Inside Levels

How Sarah Tickell improved her diet and reversed her prediabetes
Natalie Lumpkin’s CGM experiment inspired her diabetic dad to watch his glucose, too
What a can of Coke—with and without a walk after—does to your blood sugar
Dr. Mark Hyman joins Levels as advisor
How CGM helped chef Paul Canales change the way he thinks about food
Why Rachel Soper Sanders believes in personalized data
Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried joins Levels as advisor
Lee Patrick finds unexpected weight loss with CGM
How pro cyclist Christina Birch uses glucose control to power training and recovery
Martin Tobias on how he believes biohacking prepared him for COVID
Matt Alston finds the value in real-time feedback
Levels names Dr. David Perlmutter as new advisor
Esther Dyson thinks the future of health is self-awareness … and a society that makes good choices easy