The UI is quite improved and we’re handling those as we should. So keeping a close eye on that. And thanks Mike, as well for keeping that moving. We’ve sold, I think about 50 gift cards since we launched last Tuesday, which is a pretty cool thing to see. These are full price subscriptions… full price, 28 day programs at 3.99. Sam is still manually filling these, but that seems to be going well.
Something I did want to call out, the Proactive Bad Sensor replacement card, that [inaudible 00:16:23] design. We’ve spoken about this in the past, it’s a really, really magical experience. And so this is when someone’s getting persistently low values enough that we know that their sensor’s broken. We place an insight card in their feed that says, “Hey, your readings look funny. We think your sensor might be broken. Tap this button to open up a support ticket, hit submit.” And the support team can then respond, get their address and get a replacement sensor shipped out. So we’re proactively recognizing that something is wrong and we’re making it very, very easy to get a replacement. The feedback specifically on those support tickets, here are a few of those call outs.
People love this. And so more opportunity to do this. I think insight cards are going to be a great way to do this. The videos that we can work on and deliver at exactly the right moment will be a big improvement. And so this feels awesome. And we should look for more and more opportunities to do this kind of thing. It’s really where you feel like the app knows what you’re doing and knows how things are going and it’s great. So people love that. And finally, just a quick maintenance thing. We added support to the link of our website at We got a lot of customers coming to our website who are upset that they can’t find the price, or find information or even find our help center. Because we’re in beta, we’re taking things a little bit slow but instead of the contact us button with our email, we replaced it with a support link. It’s still very easy to contact us when you click that you get into our help center, where we’ll serve you up all the help articles, you can search for things.
And this should take care of a lot of the repetitive FAQ questions that we get on support, which we’re great at handling, but customers can help themselves there. And so that’s a quick edit that we made, that’s it on ops, unless there’s any questions.
Josh Clemente (18:00):
Awesome. Great update. All right. Quick hiring touch point. So this week, things slowed down a little bit on new applications. We’ve had some early calls with a few head of growth applicants and a few lead designers, and we’ve got somebody in the… well, on the schedule for a chief legal call. We’ve got a few other conversations going on for a potential future role, so they aren’t represented here. But definitely some discussion about international expansion roles, operations, general business development. There’s a lot of really organic interests happening through the network, where people are getting in touch with us and just saying, “Hey, keep me in the loop about future opportunities.” So really exciting to have access to some exceptional candidates and really it’s a function of defining roles and ensuring that they fit the hiring roadmap and then we can intensify the process. In terms of head of growth, which is again by far the current priority, we’ve got three candidates who are really in consideration. One of which just recently applied, but we’ve been familiar with him. He’s been in contact with us for several months now, and it was actually a small investor.
So anyway, three interesting candidates right now who are deep into the process. And so more to come on whether we move forward with one of those and the applications are still open. Any questions on this? Cool, all right. Beta trends this week, we had a slightly slower week, which is funny because the numbers were still huge, close to 200 orders. And overall the conversion codes, BROKENBRAIN is still crushing it, as the number one converting code, even several weeks later. And we’ve well surpassed the Kevin Rose numbers by now. Overall we have about 1,100 orders for the month of December, which is tied for October. Actually it’s a little bit ahead of October now. So biggest month by far or biggest month so far, and still going. So any questions on this stuff?
David Finner (20:10):
Are those orders purchased or fulfilled in December?
Josh Clemente (20:15):
This is the monthly fulfillments. I could be wrong about that. Miz, do you want to correct me there?
Michael Mizrahi (20:22):
I believe that purchases-
Josh Clemente (20:24):
Michael Mizrahi (20:25):
And then fills are later. But not trailing by much.
Josh Clemente (20:28):
There you go. Alrighty, Sam.
Sam Corcos (20:33):
Yeah. On the financial side, we still have 10.4 million in cash. We’re on track to set a new record in December. I think we’re tracking for 450k in revenue. So still without any people leading growth or marketing, so we need to make that hire. So that’s coming along, Tom might be able to touch on where a lot of those came from, but I think gift orders. We’re really just seeing a much longer tail of inbound. It used to be the case where every week when we would have some amount of revenue, it pretty much all came from one source. And right now we’re seeing a pretty diversified source of inbound, which is really exciting. Next slide and last week ended up as a really great week, if it was not for the November 15th week, that would have also been a record. So we’re on track to have another really great week. So these are the revenue numbers for the week.
Josh Clemente (21:33):
Nice. Yeah, I think there was something like 68 codes used this week for conversions, 68 or 69, which is-
Sam Corcos (21:41):
Josh Clemente (21:41):
Yeah, it’s a huge number of sources. All right. Mercy, Instagram.
Mercy Clemente (21:48):
We reached 12,000 followers. Actually, we’re now over 12,000, this week or last night, still pretty interesting. People are using a lot of the comparison zones over here with the rice. It was also pretty interesting, I got quite a few DMs from the Steph [Crunky 00:22:04] her story about the oatmeal, people were really surprised by that and the fact that she got such a great score because typically oatmeal is a horrible spike for people. So that was cool to see. Next slide and then Twitter still really interesting here. There’s always a lot going on. I’ve seen on Twitter this past week or so that more people have been asking about the subscriptions as well and the costs. So it was this one tweet by Amie Pollack, that thread was pretty interesting to read and she was telling people like, “Oh, just because it’s 200 for each month, it’s still an excellent use of money and you can still learn so much about it.” So we’re over 9,000 followers on Twitter. So going well, that’s really it for social.
Josh Clemente (22:51):
Cool. Yeah. Like I said, 26% month over month growth on Instagram and accelerating from… I don’t know what to attribute this to. We have some great content happening. We also got the swipe up URLs. I don’t know, Instagram sprinkle some magic fairy dust on you when you hit 10k or not. But we’re accelerating.
David Finner (23:09):
I was talking to Stacy a bit about that this morning. She couldn’t make it today, but we have a bunch of influencers in there and we think that those… naturally as you have those mini or medium-sized influencers their audience wants to follow you back. But then also as you gain credibility with higher follower counts, people are more naturally likely to think that you’re a credible brand and follow you back. So I don’t think we’re at that stage yet, but if we were at 50,000 followers, we’d get a lot higher conversion rate, I think with people thinking that we’re a credible brand. But at 10,000, that’s still a lot more than 2,000 or 4,000.
Mercy Clemente (23:38):
One of the things we did do, I forgot to mention this for Instagram, we put in a request to be verified. So just having the blue check mark next to our name. So I’ve heard that could take either a few weeks or it could take a few months. So hopefully it’s sooner rather than later. I think that would also help with the growth.
Josh Clemente (23:57):
Yeah, definitely. All right, Tom.
Thomas Griffin (24:01):
Awesome. Very strong week for podcast, we had two released, eight recorded and five secured. A couple to call out HVMN recorded this week. This is hosted by Jeff Woo, who’s a close friend and investor of the company. And I suspect that this will drive pretty significant revenue, in January. It’s going to be released in early January. And then late January it’s going to be… actually, early February it’s going to be Ben Greenfield and then the late February it’s going to be Bulletproof. So the first couple months of the new year are going to be very exciting for us. And then Casey also secured podcast with David Perlmutter, which is awesome. Who’s coming on board as an adviser as well. Otherwise Josh did a ton this week. I think Josh is leading a guided meditation as part of one of his podcasts that he’s doing this afternoon. So excited to see him flex some different muscles.
Josh Clemente (25:00):
That was actually yesterday. Everyone was very calm during my meditation, which I think is the goal.
Thomas Griffin (25:09):
You got a good meditation voice. All right. Next slide. All right. So taking a quick step back this week, and just looking at the podcast channel more holistically, there are really three sub strategies when thinking about how to utilize the podcast medium, generally to grow our business. So number one, podcast tour, this is really what we’ve been focused on to date. This is securing interviews for Casey and Josh. Typically, these are unpaid almost always, although some, as we all know, BROKENBRAIN, et cetera, do drive conversions. Number two is podcast ads and number three is branded podcasts, which means launching our own show. And again, we’ve been focused on podcast tour. We’ve been very successful here, we secured 130 shows to date. And it’s really helped build brand awareness, generally contribute to the SEO progress.
And then on the biz dev front, just secure relationships with a lot of these top influencers. In Q1, we’re going to be experimenting with the next two strategies, podcast ads and branded podcasts. For ads, this will end up being a very reliable growth marketing strategy for us. I think we’re going to be putting significant advertising dominance and doing it on a monthly basis and seeing direct marketing return, in terms of people purchasing through redemption codes. And yeah, the upsides generally to podcast ads is that you can scale it really quickly. You can reach millions of people within a couple of weeks if you’re just willing to spend the money. And then, obviously revenue and then just measuring this channel and learning. And obviously, this is something that the head of growth is going to be spearheading, but we need to begin to understand our channels and just understand how much money we need to put into a channel in order to get back a certain amount of money.
Metrics like customer acquisition costs and experiments in Q1 are going to help us do that. And then for the branded podcast, the extent to which we put significant resources into this and just launching our own show, generally still remains a question mark. But I feel confident saying that we’re going to run a pilot at the very least in Q1. And a couple of upsides to this, number one is you just own the marketing channel, which is always the holy grail of marketing. You communicate directly with your customers, you don’t have to pay increasing costs over time in order to acquire customers, which is what happens on channels that you don’t own like Facebook advertising. And then brand building, in terms of a long-term strategy for owning a particular space, which is what we’re trying to do, it’s been recommended to us that this is a really good strategy. The CEO of WOOP often says that they’re trying to fully own human performance as a company and hosting their own podcast is a way that they’re doing this.
And I think that the smartest brands perhaps recognize that over time, the underlying technology, whether it’s heart rate sensors or CGM, may get commoditized and there’s going to be more and more of a premium on the content that you’re putting out and the brand that you’re building surrounding that technology. So more to come on that. And then lastly, I’ll continue to just keep a slide for miscellaneous partnerships updates. I think it’s always fun to just see who’s joining the program and how conversations are progressing. Most of this was covered on the first slide with Josh. I’m excited in terms of those first few lines, UFC, NBA, NFL, MLB, to continue to explore the application in peak athletic performance. Admittedly, we don’t fully yet know exactly what the recommendation is, in terms of glucose levels and metabolic health for athletes who are looking for peak physical performance. I had a really interesting call yesterday with the former director of sports science of an NHL team and interesting anecdote from him was that, when they’re looking at WOOP data and Oura Ring data, there are tons of athletes on their teams where they’re actually trying to get their HRV down and their heart rate up. Which is again, the exact opposite advice for the general population, HRV being high means that you are recovered and that you are not stressed and you’re healthy.
And his point was basically that certain athletes are wired in a particular way, perhaps parasympathetically, where they’re super cerebral and calm the ice. But they need help getting up for games and getting a jolt of energy and things like speed and power, and those are their deficiencies. So I thought that was really interesting. And then otherwise just, yeah, a bunch of other athletes and influencers that we’re excited to be chatting with.
Josh Clemente (30:01):
Yeah. On that topic, I don’t know if anyone’s listened to the episode of the Drive with Peter Attia… I’m going to butcher his name, but he’s… I’ll send it out in Slack, but basically he’s a cycling coach and metabolic scientists. And essentially they talked about how peak performance and longevity are at odds when it comes to these physical endeavors. So people will be essentially destroying themselves metabolically in order to get the last ounce of effective power out. And so this is the situation, we want to support peak performance, but our traditional approach to metabolic scoring may not fit perfectly with someone who’s trying to win the gold. So anyway, something that we’re going to do more with. Okay.
Casey Means (30:49):
Awesome. So just some press updates. So this week Josh had an awesome feature in Longevity Technology. I love this screenshot because it is two brothers featured in the exact same spread here. We’ve got Rodney and Josh. So that is super cool. Rodney’s OG Instagram… I’m sorry, OG Levels model, but this is a really great article. As Josh mentioned, we also had our first print press in The Purist and a fabulous photo there of [Talia 00:31:20] Griffin. One of our Levels’ models and friends. We continued our communication with the New York Times answering follow-up questions, got some nice feedback from them. The editor that we’re in touch with said he’s a really big fan of Levels and just loves the product and is using it. And we also contributed to Forbes this week. So those articles are in the pipeline. We also were connected with the editorial director of Vogue. And so that’s pretty exciting. We’re gonna have a call with them. We also have an interview with Jezebel magazine another print magazine next week.
I just put the arrow here to show how I think these covers will look even better if these models had a Levels badge on their arms, way more chic, but we will see. Hopefully 2021, we’ll see a magazine cover with a Levels badge. So next slide. Since we’re very processed focused here at Levels, I thought I’d take you just through a little bit of our press process. So we have a tracker that is really working very well in conjunction with [JTPR 00:32:24] that basically shows all the different outlets that we’re in touch with, who are in touch with, who’s the point person on this, what the updates are. There’s another tab that shows all our press wins. This is just over the last month or so, you can see some of our secured press, and then we keep all of our appointments there. So if anyone wants to access that, to track that type of thing, it’s pretty cool. We also have many, many journalists that are… have actually received their kits already or are in the program. So on the right, those are outlets where the journalist actually has a Levels kit.
So we’re also tracking all of that in our tracker here, but some really big names. And this is just a real Testament to JTPRs work. They’ve been doing a phenomenal job, our PR company, super organized. And then of course, Tom’s amazing work. It’s been great, but yeah. Let us know if… just thought it might be interesting to have some more visibility into that process. But next slide. Awesome. So just for the monthly SEO update, this is the recap of November. We saw some really great progress. So starting from the top left, our traffic source, we’ve been tracking organic search because that’s a sign of how people are just finding us organically through what they’re Googling. And that just continues to go up and up. We saw 36% of people coming to our site from organic search in November. And that was 33,000 total visitors, up from 28% before in December.
We’re seeing that actually as of today, it’s 46%. So it’s pretty interesting that people are just finding us through Google magic. Top right, our blog page views continues to go up and up. We had 58,000 page views on the blog in November up from 41,000, the prior month. So almost 17,000 higher. Our backlinks continue to go up as well. We went from 93 in October to 210 in November. And a lot of that was due to our seed announcement. That was a total slam dunk. And we saw a ton of backlinks from really great sites. And then in terms of featured snippets, so bottom left, you can see an image of one of our featured snippets. But we’re actually featured in at least 59 Google search results for featured snippets, meaning that when people Google something, we are above the first ranking. We are the actual thing that Google features. So that’s pretty interesting. And I think really strong we know of 59 that were in there, maybe more. But we’re getting some really key terms, like glucose non-diabetic and CGM and fasting. These are pretty broad search terms. So pretty exciting on that.
And then on the right, just showing the graph of trends of our active users of the entire site over time. So not just the blog, but the whole site. You can see, we hit really close to 100,000 active users over a 30 day period in November. So hopefully we’ll break through that in the next couple of months, but all really good stuff on the SEO end. Next slide. Oh, just a little update on the blog. So major shout out to Mike Haney, we got two awesome, pretty landmark pieces up on the blog this week. One is the metabolic… our first Metabolic Research Roundup. And I love this article. I think this is going to be a huge asset to our site, and to Twitter and to social, we’re going to do these monthly, most likely. And it’s basically going to be research paper focused, collecting three to four on a specific topic or on something of the recent month that we saw a number of interesting studies.
So it’ll either be topic focused or temporarily focused. This one was topic focused and it was on the link between COVID and blood sugar and is totally fascinating. Then we also got up our ultimate guide inflammation landmark posts, which many, many customers have been asking for. So I think these are going to be great assets to customers. And I think the COVID one will be buzzy once we share that. On the right, just another… I wanted to highlight some process stuff. So we have a lot of guests posts in the pipeline. We’re in touch with Pendulum Therapeutics about a microbiome post, working with a metabolic-aware orthopedic surgeon on some posts on orthopedics. So like arthritis, and rotator cuff injuries and glucose levels, which is a fascinating topic. Working with Biosense on a ketones and CGM article. Talking to Biograph about a guest post, many more. But this is just a huge shout out to Mike Haney because he just is getting us so organized in terms of the process with all this stuff. And my mind has definitely blown seeing how he works.
So for each of these standard in editorial practice, putting together an article brief for a writer. So we send out work on developing and sending out these article briefs for our guests posters to really give them some framework around what we’re looking for or what the research we think is interesting is. What the proposed structure would be, some style notes. And so this is something that has been just a great addition through Mike and, yeah. Just thought that might be interesting for people to see how that works and how we try and communicate with people we’re working with on guest posts. So I think next slide over to Mike.
Mike Haney (37:43):
Cool. Thanks. The process stuff is a perfect lead in to this. So many of you probably saw the email yesterday about everyone on content. Thanks, Sam for that great title. I had something like employees contributing content is a good thing or something. And Sam was like, “Everyone on content probably makes more sense.” So I’m really excited to launch this and to start having these conversations with everyone, talking about process. That’s the thing that’s just been so interesting for me, starting here and getting to know everybody and seeing how everyone works. It’s just how many really unique things are happening within this company and how people are handling their departments differently, from the way that we handle remote stuff to the customer interviews, to [inaudible 00:38:28] stuff and operations, to the podcast strategy, to a lot of stuff happening in engineering, which I’m excited to learn even more about.
So this I think is just going to be a really good opportunity to get some of that really cool knowledge that’s in people’s brains. And that we may even take for granted here because it’s just part of our day-to-day and we’re rolling forward so fast. But to pull that out and put it down in an interesting way and then hopefully share it out with the world. And get some posts out on other sites to say, “Here’s what I do at at Levels. And here’s some things I’ve found. Here’s some surprising things that we’ve worked out, or here’s some new processes that we figured out that have worked really well.” So I think on the first chapter of the content stuff here, and if you haven’t seen this memo, out on notion, take a look and you’ll see, there’s two chunks of the way that we’re encouraging folks to start creating content writing. One, is that, how do you do your job? And what’s interesting and unique about it? What have you figured out? And then the other, which are the bubbles over on the right, is the lifestyle incentive program, which was sent out about a month ago.
But this one I think is also going to be super fun just to see what things people are trying. I know I’ve got somewhere in all my browser tabs, I have like 12 tabs open of different wearables, and systems and things that I’m interested in and trying to figure out which one to try out. So I’m really excited to see what people try and just what your experience is. And then just to work with everybody on shaping these ideas into pieces. So you’re gonna start hearing from me shortly around this initiative. I’ll just reach out to you and say, “Hey, let’s maybe schedule a call or just start an email chain on what’s in your head. What’s cool. What are you doing that’s interesting?” And then we’ll start creating these pieces and see what we can put out there.
Josh Clemente (40:25):
Yeah. There’s going to be a big one. I think it’s going to really… it’s cool to see different perspectives even across the team. We’re all doing the same thing, but in different ways. So I’m excited for this for sure. And thanks in advance to everyone who’s going to contribute. I’m looking forward to reading your stuff. Real quick, I just posted the link to the Inigo San Millan episode I was talking about, and we had 75 partner codes that summed up to 195 conversions this week. For individual contributions, we’re a little short on time. So let’s try and stick with about 10 seconds each. I’m going to kick off and just say I am super excited about all the research opportunities we have. These calls I had this past week, including with 23andMe, everyone’s looking at us as having a very unique vector of data. And they want to incorporate it and the UFC and Oura’s another example, but it’s consistent and it’s really exciting. Mike D, you.
Mike Didonato (41:16):
Yeah. On the spot. Hmm. Yeah, that’s a good point about the research stuff. And I know that the people we get connected to, especially in the performance side and then the clinical side are super interested to learn more about what we’re doing, given how limited the research is out there for non-diabetics, super cool.
Josh Clemente (41:40):
Sure. Mercy.
Mercy Clemente (41:42):
Personally, I’m excited for Christmas next week.
Josh Clemente (41:47):
That’s a good one, Gabriel.
Gabriel (41:51):
Definitely, I’m really excited about the performance improvements in the app, it’s really encouraging. And then personally my partner has just finished a very difficult term teaching her school. So I’m looking forward to spending some more time with her.
Josh Clemente (42:05):
Alrighty, Tom.
Thomas Griffin (42:07):
I’m excited about all the improvements to the app. It’s just amazing, how much better the apps going to get. And people love it so much already. And then very excited for Christmas. My parents are returning to New York tomorrow, so tons of family time over the next 10 days, which I can’t wait for.
Josh Clemente (42:23):
Yeah, That’s fine, Hao.
Hao Li (42:26):
Yeah, I’m excited about my first a support session next week.
Josh Clemente (42:32):
Nice. Get in there. Laurie is out enjoying, I think the South Carolina weather. So, Haney.
Mike Haney (42:39):
I’m excited both personally and professionally about starting to build out the writer stable. I’ve got a couple of good conversations with writers who are going to come on, shortly to start doing pieces, including the woman who’s the associate editor of JAMA. And another woman who does a lot of the diabetes content for Web MD. So it’s going to be really fun to start working with those folks.
Josh Clemente (43:00):
Awesome. Sam.
Sam Corcos (43:03):
I think most excited about our candidate pipeline. We have a really, really good group of people that are applying for things. I think it’s only looking up from here.
Josh Clemente (43:13):
Yeah, definitely. Jhon.
Jhon Cruz (43:17):
I will be off next week visiting my friends and other relatives for Christmas. So we are excited about that. My son, especially.
Josh Clemente (43:26):
Awesome. Miz.
Michael Mizrahi (43:29):
Yeah. And the Levels side excited about how much work we have to do. I started thinking through the new year, first few months. I’m just stacking up projects to move some big things. So looking forward to that. On the personal side, there’s something called the Rapha Festive 500, which is riding 500 kilometers in eight days between Christmas and New Year’s. So it’s about 310 miles, I think. So planning out my rides to get that done moving forward.
Josh Clemente (43:54):
Wow. It’s legit. Hey, Miz. Casey.
Casey Means (43:58):
Yeah. So I’m very excited about some of our new investors, especially David Perlmutter, Kelly [Lovack 00:44:04], and Esther Dyson. These are all people who I’ve hugely respected over the long-term and just thrilled that they’re involved and want to be a part of this. I’m also reading Dr. Robert Lust… or I just finished Dr. Robert Lustig’s Hacking of the American Mind and it is phenomenal. And I think it just is another… he is super aligned and on the same page as us, I think. And it just was just another great reminder of just the power of what we’re doing to help people. So, yeah, highly recommend.
Josh Clemente (44:34):
Nice. All right, everybody. I appreciate everyone contributing this week and, yeah. Have an awesome weekend. We’re rolling into the Christmas holiday here. We may not have one of these next week, probably. I don’t even know what day Christmas is, but I’m going to assume-
Sam Corcos (44:47):
I think it’s on Christmas. [crosstalk 00:44:48]
Josh Clemente (44:49):
Probably won’t be doing that next week. So anyway, two weeks from now, we will do this again. Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend.