Michael Mizrahi (00:00:00):
All right, getting started here. August 20th Friday forum. Welcome Stephanie and Helena, both new hires who started this week. Really excited to have both of you on the team. I think you’ve met a handful of folks, but for those that you haven’t met one on one yet, we’re all excited you’re here and look forward to meeting you in the next week or two and hope you had a great first weekend. Excited to see you both on this call here.
Michael Mizrahi (00:00:24):
Moving on. We had our best week ever in sales. Exciting to keep hitting these best weeks ever, week over week. About $285,000 in sales, largely driven by the podcast appearance with Casey on Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman. Very well received and that promo is performing exceptionally well. So awesome to see it. And we’ve pressure tested some of the ops systems on that too and everything’s flowing well. So good time with Stripe ID verification like we previewed last week and nice to see all those orders flowing through and members getting incited about Levels and the brand and the message that Casey’s sharing there about the company and what we’re up to.
Michael Mizrahi (00:01:04):
We previewed this last week, but as of this week, we’ve officially passed 1 million food logs in the data set. We had 13,000 lifetime members to date. Really big milestone. As we’ve said before, this is the largest data set we have of non-diabetic individuals and also a ton of information about how foods are affecting them, how activity’s affecting them. And so a lot of interesting things here and just a cool vanity metric to point out there. Other quick metric on this note, 10,000 plus downloads of our podcast, A Whole New Level. So that’s going exceptionally well and excited to see the reception on that front.
Michael Mizrahi (00:01:42):
Chris Jones this week sent out a member experience update forming the data analytics insight function merged with support under one umbrella. So Chris will share a quick update with us later on, but there’s a memo there in threads if you’d like to see that update.
Michael Mizrahi (00:01:57):
On the product side, a few of the highlights here, we’ll have a longer product section later, but a lot of development on the social features that are really exciting to see. So a lot of work across the team. We can now view zones in the community glucose view, which is fun. And I think it’s shipping soon internally. A lot of front end backend work for the emoji reactions feature. We can tap into meal insights within that view. And then some improvements on profile pictures for the me page.
Michael Mizrahi (00:02:28):
And then David will mention this I believe, but we have an app update shipping today to members in test flight, which includes a ton of new features that haven’t shipped yet, including in-app weekly reports, which will be well received. A Whole New Level podcasts keeps going on. A bunch of recordings today, one with Sam and Marc Randolph later. Ben and Mike Barwis are scheduled. Myself and Sam did one this week talking about internal cons and threads. And then Casey and Dr. Sarah Gottfried have one coming as well. And then Rob is also going to be making appearance on Kelly’s podcast, which we’re excited to hear that one. And then top picture over-
Robert Lustig (00:03:05):
I just-
Michael Mizrahi (00:03:05):
… Yeah?
Robert Lustig (00:03:05):
… I just did the interview yesterday, so it’ll be up shortly.
Michael Mizrahi (00:03:14):
Awesome. That’s done already. Coming soon. Yeah, very much Looking forward to hearing that. And then top photo over here, you’ll see this new product and purchase pages shipped. Big hat tip to Ben for getting a lot of that moving. We also have a blog template redesign coming for both mobile and desktop. So a lot of interesting shipments there. These pages have been relatively untouched for a while and so it’s nice to iterate on them, refine our messaging and make sure that they’re doing the job that we’d like them to.
Michael Mizrahi (00:03:47):
On the photos here, let me just get these into view, quite a lot going on. The merch reception is really positive. Seen some unboxing videos, which has been fun. Folks are loving the bag, the beanies, and so the energy and brand affinity there is really strong. We shipped the Coke challenge mission patches and stickers, a bunch of you have probably received those, but our members are also mentioning that in the Facebook group on social. And so there’s some fun things going on there. The full collection of mission patches is down here on the bottom, I think one is clipped, but there’s a whole bunch of those that will show up in different places coming soon.
Michael Mizrahi (00:04:24):
Gabe Mendoza sent us a fun snapshot. He saw the Levels logo, the decal sticker that we were shipping for a few months on a car, so some photos in the wild. Dr. Perlmutter yesterday had an Instagram live and gave Levels and Casey quite a nice shout out in the first few minutes. If you haven’t caught this one, it’s a fun little chat and so recommend finding that on his Instagram. On Dr. Hyman’s post about the podcast, Dr. David Sinclair called out an excellent episode and we’ve actually gotten in touch with him since and are setting up a meeting. So really cool to see what’s coming from some of those podcast placements and some of the conversations that’ll follow. This was my first time assembling this slide, I don’t know how Josh does it every week because this is just a small selection of all the things that the team has submitted. So really exciting to see a lot of the progress and velocity going on. With that, I’ll hand it over to Ben.
Ben Grinnell (00:05:16):
Well, thank you Marc for being here. Marc has many aspects to everything he’s done. He is a founder, he’s an author, he’s a podcaster, mentor to hundreds of startups and different businesses. He’s founded more than one business. He’s actually founded many, many businesses. He’s one of our investors and early supporters in our seed round. And from a lifestyle standpoint, he spends as much time outdoors as possible. He writes in his weekly newsletter about all the hiking and the biking, all the things that he does, which is really inspirational because it ties into a lot of the outlook that we have around balancing work and life.
Ben Grinnell (00:05:58):
And so Marc did something 20 plus years ago that was creating a new category, and it’s something that we have this uphill battle too, where it can be challenging to carve out a new segment in the market. And so Marc, it’d be very cool to hear about your perspective on some of the challenges that you faced when really trying to do something that everyone said, not to be too cliche, but, “That will never work.” Would be great to hear how that can tie into everything that we’re doing?
Marc Randolph (00:06:29):
Well, thank you, Ben, and thanks to everybody. After I hang up here, I’ll be spending 45 plus minutes speaking with Sam. So the challenge here is how do I only speak for a few minutes. But I’m glad you emphasize the outdoor piece of it. I mean, the photo that you’ve chosen to show is me all cleaned up. What you’re seeing on the screen is the much more normal Marc, unshaven, still on my workout stuff, since I went out and did a track workout this morning. Because I really am a huge believer in the fact that you have to have this balance in your life. And for me, certainly the outdoor stuff is the big one.
Marc Randolph (00:07:11):
I really have really love following the Levels story, because as Ben mentioned, it’s so exciting when you’re trying to do something that hasn’t been done before. And people now look at Netflix with basically on every country in the world and making their own movies and producing their own TV shows and thinking, “Wasn’t that incredible that…” But when we started, none of that stuff was even dreamed about. If you had told me that eventually we’d be the size we are now, I wouldn’t have believed you. If you had said we’re producing movies, I never would’ve thought that was possible. If you had told me about there’s this thing they’re going to begin saying called Netflix and chill. I never saw that coming.
Marc Randolph (00:07:56):
Because when you’re starting out, you’re just trying to solve each problem that’s put in front of you. And in fact, the Netflix that we started in 1998 bears almost no resemblance to the Netflix you have now. The original idea was purely, is there a way to do video rental by mail? It was based on looking at the existing model for video rental, which at the time was basically Blockbuster. And saying, “That is such a disappointing experience. Things are out of stock, you can’t find what you want. You have to go wander up and down the aisles looking for something. There has to be a better way.” And that alone was the sole motivation for saying, “Let’s start a company, and try and figure it out.
Marc Randolph (00:08:45):
And the original idea for how we would do video rental by mail was actually pretty primitive. There was due dates, there was late fees, there was almost no business model innovation other than the fact that we had a store on the internet rather than a bricks and mortar store like Blockbuster. But just starting is what made it all possible, because that’s where we actually began colliding our ideas with real customers and seeing what they liked and what they didn’t like. Well, let me ask you a question, Ben, how will these Levels now?
Ben Grinnell (00:09:22):
Just over two years and three months.
Marc Randolph (00:09:25):
Yeah, fantastic. Well, because it took us about a year and seven months before we finally stumbled on the business model that actually worked. For almost two full years we were having disappointment after disappointment. We could not find something that customers were willing to do. We would fight to get one order and we would never hear from them again. The orders weren’t big enough to be economically viable. And we tested hundreds and hundreds of different possible things, all with zero success until we finally stumbled on the business model that worked, which turned out to be completely different than how we envisioned the company. It was a model with subscription, it was a model where people were allowed to keep the movies as long as they want. There was no due dates. There was no late fees. But as counterintuitive as that crazy idea was, amazingly enough that worked and that ended up being the thing that transformed the company and gave us the ability to begin to do that for another seven years until finally we were able to start launching the streaming business, which ultimately now is what has made Netflix a household name.
Marc Randolph (00:10:50):
The point is what I’ve learned, not just from Netflix, but certainly as well from my other five startups, from all the other companies I’ve mentored, from all the ones I’ve invested in, is don’t hold too tight to what you’re doing today. Because the odds are that’s not the thing that’s going to be effective tomorrow. And what gets you in trouble is locking in to your small successes, not being willing to keep experimenting in the search for the big success, especially when you’re doing something that hasn’t been done before, especially when there’s no one you can ask, “How should this work?” You have to be willing to take those risks and except those challenges as they come.
Marc Randolph (00:11:37):
And I’ll mention one last thing before I let you get onto the heart of your discussion here. We in fact almost got stuck, because at the beginning, we were having a huge amount of success in something we totally didn’t expect, which was selling movies. In fact, it was 98% of our revenue. And we actually had to take the step of recognizing that even though 98% of our revenue is coming from selling DVDs, that was a dead end. And worse than being a dead end, it was a distraction to the business that we knew if we could get it right would ultimately be the one that sustains us. And we had to be willing to completely shut down and walk away from selling DVDs so we could focus everything on renting them. And that bit of courage, besides getting us over the hump, ended up giving us the courage to take even bigger business model disruptions in the future.
Marc Randolph (00:12:33):
There you go. Listen, good luck. And I really hope that you guys could experience some of the same success that we certainly saw at Netflix. And the book is called That Will Never Work, and the podcast is called That Will Never Work because that is what every single person told me, my investors, my employees, my friends, my wife. And it just goes to show that sometimes they do work.
Ben Grinnell (00:13:01):
That’s awesome. Thanks Marc. Appreciate all the insight. And it’s just so cool because it’s doubtless that you and the team have impacted more than a billion people in the world with all the businesses that have been spun off, all the content creation. And that’s one of our goals is to impact a billion people in the world. And it’s very hard to get there, but all of your insight is encouragement for us to keep executing and keep experimenting. So on that note, Miz will hand it off and then we’re going to go hop and do a podcast with Sam here. So thank you again.
Marc Randolph (00:13:35):
That sounds great. Thanks. Good luck everybody.
Michael Mizrahi (00:13:38):
Thanks, Marc. Thanks, Ben. Really special to hear that experience, to hear some of those lessons, especially as someone who grew up with the Blockbuster Netflix wars in the mail order days, it’s fun to hear it from your side. But yeah, thanks for joining us and good luck with the podcast. Appreciate it.
Michael Mizrahi (00:13:59):
All right, moving on. Steph, welcome to the team. We’re super excited to have you here. Would love to have you say a few words, say hello to the team, tell us a little bit about your background, what you’re excited about here? And yeah, I’ll turn it over to you. Go for it.
Stephanie Coates (00:14:13):
Awesome. Hi everyone. Wow, I am so, so, so excited to be here and even to follow up with just what Marc just said. But oh wow, I guess I’ll just talk a little bit about myself. I currently am addressless. I spent the last four months traveling around Latin America with my last remote job. And right now I’m currently back in the States and still doing a little bit of nomading around and potentially will settle down later this year. I would say that three of my biggest values in life are health and connecting with other people and time spent outdoors. I am a huge, I guess dirt bag, you could say, of I love camping, I love backpacking, I love mountain biking, I love climbing. And so anyone that’s into the same thing, I would love to chat about experiences with that.
Stephanie Coates (00:15:06):
In terms of what drew me into Levels, interest in nutrition as a preventative medicine and focusing on root cause rather than treating symptoms, that’s been a big theme in my life. And I got interested in the insulin resistance literature a couple years ago and it’s been so transformational in both my own life, with my own relationship with food and also with my family. I ran a lot of experiments with my mom and helped her reverse her rheumatoid arthritis and reverse her high blood pressure just through cutting out sugar, cutting out processed foods, focusing more on a healthy lifestyle. It’s such a huge passion of mine and that’s the biggest reason why I’m excited to join Levels.
Stephanie Coates (00:15:45):
In terms of my professional background, I may have the weirdest degree possible. I studied journalism and outdoor leadership at a tiny liberal arts school in the mountains of northern Nevada near Lake Tahoe. And it was an amazing experience of just for personal development, for confidence, for just perspective in life and really transferable to a lot of the more corporate and I guess traditional business things that I do now. But after college, I went on to teach English abroad and I worked as a wilderness therapy guide for a bit. And again, those are both very formative transformational experiences in terms of just maturity level and approach to life and perspective in general.
Stephanie Coates (00:16:25):
And then the path to tech has been very non-linear. I got interested in technology and coding in 2018 and I joined American Express right out of that and helped to build the enterprise platform and worked on digital banking products, which was very fun and very exciting and learning best practices. It was an amazing experience. But then knew I wanted to go more of the fast-paced startup realm. And so I joined an early state startup. And then since then, I worked there for about a year and now I just landed at Levels.
Stephanie Coates (00:16:55):
And so I think what I’m most excited about is just being able to do meaningful work. And like I said before, of just the impact that metabolic health and understanding nutrition has been so transformational and my own life and for my family. And a big thing that drew me to Levels was the educational content on the blog. I remember discovering the website and just sharing it with all of my friends and family and thinking, “This stuff is so well written out. And they put so much time and effort, not to just sell a product, but to actually change perception around health in general.” And so that really impressed me. And throughout the interview process and now joining the company, I’ve been so impressed and in awe with the documentation and the memo culture and just, it’s overwhelming how much content there is to dig into. It’s exciting. I feel like I’ve been able to ramp up really quickly with engineering, but also be able to interface with all of these different avenues of the company that I may not have had access to otherwise.
Stephanie Coates (00:17:54):
And so learning about strategy and growth and content and research. It’s thrilling and that’s why I wanted to work at a startup is to be able to not just be pigeonholed in a specific role. And so I’m thrilled for that. I have felt so welcomed with open arms and so thank you everybody that I’ve met with so far and it’s been such a joy to get to know some of you one on one and I’m excited to meet the rest of you over the next coming weeks. I guess a few other things, I’m just excited to challenge myself and be a sponge to all the amazing, passionate knowledge around me and learn and grow a lot on this team. And yeah, I guess the big takeaway is just I’m so grateful and fortunate to be able to work on this problem with all of you. So thank you for inviting me in.
Michael Mizrahi (00:18:38):
Awesome. Thanks, Steph. The enthusiasm is certainly infectious, so we’re thrilled to have you. It sounds like you’ll fit right in here. So best of luck and welcome. We’re lucky this week to have two new hires, so Helena, take it away.
Helena Belloff (00:18:54):
Hi, I’m Helena, for those of you I haven’t met yet. I’m from New York. And really I think one of the things that really drew me to Levels, besides the incredibly impressive team, I think anyone who’s been watching these Friday forums really knows here that everyone here is really talented and extremely passionate. But one of the initial things that drew me to Levels was how empowered I felt using it and how much knowledge I gained about myself and about my body. Because now when I’m eating something and maybe I’m not immediately checking the app afterwards, I can actually formulate my own educated guess based on the data I now have access to of how what I’m eating is going to affect my body. I think that’s such powerful knowledge that we didn’t have access to previously and that’s really what’s going to drive changes in behavior when it comes to individual health.
Helena Belloff (00:20:00):
Another thing is that, and I know Sam is off doing the podcast, but when I was first trying to figure out what Levels is about and how it works, I had an initial call with Sam. And it was a very short 15 minute phone call. And this is going to sound a little cliche, but in those 15 minutes I realized just how important metabolic health is to certain diseases. And so I’m coming straight off of Alzheimer’s research and it’s widely known that Alzheimer’s has a connection with diabetes. And after I got off the phone with Sam, because we were talking about all of these things, I went and I actually looked through my research and I saw a lot of the metabolic pathways that he had mentioned and they were there the entire time. And I was just not educated enough, going off of what Steph said about education, I wasn’t educated enough to see it.
Helena Belloff (00:21:00):
And that really changed my whole mindset, because while individually it’s important for us to be educated about the connection between metabolic health and other diseases, I think in research especially, that’s where that knowledge gap really needs to be closed. And so this is all my very long winded way of saying that I’m so excited to be a part of a company that’s driving this shift in the way that we think about health and really prevention. So thank you very much for having me and I’m really excited to get to know all of you and to get to work.
Michael Mizrahi (00:21:40):
Awesome. Thanks Helena, welcome. It’s always great hearing how mission aligned folks are coming right in off the bat. And in your case, how much your previous work and background research and studies have aligned to what you’ll be working on here. Excited to have you and good luck getting started.
Michael Mizrahi (00:22:02):
All right, so this slide is familiar hopefully by now, we’ve had it for a few weeks. We’ve added a priority section to the top level page directory within notions. You can always find the latest priorities there, migrate subscriptions and product to a membership model. The third one here is to launch social product experiments to members, a series of these. And so we obviously see a lot of that work happening and more to come there. And finally, the product and experience improvements to the guided journey as part of the core Levels program. We’ll hear of some more updates there later today on some of the efforts going on, some of the in-app video projects, et cetera.
Michael Mizrahi (00:22:39):
All right, moving on, Culture and Kudos. And as always, before we get into that, the working, not necessarily mission statement, but Levels explanatory statement, we help you see how food affects your health. We’re constantly refining this message, trying to get the right combo of diet, exercise, sleep, insights, whatever it might be. And so if you’ve got improvements or got suggestions on how you’re explaining Levels to others, we’d love to hear that and get this message really tight.
Michael Mizrahi (00:23:11):
Two call-outs this week on just work that’s been done and some cultural kudos. Tom called out Braden here, and Braden, thank you for creating a new reports table in Retool to some partner conversions on partner codes by date range. Sounds pretty simple, super useful for us. And also super thankful to Braden who didn’t know a lick of SQL before getting started. And so he’s just tinkering on his own, learning his way around and actually making things that are pretty useful. Braden’s put out a ton of helpful SQL queries, a ton of helpful Retool tables for ops, for growth, for marketing. So kudos, Braden, for getting that out the door and thanks for contributing there.
Michael Mizrahi (00:23:48):
Finally, wanted to give Alan a small hat tip for reinforcing great async practices with his design and product explorations. I love clicking into the product forum on threads because I always know there’s a Loom from Alan there. And really interesting just to see his thought process, hear how he thinks through those, and also the conversation and discussion that a lot of that spurs. It seems effortless when you do those, Alan. So keep them up. We love watching them and I know there’s some chatter on what we could potentially do with that in terms of repurposing content and involving members in some of that journey. So more to come on that front.
David Flinner (00:24:22):
I think we’re going to kick it off with a video recording from Ben for an update on the videos for the guided journey.
Michael Mizrahi (00:24:29):
Yep. We have a few videos in here folks, audio should work fine and we’ll get going.
Ben Grinnell (00:24:36):
Hey team, here is an update for the in-app video project. This week Casey and I did some more tests on the content. What we were trying to dial in was the length. We were playing around with lengths sub two minutes, and then we played around with some longer, we’ll call them sub two to five minute lengths. And what we found is that somewhere around 90 seconds to two minutes feels pretty good. We weren’t focused on quality, it was just length and content and dialing that in and so we did one video test.
Ben Grinnell (00:25:09):
We’re just over halfway through the project, so next Tuesday we’ve got time booked, we’ve got a couple hours booked to walk through five to 10 videos. These will be the production videos, that again, it’s very much an experiment, but we will try to dial in five to 10 videos. And then from there we’ll look at everything, we’ll put it through edit, put it through production. They will be full quality. And then we’ll be able to upload those into the app. The production on them’s going to be about half a week. And then once we get those, then it’s just a matter of uploading them and shipping.
Ben Grinnell (00:25:46):
In addition to that, David and I did some exploration work for what guided journey. In-app video is one aspect or content is one aspect of this holistic guided journey where people would have more of a personalized experience in the app. We did some exploration around what it might look like to actually build out one component, and that is these are very scrappy mocks of just saying, “What would it look like if there was an onboarding flow when somebody comes into the app and they’ve got the ability to check off what their interests are and then some demographic information? Would that allow us to actually personalize content so that people felt that they have a journey that caters to them and their needs?” So if somebody were to be interested in weight loss, check that off and they had other demographic information, then we could serve up content that was just for them. That’s something that we are working towards and that is the in-app video update for the week.
Michael Mizrahi (00:26:48):
Thanks, Ben.
Ben Grinnell (00:26:50):
Call us.
Michael Mizrahi (00:26:55):
Even our sync meetings are async. There we go.
Josh Mohrer (00:26:58):
… membership model. There really is only a couple changes on this from last week. We’ve moved up the launch date to end of October, so likely Monday, November 1st will be the target date for membership transition. Jeremy and I had a jam this week and I’m still writing some stuff to bring everyone into the boat on this. You can learn more at Levels.link/Membership.
Josh Mohrer (00:27:22):
And then finally, next slide please, blood testing. This week Zac reviewed and Sam signed a new diagnostic agreement to get blood work phase two out the door. There’s some background work still happening on video creation and the tech implementation for this for phase two, which will probably be tech light, but should have something. And we are still hoping to get the phase two of this out the door sometime in September. This would be offered to a limited group of subscribers at first as a test, see how they like it. I think it’s going to be great. I’m really excited about it. I hope you are too. And that’s all for me. Happy birthday, Miz.
Michael Mizrahi (00:28:08):
[inaudible 00:28:08] Josh.
Josh Mohrer (00:28:08):
Helena just put in the chat about the birthday problem and I was actually going to lead with that as my lead in and in a group about the size of ours, it’s likely that there are people with the same birthday. Yes, as Andrew just said. So maybe we should start highlighting birthdays. I don’t know. We’d be doing it a lot there probably. Mute.
Justin Stanley (00:28:27):
All right, another update for my data. In the past week I’ve worked on some chart UI updates and adding the chart to the actual day view screen. I think what’s new since last week is there’s a zone highlight there, you’ll see, and at the top is a summary of the items within that zone. And the tool tip is now white to not collide with that summary at the top, which it was doing. Added the anomalies on the line here and removed the actual entries themselves from this line. But when you get into the zone or the analysis, they’re on the line still. And those are all internal. Some of this stuff is still in PR so wouldn’t see it for probably a day or so.
Justin Stanley (00:29:17):
Also, JM had noticed there was some weirdness with some zone information on the zone review. And the reason was if you had a spike happen in the last 30 minutes of that screen, we were showing 30 minutes after the zone finished just to… we had 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after. So ending 30 minutes is now removed because it just causes confusion. And we also, at the top there, we had the calendar date in the little slider and that’s now the weekday instead. Just so it’s easier to know, I guess. I’m a more of a relative person. I know what Monday is, I don’t know what day the week it was or the date. And then yeah, next up is the new catalog, which is the second tab on my data. That’s it.
David Flinner (00:30:06):
So good.
Murillo Nicacio de Maraes (00:30:09):
All right. A new project on scoring. A couple of scoring updates. The first one is just a shift in how we’re scoring an entire day. The idea here is to move from the metabolic health score to find an alternative to that. Because the feedback on that has been that people will start high and only decrease throughout the day. Or once they hit a low enough level, they know that it won’t go back up so they will just give up. So the metabolic health sport isn’t being… the idea here is to find something that would be more useful that we can have a more positive attitude towards, in the sense that even if you start the day with a low score with a meal that spikes you, you still have the rest of the day to recover from.
Murillo Nicacio de Maraes (00:31:12):
That’s the idea. We’re testing it out. There’s a V1 out internally, I think it’s version 196. You can try it out. Everyone can try it out. The idea here was that we weren’t going to push to Dexcom users because of the delay, but we fixed that. So now you should see the last hour you have data for so that you can see that score taking it up. And as you go through it, we’d really appreciate feedback. There’s already some great feedback on just seeing it and interacting with it. So we’d love for some more of that.
Murillo Nicacio de Maraes (00:31:51):
And next slide please. Yeah, some zone scoring changes as well. Based on Xinlu’s analysis, we removed absolute factors for zone score, so now it’s all relative. So things like glucose above a certain level because that was penalizing people with higher glucose. So we removed that. We also had another change which is to remove zero zone scores. So now the minimum score you can get for a zone is one. Yeah, that’s it for scoring.
David Flinner (00:32:34):
Sweet. Thanks, Murillo. We’re going to be pushing out the meal insights to customers with the next release, fingers crossed. The one that’s launching, it looks closer to the mock on the left here. The one on the right is still an inspirational concept that we might be iterating on. But this is an exciting step that helps our members really understand specifically what in their zone might be worth investigating so they can take action to correct it. And this is setting the stage for a lot of really exciting work that’s coming down. Alan will talk in a little bit about the new tags feature that we’re talking about, but essentially Levels needs to get better at understanding what people ate so that we can help you make better choices, meal swaps, get a better context on the things that you are eating and how they’re affecting you. So excited to get some feedback on this from real members and then also excited about all the company thought that’s been going into the B2 versions of this that Alan will touch on later. Next slide.
David Flinner (00:33:33):
All right, we continue to iterate on the social features. One thing I love about how we’re approaching this is that we didn’t spend nine months specking out what the ideal social experience for Levels is, but we took a really minimal approach and saying, “Hey, what’s a bare minimum cool idea we could try?” And then push it out to us internally. And so we’ve all tried it, we’ve been getting a lot of feedback, seeing what works and what doesn’t. And Jhon and Hao have been working on another round of features based on our feedback. One of them was people want more details on the food. The food is really interesting to see and people want to drill into the zones and see more details. Another one is making it more people like, so adding the profile pictures, adding emoji reactions. I’ll get into that in the next slide actually. Go to the next slide.
David Flinner (00:34:19):
Yeah. Sweet. Inherent to social is just people, so we need to make Levels be all about people. And Gabriel is working on a new version of the me page that makes it more about you, your picture, your name, and a really simple, lightweight way to just add your photo. And if you don’t have it, we’ll just show the first initial, last initial little name badge. That’ll be really nice, just a stable framework for how we approach representing people for a V1. Next slide.
David Flinner (00:34:55):
Jhon has been working on making the zones that you see in the community glucose view tappable. You see here, if you load the glucose view and you find a really interesting meal that you might want to learn more about, gather more details, you can tap into it. And now you can see that’s Mike D’s zone at the top. Still a little bit of a work in progress, but pretty soon you’ll be able to do that and that’s setting the stage for something that Alan will talk about in a few minutes here on the new social version of its zone page. Next slide.
Michael Mizrahi (00:35:27):
Sorry, video’s getting in the way. There we go.
David Flinner (00:35:30):
All good. And then Jhon and Hao have been adding iterations on the emoji picker based on your feedback, we’ve simplified it, now you can only choose five, focus on positivity. And we’ll be able to test this out soon once the back end’s finished. Next slide. Alan?
Alan McLean (00:35:52):
Great, thanks David. I’m excited about all those changes in the queue there, that’s really promising. A big part of these experiments that are happening right now, they essentially come back to the zone page. And so we’re starting to do some design work to look at how we can take the heart of the Levels value proposition and create space for some of these new experiences. And so some of the how might we’s in this are how give you a little bit more insight into how that meal affected you? We’ve seen Xinlu’s work there. How it may actually make suggestions, swaps on meals, things like that. And how can we also leverage the Levels community to help you achieve your health and wellness goals? On the left, that’s what we have today, some variation of that. Next slide.
Alan McLean (00:36:39):
Oop. There you go. And so what we need to do is make a little bit more space and we want to address some of the issues that we know about right now in the zone page. So we’re starting to elevate some of those key actions and bring them a little bit closer to the score. We’re providing some affordances for things like community reactions. You can see that on the right. There’s comments and emoji reactions. Insights, a big tap in the middle or at the top with a little notif badge, lets you know that we’ve noticed something interesting about that meal. And then we’re bringing the compare tool up a little bit higher because we think there’s a lot of value there. Also, we have some pretty badges and colors, which was [inaudible 00:37:18] that before. I think maybe part of that though is also just making these zones feel special and feel like a real reward when you get it.
Alan McLean (00:37:29):
And then also in addition to that, we need to create a home for this discussion. And so we could try to just bury it all on the homepage, but I think probably what’s going to happen there is a lot of people are going to miss it. And so if we give it a little bit of space to breathe, we can really do it justice. So here’s a separate page that’s connected to the zone view just around discussion and comments and reactions. And then on the right, a breakdown, some kind of analysis on the ingredients that were part of that meal and how they may have affected you. Next up on that right side will be things like suggestions and swaps. Next slide.
Alan McLean (00:38:07):
Okay, another big one. More logging structure. There’s been some amazing work done so far to take apart these preformed notes and see what ingredients we can take away from them. That work will obviously continue. And the nice thing today about the logging pages that it’s pretty low friction, it’s a photo, it’s text if you want. But it’s also pretty difficult for us, for what actually in that there’s a lot of NLP stuff that has to go on in there. And so we’re looking at ways that we can add some more structure to food logs without compromising the low friction experience. Next.
Alan McLean (00:38:49):
I think one of the nice things about the logging experience right now is that it’s text. Your thumb doesn’t have to move a lot. It’s not sliders and selecting portions and things like that. So we want to take advantage of that and potentially integrate in tags into food logging. You can still take advantage of the previous logs, there in the left, I type C-O, I get things I’ve logged in the past, like coffees and cookies. But as I keep typing and this is immediately a power feature, if I hit the hashtag, I can bring in tags and start tagging and adding structure to my meals. And the beautiful thing about that is that in a large content space like this, you can potentially start to have emergent behavior come to the fore. And there’ll be different types of users with different types of models for logging, so perhaps it’s not just what’s the ingredient, but what’s the life context? Maybe I can go #flu if I’m feeling sick. Or I’m preparing for a run so I can go #Boston as I prepare for the Boston Marathon.
Alan McLean (00:39:48):
And so what we start seeing here is potentially the ability to start categorizing things a little more flexibly. And in that social experience we can start doing things like surfacing categories and potentially showing population comparisons for specific tags. That’s it for explorations and design
David Flinner (00:40:09):
Real quick, we’re adding the beta badge to the production app icon so that we can help set expectations that Levels is in beta mode and we want your feedback. So front and center, love it. Excellent. All right, lots of great work this week. I’m going to breeze past this because we’re running slow. Back to you, Miz.
Michael Mizrahi (00:40:28):
All right. Yeah, great updates there. Thanks guys. On the hiring side, we still have two primary roles open, software engineer, continuing to see a lot of great candidates. So thanks to all those who are interviewing, really excited about some of the candidates we’re meeting every day. And then we also have the growth generalist. As you might remember, this was recently renamed from partnership specialist. And so Tom and Ben are taking the lead here. Also have got quite a pipeline but keep referring candidates if you’ve got them. The head of clinical product is still on pause, but we’re talking to candidates that we’ve met through that process as we refine the role and work on it further. Pass over to Chris, go for it, Chris.
Chris Jones (00:41:08):
Hey, thanks Miz. As Miz mentioned earlier, we formed the new member experience function, which is really just bringing together two existing functions, which was the Member Insights, lot of the work Mike D. did, and then the Support Operations. More just trying to formalize that, really trying to share the learnings across all these listen posts, whether it’s in-depth feedback, what’s going on social to get that in the product team. Real quick update since we’re short on time. On the right, really trying to take a look at a lot of the dashboards and more get into operational cadence and a little bit more structure around it. So more to come around this. So it’s just a sneak preview, a lot of the work Miz and I have been doing in behind the scenes. So more to come here. That’s all I’ve got.
Michael Mizrahi (00:41:51):
Awesome. Very excited about a lot of this, a lot of important framework and insights that we can put in action. Thanks, Chris, for pulling that together. All right, this feels like the Jeopardy video round. Let’s go to you, Ben.
Ben Grinnell (00:42:06):
Hey team, this is an update for the growth financials for the week. We’re at 141 of recognized revenue, very strong week again carrying over from last week. A lot of conversions came from Mark Hyman. Last week we were around 363 I believe, during the time of forum. And we are at five, around 563. So say we’re 200 conversions greater than we were last week. Pretty significant impact on this week’s revenue. Monthly we’re at 585, so we’ve still got one third of the way to go through the month and we’re already significantly past our goal. As far as cash, we’re at 9.3, no changes to debt. The only caveat is runway is still showing at 60 months but we haven’t incurred those $1.3 million of invoices. So four months worth of invoices for Truepill and all the COGS and infrastructure fulfillment. So once we incur those invoices in the next week or two, runway will be around 42 months.
Ben Grinnell (00:43:07):
Next slide is growth theme of the week. This is to reiterate that we’re not in growth mode. And it’s something that is important to recognize and for us to think about because one, we’re at this point where we have to maintain focus on the four key drivers that we’re all rallying around. That being membership model, that being Dexcom, that being guided journey, that being social. What we’re seeing now, everything with Marc, everything with some of the immediate conversions and how we’re seeing strong weeks, this is all based on past execution. This is the podcast tour of 100 podcasts before to create awareness of Levels. That’s what’s creating the performance or the future results that we’re realizing now. So it’s important that, although we’re not in growth mode, we don’t get distracted by some of these numbers. Because growth can be really exciting to go through and it can become a bit of a distraction where we start to anchor on the wrong things like revenue on a weekly basis or the number of impressions that we’re getting on certain pieces of content.
Ben Grinnell (00:44:11):
And they’re all very good numbers to keep in the back of our mind, but not to deviate our focus on we have to execute on these four things today so that in the future we see continued growth and we continue to run tons of experiments. We’ve got this opportunity right now where we can plant lots of seeds and make mistakes because we still are in beta. The theme is keep executing. That’s what’s going to get us the future results. That’s what’s going to feel like this exponential growth moving forward.
Ben Grinnell (00:44:41):
As far as carve outs? Professionally, super excited about, had a little bit of exposure to a podcast that Miz and Sam had done. And Miz had put in a ton of prep into this podcast and it really got me excited. And then I also had some exposure to Casey’s podcast prep and how she prepares for things like the Mark Hyman podcast. And it was just cool to see their process and their diligence, so hat tip to them.
Ben Grinnell (00:45:11):
Also, nice to have Steph on the team, nice to have Helena on the team. And personally, Penelope’s been really interested in skateboard parks so she’s asked to go, on Saturday, I’m going to take her to the skateboard park and she’s going to bike around. So that is growth for the week and personal professional carve outs.
Ben Grinnell (00:45:34):
Hey team, this is an update for the growth financials-
Michael Mizrahi (00:45:40):
All right, over to Tom.
Tom Griffin (00:45:42):
… one more time. All right, going with a theme of the week today, building off a Ben’s message around not being in growth mode, I think it’s always a reasonable question to ask, especially for those newer to the company. Okay, if we’re not in growth mode, then why are we spending money on say, a new YouTube sponsorship that’s goal is presumably to drive conversions? And I think high level, as a reminder, there are a few main reasons that we pursue most of these promotions. The top three being the learning and experimenting, locking in partners before other companies in this space do, building brand awareness and adding revenue in there, even though it’s not a primary goal. And the one that I want to emphasize today is learning.
Tom Griffin (00:46:24):
As is the case with product and business model experiments, marketing is also in a very unique position right now during this chapter of the company’s life where we can experiment and learn really as much as possible prior to deploying more significant capital and resources towards growth later on once we have goals and targets that we need to hit on a monthly basis, which frankly changes the dynamics a little bit. I’ll dive into details of these upcoming experiments in the future, but these are a few examples here. Sponsoring a YouTube video on a channel that has millions of subscribers in a somewhat new market. Sponsoring Instagram post with a well known health influencer that has crazy high engagement. And then potentially sponsoring a series of videos with another YouTube creator. These are all relatively lightweight capital investments but they represent new experiments that are going to help us refine where we want to find our customers, and again, how we want to deploy growth capital in the future. Next slide.
Tom Griffin (00:47:23):
Okay, cool. Another quick update on Hyman’s record setting performance. Last week you’ll see on the left the graph that I showed which compared Hyman’s performance after just two days compared to all time top performing one month partner codes. And then here on the right, you’ll see that Hyman blew past, just in nine days, all other one month promos. We still have 11 days left in the month so that bar is going to get higher and higher. Next slide.
Tom Griffin (00:47:51):
Last slide. Just a quick shout out to Ali Spagnola. Ali is a content creating force of nature, most well known for multiple YouTube channels that have millions of subscribers and views and she’s been a partner of ours for a while. Giving her a shout out this week because she has made seven introductions in the last few days to YouTubers in this space and there are more coming. So Ali, thank you, we appreciate you. And for anyone watching, go check out her channels and like and subscribe and all that good stuff. That’s it.
Michael Mizrahi (00:48:22):
Thanks Tom. Over to you, Mike.
Mike Haney (00:48:27):
On the content side too, good pieces up this week, a really nice connection with a cardiac surgeon. I think this is the best conversation I’ve had at around metabolic health plus something else. We write a lot about that and we do a lot of wonky deep dives, but this is a really nice just human discussion of it. And he says at one point, heart disease is metabolic disease until proven otherwise. And the how to reverse pre-diabetes, really nice deep dive into a subject that we’re going to keep coming back to because I think this is probably the way a lot of folks are going to come into metabolic health is through pre-diabetes, either their own or relatives. So that was a good piece.
Mike Haney (00:49:06):
A couple things coming up, we are shifting our PR priorities a little bit through the fall to really try to promote some broader metabolic health stories. So not just Levels promotion, but really just trying to raise awareness of the space. And so JTPR is doing a lot of really interesting pitches around that, starting with COVID and glucose. And also then taking advantage of our great advisors to be sources for journalists. So it’s not always just talking to Levels people, but again, these brilliant advisors we have. So excited for that pitch to go out and see what kind of uptake we get. On the same front, we’re building out the capability to have all of our articles reviewed by experts. So again, great help that we’ve gotten already from the advisors, but so that we don’t overtax them, we’ve got another 15 to 20 now folks in Casey’s network that we’ve added and we’ll keep growing that list. And some really good, everyone, on content articles in the works. Aaron, our new writer, has really been making good headway on that.
Mike Haney (00:50:02):
Quickly, the stat of the week, I think it’s good not just for this to be greatest hits but for sometimes to show learning opportunities. So our newsletter this week was the lowest performing one that we’ve had, at least since I’ve started. I’m going to go with JM’s explanation on that, which is August is just a bad month for newsletters. Everybody’s away. Maybe the topic or the subject line didn’t quite resonate. But these kinds of things are always good learning opportunities to see what works and what doesn’t. So next week hopefully we’ll get a good bounce back.
Mike Haney (00:50:33):
Next slide. Just quickly, one of the projects I’ve talked about is the blog redesign or refreshed, depending how you want to frame it. These are just some of the early wire frames and designs we’ve gotten in from a great designer that Ben knew and brought into the mixed name Alex. So just wanted to put these in front of people. I won’t go into depth about them, but just to show a direction that we’re headed into. This is probably still a few months out from becoming a reality because it all has to be actually implemented by Reactive. But some cool stuff coming there, I’m really excited about this new look. That’s it for me.
Michael Mizrahi (00:51:04):
Great, thanks Mike. We’ve got about five minutes for shares. If anyone has a hard stop at the top of the hour, feel free to drop. But Tom, you’re taking us off, go for it.
Tom Griffin (00:51:14):
Holy smokes. I met Sam this week and I’ve known him for about a year and a half, so that was weird. We walked around Manhattan for about two and a half hours, got in eight to nine miles, which was nice and talked about the future of Levels, so that was really fun. And otherwise I’m working hard on my brother’s best man speech, which happens next weekend. The expectations are high and I’m freaking out a little bit.
Michael Mizrahi (00:51:43):
Sure you’ve got great things to say, so no pressure. Go for it, Hao.
Hao Li (00:51:49):
Yeah, welcome Steph and Helena to the team. And really looking forward to test out the addictive scores. And personal wise, I’m just going to read the High Growth Handbook just to catch up so I can join the reading book club.
Michael Mizrahi (00:52:11):
Awesome, thanks Hao. Chris?
Chris Jones (00:52:14):
On the Levels side one, first, big warm welcome to Stephanie and Helena. It’s very exciting watch the team grow and the passion that both of you have for the product is really cool to see. Also, super excited about the support this past week. So as we talked about the big spike due to the orders of the podcast, our support volume jumped 28% in a week. And not only did they maintain performance, they actually improved upon other weeks in terms of responding to customers. So a huge shout out to the team, that was just exciting to see them take that spike in stride. And then on a personal note, just looking to spend some time in nature on long bike rides in the woods now that the weather’s not 95 degrees every day.
Michael Mizrahi (00:53:03):
Yeah, big plus one on the support team performance keeping up, is great to see. Go for it, Stacie.
Stacie Flinner (00:53:11):
Levels side, I love hearing from new members who are joining the team. So welcome Helena and Stephanie, it’s really inspiring to hear how you came to know about us and excited for your contributions. And then on the personal side, I never talk about this, but I run a fashion and interior design and travel blog and this month I launched a limited edition collection of capes with an Italian company that I’m really excited about, they’re called Marta Scarampi. And so that’s going well and it’s just something that’s been really fun to see people just respond to the process of making something and bringing it to market.
Michael Mizrahi (00:53:55):
Awesome. Congratulations on the launch. Go for it, Jhon.
Jhon Cruz (00:54:01):
[inaudible 00:54:01], it’s working really well. I’m most excited that the new people on the team are getting up to speed very quick. It was great working with Kunal on his first mobile task. And I also had a great chat with Stephanie. Looking forward to chatting with Helena in the next few days.
Michael Mizrahi (00:54:22):
Great. I don’t think Tom is with us this week, but Murillo, go for it.
Murillo Nicacio de Maraes (00:54:27):
Yeah, excited to see the team grow, plus one on that. And just seeing the product evolve so quickly, seeing it just change so much over the last couple of months. Just seeing the duration speed stay up and actually pick up, it’s quite something. Yeah, personally I have some big news. I’m getting married in October, so yeah, really jacked about that.
Michael Mizrahi (00:55:01):
That’s awesome. Congratulations.
Murillo Nicacio de Maraes (00:55:01):
Scott Klein (00:55:01):
Michael Mizrahi (00:55:08):
Great. Well, we’ll celebrate in October, but yeah, looking forward to that. Canal,
Kunal Shah (00:55:13):
First of all, welcome Helena and Steph. Super great to have more people on the team. Beyond that, Levels wise, it’s been really great having the experience pair programming with some of the people on the team. I’d like to give a shout out to Jeremy and Jhon. I got the chance to work really closely with them on a number of features and was really rewarding. I want to echo what some other people had said about feeling like the dumbest person in the room. The amount at which I learned just working with people is astonishing. Beyond that, it’s really cool seeing every single section of the business move so quickly. I feel like there’s always so much to learn and it’s great. And then beyond that, on a personal front, I have an Eight Sleep coming in and my girlfriend and I have been saving for it for a while, so we’re super excited for it. And beyond that, looking to maybe go climbing for the first time, I’ve grown curious about it.
Michael Mizrahi (00:56:10):
Awesome. That’s great. Helena, your first share.
Helena Belloff (00:56:14):
Hi. Well professionally, I’m just really excited to be here and to be meeting everyone and really excited to do a deep dive into some of our data. And then personally, I put this in the chat, but my birthday is actually tomorrow, so hopefully the weather in New York holds out and I’ll be outside.
Michael Mizrahi (00:56:41):
Awesome. We can celebrate together. Happy birthday.
Helena Belloff (00:56:44):
Happy birthday.
Michael Mizrahi (00:56:47):
Gabriel (00:56:49):
Yeah, like others have said, really excited to see the team grow. [inaudible 00:56:54] Stephanie and Helena, really exciting. And yeah, plus one to what Jeremy said, I’m excited for the air and water show this weekend. It’s been incredibly loud for the last two hours with the jets practicing, but it should be a fun time.
Michael Mizrahi (00:57:11):
Great. How’s it going, Jesse?
Jesse Lavine (00:57:16):
Hello everyone. Yeah, also really excited about the team growth. Welcome Steph and Helena. This weekend I am taking a round trip one day commute to Dallas to play golf with a friend. So that’ll be exciting. And the first time I’ve ever flown back and forth in one day to one place.
Michael Mizrahi (00:57:36):
… at this point. I think Mike D. is not with us today, but Stephanie, all yours. Steph, sorry. Do you prefer Steph?
Stephanie Coates (00:57:45):
Either one works, but typically I do go by Steph. Yeah.
Michael Mizrahi (00:57:47):
Great. Noted.
Stephanie Coates (00:57:48):
Yeah. Professionally, super excited to be here and joining and shout out to everyone that’s been so available and supportive with the onboarding process so far. Personally, on the nomad front, I am driving out to Salt Lake City cross country this weekend to move out west and so really excited for that.
Michael Mizrahi (00:58:09):
Have a good drive. Laurie, great to have you here. Take it away.
Laurie Morrison (00:58:15):
Hi. Oh, it’s so great to hear everybody and what they’re doing, the plans. We did have our date last weekend. It was actually just a quiet meal that we cooked together and it was good just to connect, so that’s always great with your significant other. And because the weather is better in California, we have trees to trim this weekend. So while you are off biking and having fun, just think of us. We will be in a very large mulberry tree that’s trying to eat the front of my home, but maybe I’ll put a couple pictures, it’s pretty impressively large. Thank you.
Michael Mizrahi (00:58:53):
Sounds like your grounds are always in top shape between the ponds and the trees. Great.
Laurie Morrison (00:58:58):
They’re always in need, that’s one thing.
Michael Mizrahi (00:59:01):
Yeah. Go for it, Rob.
Robert Lustig (00:59:03):
Oh, okay. You know I’m your nutrition go between, so two things. One, a major paper came out in Nature, Casey’s got it to distribute to everybody. Basically saying fructose increases the amount of nutrients you absorb by increasing the villi in your gut in terms of their size. And the reason is because it basically causes increased growth of your intestine. The question is, why would I do that? Answer: because at harvest time you need to store everything because winter’s coming. So this actually makes Darwinian sense and I’m very excited. Number two, yesterday I had a private audience with the head of the nutrition subcommittee of the US Congress, Congressman Jim McGovern from Worcester, Massachusetts. He gets it. Now, whether he’ll be able to do anything about it is another story because he’s got a lot of, shall we say, people on the other side, but at least there’s somebody in Congress who gets it.
Michael Mizrahi (01:00:06):
Good to hear and has our support. Go for it. Scott.
Scott Klein (01:00:11):
Professionally, Alan, I just want to say I really appreciate you. Were a design machine and it’s really fun to follow along. So I am really appreciative of our culture right now where we can chime in. And there was a thread late last night where people were just like, it seemed like from all reaches of the company, trying to help out around some of them with the food logging stuff. So that’s exciting. Personally, we’re still just super sleep deprived, so trying to take it easy. My wife’s brother was gone for six weeks and they just got back, so we gave it the COVID wait after his flight, so we’re going to go spend some time with them this weekend.
Michael Mizrahi (01:00:45):
Great. Enjoy. Go for it, Alan.
Alan McLean (01:00:48):
Yeah, I was thinking, looking at threads, that I’m usually not so big on tracking everything, but I’m seeing the engagement on some of these posts and the comments and reactions and everything and it’s very exciting. You’ve got this trackable way of seeing what’s resonating with people. So I’ve been really enthused by that. So I’m excited where things are going on the product design side. And personal, this is my last backyard meeting. Everything’s packed up. Movers come tomorrow. So yeah, that will be occupying my weekend.
Michael Mizrahi (01:01:26):
All right, good luck with the move and we’ll miss you out here in the Bay Area. Come visit. I think JM had to drop, so we’ll go to Haney.
Mike Haney (01:01:39):
I’ll add on the excitement about the new folks joining. Every time I think we’ve added the most interesting person I’ve ever read about, we add somebody who’s even more interesting, so loving these bios and excited to meet these new people. On the personal side, I’ll be out for forum next week. I’m headed back to the Northwoods of Minnesota to see some folks and family I haven’t seen in a couple of years. So excited about that.
Michael Mizrahi (01:02:03):
Great, enjoy the time and enjoy the family. On my end, I think on the work side, I’m just going to call it, the amount of product that we’re pumping out is very, very impressive. There’s always new features to check out and it’s really cool to see many different engineers across all different sides, all producing quite a bit. So hats up to that team. On the personal side, yeah, birthday today, doing a birthday ride with some friends tomorrow in the Headlands, some gravel and very much looking forward to that. So hopefully the smoke stays away. Justin?
Justin Stanley (01:02:34):
Super stoked about Steph and Helena. And also the whole tagging system, just that opening up for sure tons of possibilities is super exciting. I always log every meal and I hope that one day that data will be usable in more capacity. Personally, getting together with some past SkipTheDishes engineers I used to work with after work today. Yeah, that’ll be fine.
Michael Mizrahi (01:03:01):
Great. Have fun. And then I think we’ll go to Casey next.
Casey (01:03:06):
Hey, echo going others, so excited about Steph and Helena joining. Welcome. Also, super pumped about the food logging upgrades. I think this is going to have incredible implications for the analysis and research we can do on a large scale and also member experience. And also just really thrilled about some of these super meaty blog posts that we’ve been putting out recently. Definitely check out the pre-diabetes piece and longevity piece if you haven’t, these are awesome and we’re definitely a huge amount of work for Haney and team. These are just really incredible pieces. Personally, thrilled to be here with Andrew and excited to get out to the mountains this weekend.
Michael Mizrahi (01:03:46):
Awesome. Have a good hike and be safe out there. We’ll check out those posts. “How Casey loves me.” Nice, Andrew. And then rounding out the end of it, Zach, why don’t you finish this up?
Zac Henderson (01:03:58):
Yeah, I think the things that I’m most excited for on the professional front are, I had some opportunities to kind of jump in and be able to be useful just in my first and second week. I wasn’t totally expecting that and it was awesome. And I think I’m really excited to begin getting our regulatory position down on paper so that it’s something that we can really stand on and feel good about Moving forward. That just feels good. On a personal front, honestly, it’s kind of a crossover personal-professional. I feel like every time I have a one-on-one with one of y’all, it’s like, Ah, this person could be my best buddy too. And that’s just got a really good feeling. And that just, I think stems from our culture and the way we hire and just you all, so personal and professional is pretty mixed this week.
Michael Mizrahi (01:04:42):
That’s great. And yeah, great to have you in the mix so quickly. It’s been a bit fun working together. I think that rounds us out. Thanks for staying long, folks. We’ll move into the cafe hour, so if you’re sticking around for that, feel free to stay on the Zoom. But otherwise, congrats on a great week and enjoy your weekends.